Part 7: 4/12-4/13: Pirates Are In This Year
Part 7: 4/12-4/13: Pirates Are In This Year
We just got Ryuji. Time to fight.
Music: Will Power

Kamoshidas cognition aint changin, right? Then Ill act like the troublemaker I am!
Ryuji uses Electric and Physical skills, as I said last update. He doesnt actually know any physical strikes at the moment, though, leaving just plain ol Zio to knock down these enemies. We wont be using Zio all that much because of Ryujis garbage SP pool, but its handy nonetheless.
This is not a very trying fight.
Music: Disquiet

...How bout that!?

So Ryuji had the potential too...

Even if you apologize now
I aint forgivin you!

I told you that this is my castle. It seems you still dont understand...


Whats going on

Yeah, now that you mention it
But why is she even here!?

How many times must I tell you until you understand? This is MY castlea place in which I can do whatever I want. Everyone wishes to be loved by me. ...That is, everyone besides slow-witted thieves like you.

Takamaki! Say somethin!

Calm down, Ryuji! It seems that girl isnt the real one. Shes the same as those slavesa being made from Kamoshidas cognition of her!

Are you jealous? Well, Im not surprised. Women arent drawn to problematic punks like you.


Clean them up this instant!

Were outnumbered
Lets scram before we get surrounded!

Were not gonna do anything and just run!?

Thank god youve got a level head.

Fine. Well expose what you really are, no matter what! You better be ready for us

Hahaha! I was beginning to get bored of torturing the ones here! Come at me whenever you want, if you dont care about your life! Haaaahahahaha!

Ignore him. Lets go!

*pant* Anyways! I dont remember changin into this!

Should I be happy about that?
Then again, it aint as bad as yours.

Did you find them!?


No. Search that way!

So whats goin on? Im completely lost, man

I told you before. When a Persona-user opposes a Palaces ruler and becomes a threat to them, this happens. Its to prevent you from being affected by distortions.

Is this
a skull?

Your appearance reflects you inner self. Its the rebel that slumbers within
...Not that youll get it.


Then stop asking questions and accept what you see for what it is.

Easy for you to say. *gasp* Wait, were in deep shit!

I said to be quiet!

We mightve gotten away here, but were still screwed with Kamoshida at the real school...

Thats quite sharp of you! ...For being an idiot. Relax. The Kamoshida in reality cant possibly know about what happens here. A Shadow is the true self that is suppresseda side of ones personality they dont want to see.

...So were OK?

Did the Kamoshida in reality remember about the execution?

There you have it.

All right! Now that we know that, all we gotta do is--

Wait. I guided you as promised. Its your turn to cooperate with me.

Thats why I was super nice about teaching you idiots everything.

Huh? Cooperate?

Dont you remember? I originally came here for an investigation. I need to erase the distortion from my body and regain my real form! Thats why we must delve deep into Mementos and--

Whoa, hold up. Whatre you goin on and on about? We never said anything about helpin you out.
Music: My Homie

Huh? Dont tell me
Are you not going to repay the hospitality I showed you? Especially you! Youre going to up and leave, even though youre already part of my master plan!?

Is it because Im not human
? Because Im like a cat
? Is that why youre making a fool of me!?

Were busy! Thanks for everything, cat. Youve got guts, bein a cat and all! See you around!

Hey! What the hell!? Ugh, seriously! Whyre you wrapping this up like everythings hunky-dory!?
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

...Thank god. Were back. I dragged you around a lot, huh? ...Sorry, man. Ugh, Im dead tired
How you holdin up?

Me too
Man, Im gonna sleep like a rock when I get home. But damn, if what we saw was for real, this is gonna get good! I totally remember the faces of the guys Kamoshida was treatin like slaves. Once we make em fess up to any physical abuse, Kamoshida will be done. So
wanna help me look for those guys or any witnesses?

Now thats what Im talkin about! Hey, so
If youre thinkin of layin low cause you got a record, I dont think thatll help
Everyone already knows. They totally got you pegged as a criminal.

Kamoshida opened his damn mouth!

