Part 139: 10/27-10/28: Blaaaaackmaaaaail!!!!!
Part 131: 10/27-10/28: Blaaaaackmaaaaail!!!!!
Music: Alleycat

We now resume our coverage of the Phantom Thieves, the suspects for Mr. Okumuras death and others. The police have designated the Phantom Thieves as the countrys most wanted fugitives
And have decided to reward anyone with information leading to the capture of the Phantom Thieves.
Thirty million!? Hold on, I need to make a phone call.

And considering the high amount, it shows how extraordinary the situation has become. Reward money will be supplied by the police and the families of the victims, further--

I hope you understand the situation youre in. Even people who didnt have an interest before will be on the lookout for the Phantom Thieves. And itll happen every day, even at school. ...Why did this happen?

This isnt about me. Well, how do I put this
? Im sorry I didnt realize it. Its also my responsibility that this happened. All I can do now is give you shelter. Just dont become desperate and do something reckless, all right?

I wont sell you out. As long as youre here, theres nothing to worry about.

I feel bad about what weve done to the chief. Im responsible too.
Music: Desire
Oh goddammit

With this, the Phantom Thieves have become public enemy number one.
. *chuckle* Exactly. ...That will be when their curtain falls.
Why even have these scenes at this point? Theyre all the same and were not learning anything new.
Music: Suspicion

Akechi suggested they go to this school, right?
Oh hey, its Pallid Fella again.

Itll probably be the end of us if we start sniffing around now.

30 million yen, man. Just let me dream a little.
Music: So Boring

I had braced myself for this possibility

Actually having a wanted notice out for us feels kinda weird

Im not sure were gonna get away this time.

Our backs are truly against the wall now.

Discussing it here wont do us any good though. Lets talk about it more in person.
Music: Desire

And the rewards thirty million yen? What is this, a comic book? Haha, it feels so unrealistic, I cant help but laugh

Were finally being treated as actual criminals

Im positive now
Remember all of those what-ifs I mentioned before
? All of this was truly set up. How President Okumura ranked first, the fad before that, even Medjed
It was all to make the Phantom Thieves famous. On top of that, we were lured to target Okumura

The enemy likely planned to lay the blame on us from the start, after we gained popularity.

Then, what about everything weve done until now? Are the people whose hearts we changed and thought were corrupt actually not?

No. Because of Yusuke and I, the Madarame and Kaneshiro cases were coincidental
Wasnt that the case with Kamoshida too? Considering what happened with the rankings, only the previous target would have been used to lure us

What a cheap trick to use

? Its nothing of the sort
Theres the fake Medjed and the sites altercation. They might have even engineered the fad around us. So much time and effort has been put into this
President Okumura probably wasnt their only target. Perhaps they intend to place all blame of past and future psychotic breakdowns on our group

And there was that thing with Haru at the time. Howre we sposed to ignore that, huh!?
Thats actually a really solid point, game! We couldnt very well ignore that and to be honest we had little solid reason to, but lets keep throwing blame at each other for this shit, sure!

...Im sorry. This was all because I one-sidedly decided that my father was a criminal. All I could think about was my fiance. If I had only been able to cope with it more calmly


Its not Harus fault. I shouldve spoken up too when Principal Kobayakawa died
Ryuji takes his frustration out on the poor couch.
He also catches himself mid-fuck.

Ryuji! Taking out your frustration on things doesnt help anyone!

Hey, what do you think, Maaku? ...Why did we lose? What did we do wrong?

Its probably because
we werent acting like ourselves.

...Agreed. At the time, we only cared about the opinion of the general public.
...And saving Haru.

that really is it. I was
so caught up in making a name for ourselves. Im such an idiot
! I became a Phantom Thief because I hated those same kinds of adults
Oh god, thats certainly a sentence.
What the hell are you talking about, Haru? This was your first one. You dont get to talk like that.

Im so irritated with myself


I know that weve been set up, and that I was a complete idiot too. But still
its so damn frustrating! Of course I wanna do something about this
Max Mittelman sells the hell out of this scene as Ryuji, for the record. I have some qualms with the way its written but its some top-notch voice work.

Yeah. Well be in deep water at this rate
However, we have no idea who were up against
and whether theyre an individual or an organization.

