Part 76: 10/28/11-10/30/11
10/28/11Yosuke has ruined all of our lives.
VIDEO- "Karma"

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> "The 'Miss' Yasogami High Pageant!"
> …It seems that a cross-dressing pageant is also going to be held at the Culture Festival.
Eager Student: Hey, it's Yosuke! We're expecting great things from you!

Ooh, some people have signed up already. Hahah, man, what idiots would want to be in this thing?
Let's see… Yosuke Hanamura…
Wait, and… Kanji Tatsumi!?
You're on here too!
> "Souji Seta"… That's your name, all right!
Impressed Student: Wow, there's a lot of contestants. Didn't we only get, like, two people last year?
Disinterested Student: I heard this year, even if someone else signs you up, you can't back out.
Impressed Student: Well, that's not cool… Hey, but what if they did sign themselves up?
Disinterested Student: Ewwww, what a disturbing thought. Seriously, that's really wrong.

It's them… They must've done this…
> It seems that you'll have to enter the cross-dressing pageant at the Culture Festival…
Needless to say this demanded a response.

Rise-chan started saying, "Let's all have fun with this!" so I didn't really have a choice.
And Kashiwagi seems happy, too, now that there's more people involved in it.

It's because of you that we can't back out of the beauty pageant, so it serves you right!

We'll make you absolutely enchanting. Okay?

Yeah I mean Yosuke really screwed them over but this was kind of excessive.

You know already, right? Once someone signs you up, you can't back out.
If you've got a problem with that, go talk to Ms. Kashiwagi.

I ain't doin' this! Period!

I don't think it would be wise to disappoint a teacher too much.

Rise-chan's with us too.
There's no way you won't turn out pretty.

I don't know what's worse, that I'm having to envision us in dresses or that I'm going to have to KNOW what it will look like.

I seriously refuse…

> It seems that you can't refuse…

What kinda joke is this…?

At least it's on the second day of the festival, so there's still one day left before we're all abjectly humiliated.
Is there anything Yosuke's good at? I'm going to posit that the answer to this question is no.
VIDEO- "Never Do This"

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> …No one is stopping by.

Ooh… This is so embarrassing…
There's not that many people passing by here in the first place…
Male Class Rep: I think we need some shills to drum up interest.

Male Class Rep: Who else is here besides us?

Male Class Rep: Do we have a choice? We need customers to get the ball rolling.
If there aren't many people passing by, we have to get the attention of the ones who are by any means necessary.

I came to check up on you… guys?

Male Class Rep: Eh, you guys are cross-dressing tomorrow anyways. One of you can sit on the girls' side.

You know what they say about snoozing and losing. And Yosuke deserving ANYTHING bad that happens to him.

Male Class Rep: There you go, Yosuke. You'll be our girl.

Male Class Rep: Well, let's get started.
Uhh… You guys can start now.
…………Will someone please start?
> The silence is heavy…

Yosuke needs to NOT DO THIS by the way. It's really creepy.

Yikes, this is really embarrassing…

Umm, umm…

Male Class Rep: I guess… cute girls?
Man, this is lame…

Your turn. What type of girls do you like?
God this is so awkward.

Uh, well, I…
I-I guess someone who's kind of mysterious, and looks strong but's actually kinda…

> Should you try asking a question…?
Yosuke hadn't suffered enough at this point in my estimation.

I-I mean-You idiot! Don't make me play along!

> The silence is heavy…
Rise walked in the door just then.

…Uhhh, ahaha…
W-Well, seeya!

> The first day of the Culture Festival ended on a strange note…
> You decide to at least walk around the school a bit before going home.
> Yasogami High hallway…
I checked out some exhibits with Daisuke and Kou, their class had a much better thing they were doing.

And who the hell came up with this play!? "Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet" …Dude, THEY ALL DIE!

> You had fun with Kou and Daisuke…
A bit later I was walking around with Ai, and we found an exhibit that was a bit out of place.

Familiar Voice: *chuckle *
You're a confident one…

You wanna challenge me? I bet you can't win!
Familiar Voice: Overestimating your competence will only work against you, miss…

I challenge you to read one fortune, no time limit! If I win, which I will, I'm going to destroy this stand!
The subject of this little contest is… Souji's relationships with girls!
Familiar Voice: *chuckle * If that's the case, I most certainly have the advantage.

> You share a stirring moment with Ai…
No comment on how that turned out. Tomorrow's the day. Ugh.
We got together before our abject humiliation to get ready. I wasn't even sure why Teddie was there, but he was.
VIDEO- "Abject Humiliation"

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> The cross-dressing pageant will begin soon…
> It looks like you'll have to give up and let Yukiko apply makeup on you.

It turns out I'm entering this too. I must win this contest to see my dream realized!

Well, if he's been signed up, there's nothing we can do about it.
Naoto-kun, can you lend us a hand? We'll leave Teddie to you.

So after we were dressed, our again I repeat abject humiliation began.