No one else besides a teacher couldve leaked it that fast! It doesnt matter if its a student or a club; that asshole just wrecks things he doesnt agree with. Just like he did with me
! No onell take anything I say seriously. Still, those rumors about him gettin physical might be real. And after seein Kamoshidas distorted-heart thing in person, theres no way I can just sit back!
We should know what were getting into, man. Im not saying dont do it, but this could have unforeseen consequences.

You gotta do this! Ill help out too!


Im countin on you! Dont worry; Im hyped about this too!
Music: Interrogation Room

However, you did not. There are merits to having associates
Thats what you decided. Am I wrong?
Music: The Spirit
So, weve unlocked our first Confidant. These are just a themed version of the Social Links from 3 and 4. The tarot motifs return and everything. Speaking of which, Ryuji is not, in fact, the Magician, as one might think from his similarity in role to Junpei and Yosuke. He is instead the Chariot, which symbolizes concepts like determination and will power, but also a lack of control and aggression when reversed.

Right. I havent eaten anything since lunch. Itd be weird splittin off now, so why dont we grab a bite somewhere?

Just follow me. I mean, I totally gotta hear about your past!

The hell, man! How much shittier can that asshole get!?

Are you for real? If it was me, I wouldnt calm down until I punched that dick in the face. So
you left your hometown, and
youre livin here now, huh? We might be more alike than I originally thought.

I dont got a record like you do. I mean, thats not the point. I guess its how were treated like a pain in the ass by the people around us, like we dont belong. I did something stupid at school before, too.
Ryuji shovels the entire bowl into his mouth and slams it onto the counter.

The place youre livin now is in
Yongen, right? Its rush hour on the subways. I suggest you kill some time before headin home.
Ryuji places more of
something into your bowl.

Just lemme do it. I gotta thank you for helpin me. Anyways, I got your back like you got mine from tomorrow on. As long as we do something about Kamoshida, Im sure well both feel better about bein at school. Oh, yeah!
By occasionally they of course mean constantly. The deluge of messages in this game never ceases.

Just you wait, Kamoshida
Were gonna start right away tomorrow. First, lets hit up those guys that were kept as slaves. The volleyball rallys tomorrow, huh? Shits recommended by Kamoshida. Makes me wanna gag. But thanks to that, we got no classes in the afternoon, and we can walk around unnoticed. Well, I guess we can work out the details tomorrow
Meanwhile, at school...

I-I havent been sleeping well lately
Whenever I close my eyes, I keep thinking about too many things

Music: Confession/Secret

Nationals are coming up soon, so I keep thinking
Should someone like me really be on the starting lineup

Dont worry. Just be confident in yourself! Your skills have been recognized! Its all because you work harder than anyone else!

.. Yeah
Volleyballs all I have, after all

More importantly, was that injury OK? It looked really swollen.

No, its nothing. Its normal
Especially because a meets coming up...


Mr. Kamoshida told me to get you.

Huh? What does he want

He didnt say...

.. Ann, I

.. Itll be fine! I bet its a meeting about the starting lineup or something.

.. ...Yeah. Well, I better go...

Yup. Good luck!
Shiho and the quiet student leave.

Hang in there, Shiho
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

I take it you actually went to school today?

I guess you learned your lesson after what happened yesterday. Eh, as long as youre not getting into trouble, its fine by me. I dont know what youve been up to, but trust me, youll be gone if you start causing problems. In case you forget, your life is not a free one right now.


Youre a bro, man
Welp, seeya tomorrow! Lets save those guys whove been getting abused. You and me.

...Sheesh, are you even listening to me? Just stay away from bad influences, OK? Hey, Im gonna head home for the night. Ill lock the store up. Dont go wandering out.

We ended up at that weird place when we used this nav app, right?

I deleted it earlier, but it came back
Think its being downloaded on its own somehow?

Basically, its gonna depend on how we use it. But first we gotta find evidence for the beatings. Im counting on you, all right? Dont go ditching school on me.
Music: Aria of the Soul

I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you. What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?

Ah, glad to hear it. It seems you have nerves of steel. Your rehabilitation determines if ruin can be stopped. Yet, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. But today, you entered a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power, havent you?

Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. Youve done well. That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those, who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well.

Personas are the strength of heart
The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain.

There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesnt. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. Well change that into power.
So yeah, just Social Links under a new name. But, theres more, and thats where this gets way more compelling.

Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition. *chuckle* We have a deal then.
It feels like Igor has high expectations of me...
Igor is Fool, for the record, which symbolizes beginnings and free-spiritedness, but also naïveté. It applies more to the protagonist than to Igor, which is why its actually the protagonists Arcana. The Fool Arcana is special because its the number 0, which on its own symbolizes emptiness and possibility. All the protagonists of the more recent Persona games were of the Fool Arcana, and it grants special abilities to those blessed with it. I could be coy about it but theres really no point: its the power to control multiple Personas.
What really elevates the Confidants above Social Links is that each of them provides specific abilities. Wild Talk lets us negotiate with enemy Shadows during a Hold Up instead of proceeding into an All-out Attack, while Arcana Burst gives bonus experience from fusion based on the Confidant Rank of the resulting Personas Arcana. Well go more into what those mean for us when we get to them.

Well, you will understand it all in due time
Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation.

Now this conversations over! Get lost, Inmate!
The next morning...

And why are they pitting us against the teacher team? Kamoshidas gonna crush us.

We get to see his technique live and in person, though. We should totally get spiked on!

Yeah, OK. Youre gonna get your face smashed in. Just look at how banged up the volleyball team is. What the hell goes on during their practices?
Music: So Boring

As you all know, today is the volleyball rally. Head to the gymnasium once youve changed. Got it?
Kamoshida spikes...
...and the student fails to return.
So, if Im understanding this correctly, this volleyball rally is just an excuse for the teachers, primarily Kamoshida, to dunk all over every student in school. What the hell is the stated point of this?
They show this spike from three different angles, because Kamoshidas just that good.
The same student takes the spike right to the face.

Someone! Take him to the nurses office!
And Kamoshida continues on without breaking stride.
Music: Tokyo Emergency

Get to know each other better, my ass. Its just a one-man show for him to stroke his ego. And how he acted like he was worried about Mishima? What an abusive d-bag
! ...Well, anyways. Nows our chance to go look for the guys we saw were slaves yesterday. Lets look for the faces we saw at the castle. All the members of the team should be here today. Ill be sure to find someone to spill about Kamoshidas physical abuse. Just you wait, asshole.

The first one that popped out was a guy from Class D, so lets start from there. Thats your class. Hopefully you can get him to talk without any issues. People have been avoidin me lately, so
Oh, but youre kinda in the same boat, huh.
Returning from Persona 4 is the incredibly useful ability to warp around the map. The areas in P5 are generally a lot bigger, so its a life-saver.
The rumors are only getting worse. Now weve got multiple convictions for
murder and pull knives on people.
Lets see if newspaper girl knows anything.

I cant
Every time I try to look into them, the higher-ups of our school pressure me out of it.

The hell!? So Kamoshidas pullin strings behind the scenes?

...Can we stop this? Id rather not get in trouble for talking to you guys.

Tch, fine...

Are you skipping out on the volleyball rally? I guess I expect it from you, transfer.

Hey, thats the guy who was over at the castle.

You too, Sakamoto!? What do you guys want

What!? Wh-What are you saying? Of course not.

Its Kamoshida, aint it? Look, I aint gonna tell anyone you squealed. Just tell us about how Kamoshidas abusin you.

I-I dont know what youre talking about!

Im not! You guys are talking complete nonsense!

Dont try n hide it! We already know!

You know? You have proof?

Well, uh

This is ridiculous. Please, leave me alone. Youre really bothering me!

...All right, thats enough. Cmon, lets go.

Crap. If we keep goin at this pace, the ball games gonna end...

Guess thatd be faster. Ill check the Practice Building for people before clubs start. You handle the Classroom Building. Theres a third-year on the volleyball team that I remember. I think hes in
3-C? He might be around his classroom. The
third-year classrooms are on the first floor. He was gettin beat pretty badly at the castle. He might have some injuries here too
Anyways, Ill hit you up if I find anything. Seeya!

I know. I hate rumors already, but theyre only getting more and more complex as time goes on.

I wonder if hes all right
I hope hes not letting it get to him too much.

Thats just like you, Shiho. Always worrying about other people before yourself. Kinda like when you were there for me
Weve been discovered!