Furthermore, they must be in a position of power, or have powerful backers, if they can go so far.

Are we really a match for this

Should we
end this now?

I mean, things might get worse for everyone

Hey, what should we do
Music: Disquiet

Running away with our tails between our legs is exactly what they want
Another questionable use of the word aesthetics when ideals would work fine, but whatever.

...I see.

Absolutely not like this!

Looks like were settled on what we want to do. All thats left is how we go about it

Music: Beneath the Mask

About me yellin earlier. Bein framed, and the added bounty
It all felt like such bullshit. I lost it
Im sorry.
Thats nice. You gonna apologize to the couch you punched repeatedly?

...You too? It is confusin. Were wanted criminals now
Maybe I havent changed at all since that time we went up against Kamoshida
I wanted to be a phantom thief because I thought even someone like me could be a hero
It made me so happy to be depended on. Guess it all went straight to my head. I thought I could do anythin if it was for justice. But thatd make me no different from our targets
I called them shitbags, but I must be the shittiest of shitbags. I cant even joke about it

Heh, youre right. I can start by changin who I am now. Thanks, Maaku. I feel like I can think straight now. Oh
I scared Haru and Futaba, didnt I
Ill have to apologize to them soon. Seeya!
Music: Suspicion

He wants us to gather at Leblanc tomorrow after school.

Who does he think he is, trying to boss us around like that!?

? Thats sudden.

Yeah. Were going to overcome this, together.

Regardless, I dont want anyone disturbing our pace anymore. Lets go about this calmly. Well, see you all tomorrow.

...Weve reached a crucial moment. Theres no point fretting about it now though. Lets just stay calm and wait for tomorrow.

I wouldnt have expected anything less from you. I knew making you our leader was the right call.

We consulted a profiling expert for his analysis. He determined that theyre either in their 20s to 30s, or in their 40s to 50s.
Thats a wide fuckin net, and its still totally wrong!

Theyre so far off the mark
Were they even trying?
Anon: lol this place went to shit
Anon: Oh how far theyve fallen
Anon: This should make em show up
Anon: Is the admin an accomplice?

Only now does the government speak of taking countermeasures
but their actions are too little, too late! The government as it stands has been left behind the times. It is obsolete! If this is a ship thats bound to a rotting dock and destined to sink, we might as well destroy is once.

I heard theyre splitting up to form a new party, so an election might come before the years end.

Im gonna vote this time for sure! This man has my support.

You havent voted until now? Thats problematic as a member of society, you know

Politics just never interested me before, but this politician seems pretty amazing. Hes passionate and thinks of the future. I mean, someone like that should be prime minister. Im definitely voting for him.

Well, I suppose that makes sense since the other politicians seem so unreliable
Music: Suspicion

Thats a good question, but might I have a cup of coffee first?
Its not too late to just kill this dude, you guys.

Please keep this short.

Theres a bounty for information in addition to the arrest warrant
Those are quite desperate measures.
The group goes quiet.

Im referring to Sae-sans actions. I assume all of you are at your wits end as well. She must be considerably vexed if shes gone that far. Make headlines with the arrest warrant, then use incentives to get testimonies. Its not a bad method.

The police have nothing on us. Theres no way they can make an arrest.

True. Im the only one whos ascertained your true identities. However, the groundwork for fabricating testimonies and concocting a culprit are underway.

We dont care about that self-gratification. Get on with it.

Ill be blunt.
Makoto says nothing.

Huh? Really

Is this to prevent the investigation agencys recklessness?


Still, theres no need to change her heart just for that

Indeed. Its hard to believe that a single person can fabricate all that.

Unfortunately, thats not the case. What if I told you that those around her would turn a blind eye to false evidence?
police!? Do a bad!? Noooooooooo!

It seems theyre more trusted than I thought. Their priority is settling the situation. They dont care who the supposed culprit is.


Theyre completely rotten!

My objective is to find the true culprit. That must be the case for all of you too. However, the current situation is extremely bad.

If worst comes to worst, someone unrelated will be set up as the culprit, huh

Our only solution to this is to make Sae-san come to her senses. If shes in her right mind, she can stop this situation. Her sense of justice wouldnt allow it.