MC: Ladies and gentlemen!
We now begin the second day of the Culture Festival with the ever-popular "Miss" Yasogami Pageant!
Let's get right down to it and introduce our first contestant!
She's a runaway express train who's Inaba born and bred, and can kill with both her fists and her looks!
Presenting Kanji-chan of the first-year Class 3!
Yeah, Rise sort of failed at the admittedly impossible task of making Kanji 'pretty.'

Girl's Voice: Gyaaaaaah!
Ewww! That's so creepy!
Boy's Voice: This is wrong on every level…
MC: Now, don't rip me apart for asking, but… What would you say is your best feature?

MC: Whoa! A conventional answer from this all-too-unconventional beauty!
After such a strong start, I don't know how much of a chance the others have, but here's our second contestant!
An eloquent heiress of the noble Junes, she's pure disappointment from the moment she opens her mouth!
Presenting Yosuke-chan of the second-year Class 2!
The creepiest thing is that Yosuke was actually trying.

Girl's Voice: Holy crap!
And here I thought Yosuke-senpai would be able to pull it off!
Boy's Voice: Dude, it's terrifying… I can just imagine someone like him sitting across from me on a train!
MC: Now, you look ready to win in that outfit… Do you often dress like this?

Uh… *cough * Like, no way!

MC: I've already had about enough of this, but there's still more to come! Up next, our third contestant!
She has the mildly bitter tang of the city, and she's made more girls cry than there are stars in the sky!
Presenting our transfer student who's been breaking hearts in the second-year Class 2, Souji-chan!
I think I ended up with the most dignity remaining out of this. Which is still not much.

Girl's Voice: Senpai!? Why are you doing this!?
Boy's Voice: Whoa… I thought he was cooler than that…
MC: Sounds like your entrance is causing quite a stir! Did you sign yourself up?

Damn that Kashiwagi…
How dare she tear way our innocence like this! Now I'm scarred for life, dammit!
MC: Our last contestant is a random, unaffiliated entrant! She's a friend of our other "beauties"!
Calling herself "King of the TV World," she's a cute, sexy little number!
Give a warm welcome to Teddie-chan!
It seems all that experience disguising herself as a guy has made Naoto very good at this.

Girl's Voice: Huh!? That's a boy!?
He's so cute!
Boy's Voice: I'd hit it…
> The votes have been collected…
MC: And the winner of this year's "Miss" Yasogami Pageant is…
The random contestant who won everyone's hearts, Ms. Teddie!
As our champion, Ms. Teddie will receive a very special prize…
Later this afternoon, we will be hosting the Miss Yasogami Pageant, with actual beauties this time!
Your reward is a position as an honorary judge in that pageant!
So that's what Teddie was after. He did this weird dance that will haunt my nightmares to celebrate.

MC: Well then, Ms. Teddie, how does it feel to have won the pageant and become a judge?

I decree that one of the judging criteria later this afternoon will be…
Tadaaaaa! A swimsuit competition!

I have no idea what transpired while they were getting ready for the real pageant but it sounded like things were… heated.
VIDEO- "The Real Deal"

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Female Student: Mr. Teddie dropped this off.
He said that they're swimsuits…

I brought my own swimsuit, of course.

You call yourself an idol… But you're just jailbait with no brains, no guts, and especially no figure.

Th-That's it! Now I'm pissed!

You're going to lose. Now's your last chance to run away.

How can we cower and hide when they're picking a fight!?

Why are you letting yourself be so easily provoked!?
Th-Th-Th-There's no way!
Absolutely. No. Way. That I'm wearing a swimsuit!

At least it wasn't us this time. The pageant started out with Kashiwagi and Hanako, who are both terrible people. It then proceeded with an introductory round.

MC: The judging continues! Can you hear the crowd going wild!?
Now, for our next contestant, Ms. Chie Satonaka of the second-year's Class 2! Come on out, Chie!

MC: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

MC: Thank you very much!
Up next, another contestant from Class 2, Ms. Yukiko Amagi!

Um, my family runs the Amagi Inn.
If you ever find yourself in the area, please give us a visit.
Our hot springs are open to the public year-round, so whenever you're in the mood to enjoy them, please drop by…
MC: Alright, that'll do nicely!
Next up, a very familiar face-from the first-year Class 2, Ms. Rise Kujikawa!

I haven't been in town very long, but it's a great place and I'm 100% thrilled to be here!
So sorry that I'm not working as an idol right now! Risette's gonna do her best, so I hope you'll all cheer for me!
MC: The real Risette ladies and gentlemen, in the flesh! Thank you very much!
Next is the mysterious transfer student of the first-year's Class 1, Ms. Naoto Shirogane!

Naoto was clearly pretty uncomfortable to be up there, which she didn't really need to be.

This is beyond my wildest imaginings… I-I really don't know what to say…
…C-Can I step back now…?

MC: And with that, all six uniquely beautiful contestants are on stage!
Now, let's have our special judge, Mr. Teddie, ask them some questions.

