Part 70: 10/9/11-10/11/11
10/9/11That guy who was afraid of cats seems to have turned things around.

> The man is covered in scratches…
Ailurophobe: The Red Goldfish you gave me… Thanks to that, the kitties were all over me!
Ooh, those kittie-witties were soooo cute! The feeling of their soft fur is great!
I almost want to get married more for the cat than Miyoko-san! Ooh, I want a kitty-kiss!
> You accomplished the request written on the ema!
I think this dude kind of went overboard. Anyway I stopped by with Hisano afterwards.

> Hisano smiles gently…

Death is the entity that takes people to the gods.
For those trying to reach the gods, and to the families of those people, Death can be an ally.

"Why did that person have to die?" That's the question everyone wants to know the answer to.
How is it right that this life had to come to an end…?
The person did nothing wrong, and yet…
We want to think that they went to the gods…
They've been summoned to Heaven, and there's nothing we can do about it. We try to convince ourselves of that…
Sometimes… we look forward to Death taking them up to the gods…
You don't quite understand it yet, do you?
I'm sort of happy that I really don't.

> Hisano smiles gently…
> You can feel the kindness in Hisano's heart.
But I'm still not sure why she calls herself Death.

Before I realized it, I…
I'm sorry. You don't want to hear this, do you?
I'm going home now. You be careful, too.
> You left Hisano and went home.
Had the day off today, I decided to talk to Hisano again.

It must be boring, listening to this old bag's stories…

> Hisano smiles cheerfully.

I decided to talk about my horrible girl-based failures.

> You talked about girls.

> Hisano smiles cheerfully.

> Hisano is thanking you for spending time with her…
> You feel your relationship with Hisano has grown even deeper.
And that's when she dropped a bombshell on me.

> Hisano smiles sadly…

> Hisano left…
> After saying she didn't want to see you again, she left without giving you a chance to respond…
> What should you do…?
> The sun has set, so you decide to go home.
I have no idea what to do about this, I'll have to think it through.
Exams are worrying everyone I think.
VIDEO- "Studying"

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Oh, hey! We should have a study session with everybody else after school!
We're all in the same boat, right? Let's help each other out!
Oh Chie.

…Okay, so what if I'm more on the "being helped" side than the "helping others" side?
Come on! Help those of us who are academically-challenged! I'll invite everyone! Please!
It doesn't help that they're still going over new material that'll be on the exams.

Ms. Sofue: I'm gonna spend a little time covering the king who served during the golden age of the Bourbon dynasty, Louis XIV…
Known as one of the most prolific rulers in France, he's also remembered for his famous line, "I am the State."
His achievements turned France into one of Europe's most prestigious nations, earning him the title of "Sun King."
He excelled in politics, and he's also the one responsible for building the Palace of Versailles.
So… the Sun King certainly left his mark in history, but he also had an interesting personal quirk.
Let's see… Souji, would you stand up, please?
What part of his physical appearance was the Sun King, Louis XIV, most concerned with?
I mean you just need to look at a painting of the guy to see he was overcompensating.

Ms. Sofue: Hohoho… You're right. He was a short man, who was concerned about his height.
One record says he wore shoes with an 8 centimeter heel, and that he even specially ordered his wig.
That wig alone was an astounding 20 centimeters tall!
On top of that, he wore a hat with gorgeous feathers so he'd be seen as a great man worthy of being a king.
Hoho, knowing that, doesn't it make you identify with him a little? Even though he was a monarch, he was still human.
So… midterms start at the end of this week. Don't forget to review.
We headed to the food court at Junes after school.

*sigh * Times like these, I'm jealous of Teddie…

Uhh, base by height by 2?

Yosuke's going to get hit one of these days.

You're pretty cute when you're angry.

But the more I feel that way, the more I want to know who I really am…
I've surfed the net, read manga, watched TV…
I even went to a place called the libeary, but I still can't find anything about me…

This was definitely more interesting than studying.

And over in that place filled with Shadows, I think I was some sort of special being…

Maybe it's that "amnesia" thing I read about in a book the other day.

Still, there's no point in applying the principles of logic and deduction to a place like that…
But the fact that you existed in such a world from the beginning adds credibility to your theory.
There is little doubt that you are a "special being" on the other side.
If you yourself know nothing about it, perhaps it's true that part of your memory is missing.
Tell me, what is the earliest memory you can call to mind?

Then it started to get noisy, so when I happened to bump into Sensei and Yosuke, I asked them to do something about it…

Nanako was looking sort of confused, and rightly so.

I read in a story that a king was all alone inside a forest because of a bad guy's curse.
Isn't that what happened to you, Teddie?

*giggle * I can see him wearing a cape…

There were all these other Kings too, and we all-
Okay, not for innocent ears there.

> Everyone left their seats to go buy drinks with Nanako.

> Teddie is smirking…

> You sense Teddie's strong trust…
Still, his heart's in the right place.

I'm sure we'll learn the truth one day.