So thats why

The truth will be covered up, and an innocent civilians life will be destroyed
I cant allow such a thing to happen. My own ethics wont stand for it.

I mean, I guess I can understand how you feel.

And changing Sae-sans heart will be to protect her as well.

How do you mean?

If the true culprit were to learn that shes responsible for the investigation
what would happen? Im certain theyll aim for her life. Shes the perfect target to place blame on the Phantom Thieves.
Makoto stares at her lap.

So how about it? Will you agree to my plan?

Even though youre particular about being just, youre willing to get your hands dirty?

It cant be helped in order to ascertain the truth. There is also one more merit in changing Sae-sans heart.

It will become a warning to not mess with us. They cant go public if someone in the investigation has a change of heart. Itd show their corruption. All thats left from there is for me to discover the identity of the true culprit.

What do you mean

Youre gonna tell us to announce our disbandment once the real culprit is arrested
arent you?

As expected from a Niijima. So, what do you say? I dont think its a bad deal for either of us.

whats your take on all this?

...Its a well-made plan. ...It even takes putting an end to our team into consideration.

Im flattered to hear that.

Why are you willing to do all this, Akechi-kun? Why do you seek justice?

Yes. My contempt for such people drives my sense of justice. It isnt some grand reason like societys sake or some lofty ideal. Its simply an absurd grudge
and extremely personal.
How cryptic!
Music: Confession/Secret


You know, doesnt he remind you of us

like how some disgusting adult pissed him off.

Were similar, hm
? Maybe thats why I thought that I could ask this of you all
Wont you cooperate with me on the mission to change Sae-sans heart?

...Thanks. I was actually rather worried there. This mission cant succeed without your cooperation, after all.

The Phantom Thieves will be disbanded, and everything will work out
I pray it does.


Im OK. I never brought it up until now
but the reason I joined the Phantom Thieves is
How fortuitous
and fucked-up!

Ive also known for quite some time that she has a Palace.

Why didnt you tell us?

It was too selfish of a reason
Though, I was too scared to look any further into it on my own

Why dont we try going there now to scope the place out? A lot of this will be new to me, so Id like to get myself accustomed to it too.

I see. Thats unfortunate.

Will you tell your sister about this?

Of course not. Its just

You seem awfully evasive today. Is something the matter?

I just cant make time today.
How suspicious!

Lets call it a day then and resume this tomorrow.

Im sorry, everyone.

Well, I guess that cant be helped
Regardless, it all starts tomorrow. ...I hope this goes well.
Music: Interrogation Room
The numbers are slowing down...

Not only that, Goro Akechi
? Then the Phantom Thieves targeted me as per his advice
? And he had already experienced the Metaverse by the time of the Okumura case? That cant be
I mean, he never said a word
Although, his attitude did change suddenly around that time. Akechi-kun kept quiet about the most important details, and my own sister may be a Phantom Thief
If this is all true, Im appalled as the commander of this operation. I alone was kept in the dark

And if you were apprehended while falsely accused of those crimes, that villain would still be loose. Thats why you targeted me
? Not for your own preservation?
Well, it was kinda
both, you see...

Believe you? Im just considering it as a possibility. Then again, if you wanted to evade capture, triggering my change of heart wouldnt guarantee anything. Your actions as Phantom Thieves would still be met with hostility.

If this villain does exist and is setting up your group
...I would be targeted next. ...Did Makoto come up with that speculation?

Perhaps Im overthinking things
Maakus vision gets hazy once more...

You need to keep your focus!

But the look on your face isnt one of defeat
Why is that

...Im amazed. It seems you can still talk.
Oh, yeah. To be honest, that was like eighty hours of game and fourteen real-life months ago, so I kinda forgot.

Those words normally hint at the existence of a traitor
However, if your story till now is true
one reason can be concluded. Its frustrating to admit, but at a certain pointno, most likely from the startI was a mere puppet
...Someone set up only to bear responsibility later. Someone intended your arrest, and the minimal staff directly involved were in their pocket. And if thats the case, true integrity would side with you
Sae is slowly starting to accept the truth
I feel like my bond with Sae is growing deeper

No, Im jumping to conclusions. I dont believe your story yet. Theres something I need to confirm with you

What happened in the time between entering my Palace and your arrest? Tell me everything.