Part 134: 10/16-10/20: A Test Of Patience
Part 126: 10/16-10/20: A Test Of Patience
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
Im eating now. Maybe I should respond later

I guess we can respond once the dishes are done. And make sure you thank the chief for breakfast, OK?

I dont care how they do it. Just throw them in the slammer already.

Its too scary to have murderers on the loose

I wonder what kind of people the culprits are.

Theyre murderers. Dont give me any of this justice crap.
Anon: Im scared to go outside
Anon: Police were negligent too.
Anon: awful. they betrayed us
Anon: their fans are guilty too
Anon: they def crossed the line
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

I am.

You sure are strong. Ill come back, dont worry. I think Ill be able to rejoin everyone around when exams end. Umm
Well, see you.

Shes the one who should be in pain right now, yet shes still trying to cheer us up

Well get to work once your exams are over.

Big Bang Burger had been planning to hold a charity event. However, the event has been canceled due to the recent incident.

Things must be pretty chaotic for Haru right now. Im starting to get worried about her.

Yes, only the tip of the iceberg is reported on the news. No one is aware of the truth. Simply put, the psychotic breakdowns are a government conspiracy to destroy humanity.
Gee whiz, mister! That sounds like some hot bullshit!

Oh, the Phantom Thieves are part of it, too. In fact, they were hired by the government all along. Ah! But you must not reveal this to anyone. You would only incite mass hysteria.
Sure thing, dude.
Music: Tokyo Daylight

The world was crazy to treat them like heroes!

Come on, calm down. The police will catch them.

*sigh* But why did this happen out of nowhere? They were helping people

Did you see that press conference? It was a little disturbing
Were seeing the effects of it on our show, too. Theres a lot of criticism of the Phantom Thieves.

See? I told you we didnt know anything about them.


Kotaro says that hes really hurting right now. We better have the vet take a look at him.
Music: Butterfly Kiss

I dont know if fall is the season for sports, but consider your age and dont overexert yourself. Well, I guess a kid like you doesnt have much to worry about there
You came because you saw my messages, right?

Theres no need for a clinical trial. You came at the perfect time. Come in.

The girl that Ive been treating is coming in soon. I want you to see how she is doing.
Takemi Rank 10
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)
This girl sounds about forty-eight.

...What are you talking about?

Theres a boy I like, but my friend told me
...That I have to let her have him, because she liked him first

Oh, thats not true.

Really!? Then why did she say that?

Its likely because shes jealous of you. Just be cateful because it might result in pandemonium.


She even comes in on days she doesnt have to. It appears shes nearly fully recovered.
Music: Sunset Bridge

Which reminds me, the new medicine will be completed soon.

Youve been a splendid guinea pig
I mean, participant.
Yep, still gives me the willies, even after all this time.

So, thanks again. By the way, how have I been doing? Have I been helpful?
Goddammit, me! I cannot fucking believe weve tripled Ryujis count for people we accidentally let figure out were Phantom Thieves!
So, yeah. If you havent figured it out by now, every non-party Confidant ends with the person stating that theyve realized youre a Phantom Thief. Really, it just makes Tora that much more impressive because hes the only one who figures it out without us needing to change anyones heart. Hes just that cool.

...Come on. You and I both know that you were lying about needing to prepare for the entrance exams.
No, really! It was for my exa--*snicker*--exams!

I visited Oyamada in jail. A swing of fortunes like that could only have come at the hands of the Phantom Thieves. And to have it happen when it did
Isnt the only logical conclusion to think that its you?

The point is that without you, I wouldnt have been able to complete my mission. I wouldve never finished the new medicine
while I was being deceived by Oyamada. And I wouldve never met any of the townspeople

So, Ill go out on a limb for you. Ill have even more powerful medicine ready for you
I trust that youll use them appropriately.
I feel a strong bond with Takemi...
Music: The Spirit
Resuscitation adds a few new items to the clinics selection. Theyre great items but theyre also exorbitantly expensive even in comparison to the SP Adhesive 3s, so well go into them some other time.
Takemi is a terrifying human being, but a good character. Shes voiced by Kirsten Potter, who Ive literally never heard of.
Music: Sunset Bridge

So you better make some money in the name of justice.

*giggle* Now, go. Take care.
Music: Beneath the Mask

But I think Im going to go back to school, starting tomorrow. Im sorry for worrying all of you until now.

Are you really OK though?

Be sure not to push yourself too hard in this time of grief.

No, I actually need to push myself. My mind always wanders if I have nothing to do

Yeah, I totally get you.

theres nothing I can do while Im at home.

To be completely honest
When I ended up alone
I did doubt you all a tiny bit.

We cannot blame you for that.

But its so horrible for me to doubt you. I mean, Im the one who asked you all to do this.

Your father just passed away, Haru. Its natural to feel a flood of emotion at such events.

Yeah, its really hard when you lose someone like that

But Im OK now. Youve all helped me out so much.

Right back at ya!

Thank you. Those words are truly reassuring. Well then, Ill see all of you at school.

Im not surprised she seems down. You should keep her in your thoughts, Maaku.
Of course.

