Part 85: 11/16/11-11/17/11
11/16/11Kanji came over today, he had some kind of plan.
VIDEO: "The Emperor"

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> You brought Kanji here at his insistence…

Oh, first though…
There's one more thing I figured out.
Rise stopped by our store the other day…
She said the dolls were cute, so I told her I made 'em.
Then she said that was creepy…
It kinda stung, but I kept on showing her the other stuff I made…
And in the end, she said, "Maybe you're an amazing guy after all."
It pissed me off the way she said it, but that aside…
I get it now… This is what he was talking about…
I've just been throwin' in the towel all this time.
Of course no one could understand me… I been keepin' my distance outta fear.
So I decided that I'd do things my way, no matter how tough, but…
It ain't just hanging out with guys who understand you and telling the rest to get bent…
You gotta make an effort if you want people to understand you. I wasn't even trying.
Not just about my hobby. But like, when the police suspected me…
It didn't even cross my mind to try to tell 'em my story. I let 'em think whatever they want.
And because of that, you, Ma, and that kid all got dragged into it.
Kanji finally I think gets what his problems really were.

> Kanji is smiling wryly…

I want you to have this, Senpai.
> You obtained Cute Strap.

Now I can say it straight out… That "other me" is me.
And just like Yosuke, Yukiko, and Chie, Kanji gained new strength from this.

Now his persona is some flaming moustache demon or something. Don't ask me.

> Take-Mikazuchi has transfigured into Rokuten Maoh!

I get it… So I've become a little "stronger," huh…?
You're my hero, dude… And my best bud!
> You can sense Kanji's straightforward feelings…
> You feel a tight bond between you and Kanji…
But it does seem like he's happy now.

And of course vast supernatural power or something.

Today I'm holding the "Oven Mitt Puppets 101" class, right here!
Don't worry, even you can do it! It'll be reeeal cute!
Believe me!
> You spent more time than you planned with Kanji…
> ……
> It has gotten dark, so you said goodbye to Kanji…
I don't know what I'm going to do with all these oven mitt puppets, I guess if I get bored I can practice my ventriloquism or something.
It looks like it's going to start raining tomorrow.

Lazy Student: Wow, look at those clouds.
I heard the weather's going to get worse starting tomorrow.
Depressed Girl: Don't tell me the fog's going to come back… Gimme a break…
One of these days, I'm going to get hurt in the dark on my way home from cram school!
Lazy Student: Why don't I start walking you home tomorrow, Senpai?
And I think it's always raining for Mrs. Nakayama.

Mrs. Nakayama: Soon as you discover something's wrong, the sorrow's just gonna stick with you. …Really, don't rush into marriage…
Not that young people like you would understand until after you've made the mistake…
Hey, Hanamura-kun! Are you mocking me!?
Marriage is a big chunk out of your life! In the old days, people used to have to put deposits on it!
So, tell me, Hanamura-kun! What's the origin of the word "wedding"!?

…Wait. What did she just ask me? The origin of the word "wedding"…?
I only knew this because I'd thumbed through Nakayama's copy of Bitter Wives Quarterly when she was out once.

Mrs. Nakayama: That's right. A gamble. Did you hear me? It's a GAMBLE!!
If only I'd known… I wouldn't be in this mess now. Don't make the same mistake I did, people!
…I'll put it on the test so it gets hammered into your heads, okay?

…And sorry for not paying attention.
Naoto came by at lunch.

> Naoto seems rather embarrassed.

Umm, I want to go to your room.
> Naoto will be coming to your house after school…
The only girl that's ever been in here up to now has been Nanako.
VIDEO- "Fortune"

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I can see furnishings here and there that don't match your tastes…
…These are temporary lodgings, of course.
Judging by the position of your TV, you regularly watch the Midnight Channel from…

Oh, e-err… well…
> Naoto is blushing…

I-I… wanted to give you something…
I… err, made this.
Please accept it.
> You obtained Detective Badge.
Naoto makes some really great stuff.

Oh, but it flashes! I made myself one to match.
Don't laugh… or say it's stupid or childish… okay?
The title of "detective" became a burden to me…
I thought I had no other aspects apart from my detective self.
But you gave me a reason to be, as neither adult nor man…
Souji-san… Being with you…
I felt I was glad to be a detective…
D-Do you find the pitch of my voice strange?
I kind of like it when she stops trying to make her voice deeper, honestly.

Umm… I-I'll try…
How's this…?
…Hmhm, it's rather embarrassing.
But I never thought I'd get used to sounding like that. People change, I suppose…
I think I'll grow to like myself…
> Naoto is smiling gently…
Anyway Naoto also found a new power inside herself.

I actually do know this one, Yamato Takeru is a famous prince.

> Sukuna-Hikona has transfigured into Yamato Takeru!

I wasn't considering the things that I should have. The people who care about me, as well as my own self…
The detective, the child, the woman… The "me" who existed before them…
I am… simply myself.
I'm glad to have met you…
> You can sense Naoto's passionate love…
> You feel a tight bond between you and Naoto…
You know I need to figure out where this mysterious voice is coming from.

Because it's really sort of intrusive sometimes.

And I wasn't overmuch caring about crazy supernatural powers or whatever.

I'm not sure how to put it…
The puzzle of my emotions has been solved already, but…
I love you.
> You passed a long while with Naoto.
> ……
> It has gotten dark, so you walked Naoto to her house…
Oh, um, changing the subject I went out tutoring again.

Shu's Mother: I bought it from an online shop that's all the rage these days. It's been the top-ranked store for 15 weeks straight.
Just like Shu-chan! First place in everything!

Shu's Mother: But you're my pride and joy…
So, Souji-kun, about Shu…
Do you think he could make it into Tokyo University?
I don't have him to ever have to have any hardship. Once he's in a good college, he's "set," right?
Everyone has a natural talent. Shu-chan's just happens to be how smart he is!
I just want him to go to a good college so he can get a good job, then buy a good house and find a good-

Don't worry about me, Mom.
I'm always on top. I am right now, and I always will be.
Shu's Mother: That's right! He really is the perfect child…
> Shu's mother continues to lavish praise on her son…

…If I get into a good college… Am I really "set"?
His mother had left the room by then, so I decided to give my honest opinion on the subject.

> Shu sneers at you.

…Well, I need to study. There's no point asking about college unless I'm really smart.
> Shu is looking down…

…Do you know what that means?
Mr. Morooka would be cursing me from the afterlife if I messed this up.

> Shu nods.

I only have Mom, and the guys at school are all kids…
> It seems that Shu has opened his heart to you, if only a little…
> You feel that your relationship with Shu has deepened slightly.
I think Shu is going to be disappointed at how little it matters that he's very smart in a lot of situations.

> You finished your tutoring job and went home.
Hopefully he figures it out in time.
Next Time On Persona 4: The Widening Gyre