Please keep in mind that if you anger me, you will be at a disadvantage…
Well, Ms. Chie. Do you have a boyfriend?

MC: A-Anyways, I have a surprise announcement for you all!
It seemed that Kashiwagi had taken Teddie's suggestion.

MC: And it's all thanks to Mr. Teddie here!
We'll take a brief break while our contestants put on their swimsuits and be back in just a few moments!
Teddie must have taken advantage of all those notes with the girls' measurments.

Chie-senpai is cute, though…

Nobody should have been surprised by what failed to happen next.

MC: Ms. Naoto?
She's not coming out…
Well, sad news, everyone, but Ms. Naoto won't be coming out for this portion.

Too bad, Kanji.

But don't you think it was brave of her to at least show up in the first round?

Well, it's about time we voted… Who're you going for?
I'd feel bad if nobody voted for Naoto, she did try really hard even though it was making her incredibly uncomfortable.

MC: Thanks for waiting, everyone. The results are in!
Looking at the way the vote went…
You guys out in the audience had a hard time picking a favorite!
Lots of different opinions, with every one of our contestants having their own enthusiastic supporters!
On the other hand, it looks like you girls were all thinking the same thing! And so there's a clear winner…
Grand prize goes to…!
I didn't really see this coming.

MC: Her androgynous charm seems to have won most of the girls' hearts.
We'd like to present Ms. Naoto with her award now, but…
It looks like she stepped outside.

Ahaha, that's pretty funny.

I think it's enough that we beat those hands down, Senpai!

We all got together after the pageant, we even managed to track Naoto down.
VIDEO- "After"

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I've got to make a business trip to the prefectural office, and I won't be back until tomorrow.
Shame it had to fall during your school's Culture Festival. Nanako and I were both looking forward to it…
Sorry to dump this on you, but could you show Nanako around?

And it seemed like we were going to finally get something out of all this horror.

Man, when was the last time I stayed at Yukiko's place?
We had a very nice room. We should have thought about that more.

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First thing they're gonna do is take Nanako-chan to the hot springs.

It looks pretty expensive…

I was trying not to think about it, but… You don't think something happened here, do you?

We all jumped suddenly at a loud noise.

> Kanji's hands are shaking…

Oh, I see! Cool, thanks!
That was the front desk.
Said the hot springs should be pretty empty right now.

We'll all face the same way and wash each other's backs, and we're gonna sing songs while looking at Mr. Fuji, right?

It's all thanks to you for bringing people over to my side.
Thank you, Sensei…
> Teddie is gazing at you in gratitude…
I was starting to think maybe this day was going to end on a high note.


Ahem, N-Nanako-chan!
Um… A-Are you okay with staying over at someone else's place like this? Aren't you scared?

At home, I'm always alone until big bro comes back.

I always do what my dad tells me, like not opening the door for strangers.

Yeah but there's no happy endings for us in this world. We surely must pay forever for Yosuke's sins.

> This is the worst possible situation! As the leader, you have to…
No point trying to press the issue here.

> You gave the order to retreat!

I got the times mixed up… Ahahahaha!

Crap, I think we went too far with them…

We thought things had reached their lowest possible point.

They're so evil… Evil, I tell you… *sob *

*sigh *

Did you, uh… see anything?

Let's just go to bed…

Do you… hear something?
Sure enough there was some kind of goddamn ghastly wailing. I really don't need shit like this. Oh and I also remembered where I'd seen this fucking room before.

I was trying to block it out, and you had to go and say it!
S-So that's why there's talismans here… Yukiko… That witch tempted us here knowing full well…!
Dammit! First the hot spring, now this! We've been completely suckered!
Ohhhh crap…
There's no way I'm sleeping through this!

I can't sleep soundly unless I'm watching everyone's sleeping faces as I drift off.

Hey, what should we do…?
Clearly we needed to NOT DO what Teddie was suggesting because god damn has nothing good come from Teddie or Yosuke in the last few days.

> It turns out you're going to be sneaking into the girls' room…
I don't even know where that crazy son of a bitch keeps that bear suit but damned if he didn't change into it.

But what about Nanako-chan…?

But try not to wake her up. He's not part of our revenge scheme.
I began to perceive an even deeper issue with what was going on here, so I let Teddie and Kanji take the lead on this one.

Yuki-chan, I'm scared of the ghosts!

Ch-Chie-senpai, be gentle!

I now fear neither death nor hell, because I've seen what men were not meant to see.

Oh my! So that's how you guys are?
Awww! You should've said so!

Alright, boys… I'm all yours. And not a word about this to anyone!

> You've seen things no student should see…
> …You decide to give up and go back to your room to sleep.
Hell with all this, I'm living life to its fullest from this moment on.

Those two seem to get along really well… I'm surprised.

Usually they come to cry when something breaks their hearts…

> The night at the Amagi Inn passes by…
Next Time On Persona 4: The Calm