Still, despite how she looks, Haru has quite the backbone. Im sure shell be OK.

You wanna help out?

Ill make a snack for you. Futaba said shes coming too.
Lets help Sojiro. Now, you may notice that for the last couple of weeks we havent been buying any aojiru. Well, theres a good reason for that:
I forgot We dont really need to anymore. Weve only got one parameter left to max out, Guts (and while the me playing the game believes us to be pretty close to maxing that out, the me who went back and checked realized we have a lot further to go), so buying into the rotation is just going to be a waste of money most of the time at this point.
Music: Whats Going On?

Maybe curry spaghetti! And curry udon! Oh, and curry croquettes, and curry pizza!

You really like curry that much
? Well, I guess itd be pretty easy given the current menu. Ill give it some thought. How about you? Anything youd wanna add to the menu?

Of course he is! That stuffs super addicting, man!
Music: Tension

...Leave now, or else Ill be forced to contact the police. Im not giving you a penny.

What was that
? Quit fucking with me!

Shut your mouth, brat! Its your fault Im in this mess!
Really making a good case here, buddy.

We can take it to court if you really want. Dont underestimate how hard Im willing to fight.


Not only do you have massive debt, but I heard you failed in your most recent business venture. How do you think the court would respond if they knew how wasteful you were with your money

(to Futaba) This is all your fault, you bitch! You cursed little
Smooth move, Ferguson.

What are you talking about? You clearly fell down on your own.

This cafes finished, you hear me!? I wont let you get away with this!
Music: Suspicion

God damn
What a pain in the ass. Dont you have enough problems already?

Are you OK, Futaba?

But Uncle said hes gonna sue

Dont worry
No matter what ends up happening to me or this store, I wont let them lay a finger on you two. Im your guardian, after all. I have a duty to protect the both of you. So dont go doing anything like that again, you hear? I appreciate the spirit you showed though.
Man, Sojiros great.
I feel like my bond with Sojiro is growing deeper...

Anyway, Im done for the day. Take care of closing up for me. Lets go, Futaba.

Ill message you later

I looked up my uncles name in Mementos

Really!? Thanks a bunch! My uncles name is Youji Isshiki. Lets go to Mementos and change his heart. But, uh
I have a favor to ask. I dont really wanna tell everybody about the time I spent living with him
Maybe someday, sure
but todays not that day. So I was thinking
can we maybe go just the two of us? I really need your help here, Maaku! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!
This kinda breaks the whole unanimous consent thing
but what the hell. Anything for family.
I need to take care of Futabas uncle and help Sojiro
Anon: tbh i just wanna troll, lol
Anon: they even steal LIVES???
Anon: p quick to switch sides lol
Anon: There was no need to kill.
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)

At least the school festivals soon. Its the thing Im looking forward to most right now

Yeah, but
Are they still going to hold it? It might get canceled

Dont say that! Youre bummin me out before the exams
Things are bad enough as is. If they cancel the festival, the students will riot!
Id explain what the culture festival is, but all of you have definitely been exposed to enough anime (read: any) that I dont actually need to.

Did you hear those rumors?

I wonder if they really are from our school

Really? No way

But what if
Anon: What about the politicians?
Anon: Hurry up and execute them!
Anon: Ugh. We were fooled.
Anon: They must be punished.
Music: Suspicion

I thought they were gonna change that CEOs heart
but they ended up killing him instead.

Havent people been saying they killed Principal Kobayakawa too? I thought they were bad, but I never expected theyd turn out to be murderers

Oh man, does this mean anyone who gets targeted is screwed!?
Music: Life Goes On

That sounds about right.

This looks tough, but lets calm down and think it through.

First of all, who proposed the idea of the guillotine?

Yeah! I think he was named Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. So, from his perspective, what was the advantage of the guillotine?

There were thousands of people executed during the Revolution
Looks like
they needed a method of execution that was quick and impartial. You finished in time!
Anon: awful. they betrayed us
Anon: they def crossed the line
Anon: Hurry and arrest them
Anon: criminals should die
Music: Suspicion

You know theyre murderers, right?

That doesnt mean that criminals should be left to do whatever they want

Still, couldnt they have at least left the principal to the police? And I mean, did you see that press conference? No way allies of justice would do that.

I wonder if Akechi-kun has been right all along

Hes so admirable, sticking to his guns even though so many people were against him.
Music: Life Goes On

That sounds about right.

That sounds about right.
Anon: well now im interested
Anon: their fans are guilty too
Music: Suspicion

Isnt this insane!? There are murderers among us!

Now that you mention it, there was a guy in Shibuya who told me hes a Phantom Thief the other day.

For real!? You gotta report that.

Oh crap, you think so? I snapped a pic, so I should probably put it online just in case. I hope the cops catch him!
Music: Life Goes On

That sounds about right.

That sounds about right.
Anon: meh i dun care either way
Anon: trash talking feels risky
Anon: We cant leave them be

Well, it shouldnt be a problem for you. This has been so easy I might start yawning.
You did perfectly. I cant wait to see your score.
Fuckin aced it.