Part 91: 12/4/11 Part 1
12/4/11You know I'm actually sort of used to having supernatural forces intrude on my dreams at this point.
VIDEO- "The Velvet Room"

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It's been quite some time…
> It seems you've been summoned to the Velvet Room…

I have summoned you within your dreams.
Now then… Your journey has taken you quite a distance thus far.
Do you believe you'll be able to successfully solve this mystery…?
We've come so far, there's no way I'm giving up now.

The precise destination of this vehicle… That, too, is getting rather hard to judge.
If we continue driving blindly, we may end up leading you further away from the mystery that you must reach…
Well…? Why don't we take a moment to look back on your journey?
It was for that purpose that I summoned you here tonight.
> Voices you've heard many times before echo in your mind…

Just then, the limo stopped.

Though there isn't much time left, it can be worth your while to take the time to stop and reflect.

Some travel fast, some change their course… Experiencing countless events as they travel down the river of time…

The state of this room reflects the scenery of your heart…
Perhaps this may be a time for contemplation rather than action…
> You can hear something in the distance…
> It seems that you've been sleeping until now…
> You hear the doorbell ringing…
> Someone seems to be at the door…
It was Yosuke, and his news wasn't good.
VIDEO- "The Plan"

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Rise and the others are checking inside the TV to see if he's gone back to the other side.
We're meeting pretty soon, so will you come with me to Junes?
> Where could Teddie have gone…?
> …In any case, you decide to go look for him.
We couldn't find Teddie anywhere, though.

I wish I could do better… I'm sorry.

We told him over and over that he could stay here…
> You recall the mysterious dream you had last night…
> "This may be a time for contemplation rather than action…" That is what Igor said but…
There was nothing more we could do, we just had to trust that Teddie knew what he was doing and would come back to us when the time was right. We had other things to deal with.

He plays dumb a lot, but he's attached to us deep down… He wouldn't disappear without saying anything, right?

It won't be long before Namatame is transferred to another location.
We must hurry, or we will miss our only chance to get his perspective on this.

Of all the victims, only two were killed: Ms. Yamano, the announcer, and Saki-san.
From the documents we found in the car, we know Namatame had some sort of dealings with them.
After that, there were multiple attempted murders, in which we were targeted…
It was only when he took Nanako-chan that we caught him in the act, identifying his modus operandi in the process.

That's what's bothering me.

Oh, Kanji. But I have to say I'm glad we didn't throw Namatame into the TV now.

I don't think there's any doubt that it includes kidnapping people and throwing them into the TV.

He did call himself a "savior," and said that the other side is a "wonderful world."

Whaddya think, Senpai?
I already was thinking that didn't quite fit all of what he'd said and done, though.

When we first encountered him, he said…
"You're the ones I saved. Don't worry, I'll save this girl too…"
So um… If he "saves" people by killing them, did he save us too?
Wouldn't he actually have failed to save us…?

And another thing… The Namatame who appeared on the Midnight Channel said he failed to save Nanako-chan.

C-C'mon, don't get all quiet like that… You guys know I just say the first dumb thing that pops into my head… Haha…

Sure, we haven't nailed down his motives, but that doesn't change the fact that he killed them.
Or what, you think someone else was involved? What makes you think so?
> The possibility of a culprit besides Namatame…
> Could there be something that proves this possibility…?
If he thinks he's saving people, then why would he threaten us to stop rescuing people from the TV world?

> You recall that the first warning letter said, "dont rescue anymore"…
> And the second one said, "if you dont stop this time, someone close will be put in and killed"…

Would someone who thinks he's saving people by killing them write stuff like "don't rescue" or "kill"?

If the killer was writing it, wouldn't it be more like "I'll put in and kill"?

It's almost like… someone else wrote this letter…

If someone else wrote it, that could only mean…

There was only one conclusion that fit the facts: There was another culprit who'd written the letter.

In Namatame's parlance, "failing" would have been the first two cases, when the victims died.
If he had used his method twice, and failed both times, he would hardly have continued using the TV. And yet he did.
It all seems to suggest that someone else wrote this warning letter while observing the entire case…

It wasn't Namatame that killed Saki-senpai and the announcer!?

We urgently need to speak to Namatame face to face…
> You all worked together to take another step toward the truth…
If we were right, speaking with Namatame could crack this case wide open. The problem would be getting to talk to him.

But there's no time to waste. Let's hurry to the hospital!
Next Time on Persona 4: Namatame's Story