...Its from practice.

Hey, I know who this guy is. Hes that transfer student whos been hanging out with Sakamoto...

Oh, I get it. Youre trying to snoop on Mr. Kamoshida, right? Look, our volleyball team performs at a national level. Of course our practices are gonna be tough. Mr. Kamoshidas just dedicated to training us. Dont believe everything Sakamoto says.

D-Dont talk like you know!

Hey, we should stop talking to him. What if he loses it and starts attacking us? I heard he even carries a knife around. Who knows what hes capable of.

Him too
? Man, everyones too freaked out about Kamoshida. But I still got a lead. A first-year, new member. He just joined, so he might not be all wrapped up in Kamoshidas web of bullshit yet. Pretty sure hes in class 1-B. Try the first-year classrooms. Theyre up on the third floor!
Up on the third floor, we find our target.

Whaddya want?

!? Why would you say something like that? I mean, sure Mr. Kamoshidas strict, but its like this for all the other sports teams, right? Though, the special coaching he gave Mishima-senpai was prolly too far
O-Oh, uh
I seriously dont know anything! Sorry!

just stop talking to me
Ask someone else if you wanna know anything more...

Attention, attention.

So you didnt have any luck either
Mkay, lets regroup for now. See you in the courtyard?
Music: Disquiet

Itll be quick. Anyway, whats with you? Like, how you were late the other day was a lie and all.
Theres that weird rumor about you too.

Whaddya want with him?

...We just happened to get to know each other.

Whatre you planning on doing to Mr. Kamoshida?

Huh!? ...I see. I getcha. Youre all buddy-buddy with Kamoshida after all.

This has nothing to do with you, Sakamoto!

If you found out what hes been doin behind your back, youd dump him right away.

Behind my back
? Whats that supposed to mean

You wouldnt get it.

Anyway, people are already talking about you two. I dont know what youre trying to pull, but no ones gonna help you. Im warning you, just in case. Thats all.

We just went to the same middle school. Anyways, thats not what were here to talk about. I had no luck on my end. What about you? Did anything like someones name turn up?

Huh? I dont get where youre goin with that...
It might have been a different name...

? ...Special coaching, huh? True. I always see the guy covered in bruises. Lets go talk to him before he leaves then.

? And you, too

Cmon, we just wanna chat. Kamoshidas been coaching you, huh? You sure its not just physical abuse?

Whatre you talkin all polite for? Anyways
We saw him spike you today. Right in the face.

That was just because Im not good a the sport...

Still, that doesnt explain all the other bruises youve got.

Theyre from practice...!

Is he forcin you to keep quiet?


Mishima, isnt it time for practice?

I-Im not feeling well today...

What? Maybe youre better off quitting then. Youre never going to improve that crappy form unless you show up to practice.

Well, Mishima? Are you coming to practice or not?

...Ill go.


Same goes for you. Didnt the principal tell you to keep in line.
Nothing beats some hot, fresh,
spicy sass towards an authority figure.

Hmph. Just dont get in the way of my practice. All these unsettling rumors are making the students anxious after all.
Im sure youd know all about that, huh?

Thats your own goddamn fault.

This wont get us anywhere. Lets go, Mishima. Shujin Academy is a place where those with aspirations come to learn. Unworthy students like yourselves dont have any right to be here. Get with the program!

Yes, sir.
Kamoshida walks away.

That asshole

...Theres no point.


Proving that hes physically abusing us
is meaningless.
parents know? Holy shit, thats dark.

This has gotta be a joke...

...Dont be a pain. You dont understand what Im going through. Shouldnt you of all people know that nothings going to help


I aint givin up. ...Ill try one more time to persuade the other guys. Thats
all I can do.
Back at home...

Its basically because Kamoshida made the volleyball team famous, yeah? Even so, that dont give him the right to do whatever he wants!

Ann Takamaki. You met her in the courtyard, remember? You should know her. I mean, shes in your class, dude. Ugh! What a load of bull! I cant let it end like this. Im gonna try and find someone who knows about whats going one with Kamoshida during break tomorrow. Just you watch. I aint giving up!
Ryujis gonna keep trying. Good for him. Well see how that goes when tomorrow comes.