Part 130: 10/11-10/12: The Foregone Conclusion
Part 122: 10/11-10/12: The Foregone Conclusion
Music: Desire
When last we left off, Okumura finally bit it like two full weeks after his Shadow died, goddamn.
Good to see in this shocking, heartbreaking scene that our cast is still wearing the fucking animal ears.

Wh-Why did he collapse?

That didnt look right at all
Dont tell me...!

Mona-chan, whats going on

Thats impossible!

I want to know that myself! We made sure we just took the Treasure too

*gasp* I should call home!

This-- This isnt our fault
is it? Its been OK all four times so farever since Kamoshida!

If we let the Shadow live, the real person wont undergo mental shutdown

Thats how it should work

its gotta be.

Whats wrong?

I remember now
Its just like
what happened to my mom
Oh shit.

So this is the moment when mental shutdown occurs

But why did they target Okumura-san

Dammit! The hells goin on here!?

Ill talk to the staff before I leave. Feel free to take your time

This aint our fault, right

Id like to think so

Some welcoming party, huh

Ill get in contact with Haru later. But for today, I think we should all return home.

What are you watching?
Akechi begins retching.

This is just a hypothesis
But perhaps Okumura was bitten by his lapdog.

Are you implying that the Phantom Thieves triggered a sudden mental shutdown on Okumura?

There might have been a falling out of sorts, so the Phantom Thieves abandoned a useless employer. ...And to cover their tracks, they dealt with Okumura.

I hate to bring this up, but Im actually here about that.

Did you find any evidence?
Aww, Akechi believes in us! Well, sort of! Whatever!

How do you mean? You were suspecting the Phantom Thieves as well.

It is still hypothetical at this point
but I dont want to rule it out.

Were searching the Okumura residence tomorrow. Same with Shujin and its principal. We will find evidence on this
no matter what it takes.


...You havent looked at my laptop or taken files from it without my permission, have you?
Uh-oh, looks like Makoto fucked up somehow.

Thats quite out of the blue.

There were traces that someone transferred data from it. It was only a small error pop-up
But I noticed it immediately after I had that argument with you last month.

And thats why you suspect me
? Oh please, give me a break.

Are you saying you didnt?

As a detective myself, I honor the value of informationas well as the effort invested in it.
For someone who values information so much youd think youd be better at conveying it in a reasonable way. Jesus christ, this argument is stilted.

I take pride in what I do. I thought you of all people would understand such values, Sae-san.

...I apologize.

I let my guard down. Theyre mine
Im the one who will catch them

Did you see? He collapsed during the interview
This is serious!

That was gruesome
Wish they put some sort of warning on the video.

They said President Okumura died!

Really!? Whoa, youre right! I just saw a news report about it!
Anon: Too bad! It had to happen
Anon: good shit for us plebs lol
Anon: Did they make a mistake
Anon: whoa wtf
Anon: There better be a statement
Anon: That was all an act, right?
Anon: Well that was disturbing
Anon: Is he really dead
Anon: die capitalist pigs!!!
Music: Confession/Secret

The news said it was a cardiac arrest

Theres a chance hell pull through, right

I hate to say this
But usually after such a report, the only thing that follows is a confirmation of death



Why is this happening!? Can someone die simply from having a mental shutdown!?

I dont know! I suppose its possible that the shock could kill a person
Haru did mention how her father wasnt in the best of health

for him to just up and die? This has gotta be some kinda joke

Futaba, you gonna say anything other than Harus name?

...Are we responsible for his death?

But I thought it was supposed to be fine as long as we didnt kill their Shadow! Aint that what you said, Morgana!?

It shouldve been OK!
Well, it wasnt! It was very much not!

shouldve been
Great, the cats not even sure anymore.

We did everything the same as always too

In any case, lets compose ourselves for now. We need to act normally in public. But keep Haru in our minds

Dammit, this doesnt make any sense
Why he suffered a mental shutdown is one thing
But what are we supposed to do from here on out
Music: Beneath the Mask

The president of Okumura Foods collapsed during his conference and was taken to the hospital. However, we just received confirmation that he passed away. Truly a shocking turn of events.

I cant believe he died
Well, aint you chipper!?
Music: Aria of the Soul

Our master has an important matter to discuss with you. Heed his words well.

...Or so Id like to say, but something odd seems to have happened.
Oh god, Igor, we fucked up big time, man. We need a place to lie low for a while, you dig?
Yeah, you really botched that one, my dude.

Who knows
? However, dont you sense it? The malicious will of another
It seems a contingency has occurred.
Why does everyone in this game talk like a fortune cookie?

At this rate, your rehabilitation cannot be completed
though I doubt that will be the case. I truly look forward to seeing how you overcome this predicament
I feel like my bond with Igor is growing deeper...

...We shall meet again.

Times up, Inmate! Hurry up and return to your world!
And our approval went down, but thats kind of to be expected, isnt it?
Anon: his face, holy shit
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

He collapsed during his press conference, right? I wish Id been watching when it happened.

Youre probably better off. It was a total disaster. I never imagined seeing a heart attack would be so unsettling

The news says it was because of illness, but either way you spin it? Still bizarre. Damn. Wish Id seen it live
Kids today are sick.
Music: So Boring

Did you see that interview? I thought it was gonna be some hidden-camera show at first.

I was so scared I changed the channel

He really looked like he was in pain
That was sick.

Will you quiet down!? Were in class right now! Not to mention, you have midterms starting on Monday! Focus on studying!

...Things are getting pretty bad.
Later in the day...

The police? What for?

Your sister hasnt told you about any of this?

Nothing at all.

Could this be related to Okumuras death in some way?

But theres no connection between our school and Okumura Foods.

Think they came to talk to Haru?

absent today.

Then seriously, whatre they here for?

I cant even begin to fathom the reason. Anyway. lets be particularly careful not to stand out. And head straight home once school ends. Understand that, everyone?
Music: Suspicion

I see.

We were hoping to find something more than the calling card too.

Weve confirmed the victims connection to the Phantom Thieves at least.
Id have assumed Okumura would have already turned the calling card over to the police, but whatever.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Music: Disquiet


Thats right

Please contact me if something catches your attention. It doesnt matter how trivial it seems. ...You dont have to force yourself though. Just anything that comes to mind.
Music: Interrogation Room

And even the death of Shujins principal, who we found a calling card for, was the work of another?


*sigh* You dont sound like youre lying
If you wanted to deceive me, you couldve easily woven up a much simpler lie than this Metaverse. Moreover, your account coincides with my own investigation. Is that even possible if it were made up? And I hate to admit, but
with my line of work, I know a false testimony when I hear one. Still, if you set your sights on Okumura based on my intel, itd be before his name was even ranked. You couldve ignored him and targeted some other famous person. Why would you go so far as to further investigate and pursue this criminal?

simple enough. Theres still no proof that another suspect exists. That said, its safe enough to say that you arent the murdering type.
Is it really? Thats kind of a big leap there, Sae.
I feel like my bond with Sae is growing deeper...

Pressed to prove your innocence, your next objective was

*shakes head*

What in the world did the police inject into you?
Saes voice sounds far away...

Maaku Hamiru! You need to stay focused!

If what youre saying is true, you must tell your side of the story to the end. Well both be in trouble if your testimony becomes unreliable.



At last we arrive at your most recent crime.

You know what I mean, dont you? This calling card was delivered to your latest targetthe one you had decided would prove your innocence.

Now, explain everything to me.