Part 141: 10/30: Beloved Smother
Part 133: 10/30: Beloved Smother
Anon: theyre def guilty
Anon: theyre running loose rn
Poor Mishima.
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
Im eating now. Maybe I should respond later...

Just concentrate on your food.

Come on, lets finish eating and then send a reply once we go upstairs.

Ill be counting on you.

Dont worry, Maaku. I trust you. Thats why I ask that you lend me your help.

Theres no need to get too worked up about this, right? Take as much time as you need to get ready. Anything goes as long as it helps out our mission. You have our trust. Youre our leader, after all.
Music: Tokyo Emergency
All right, its now or never. Weve got to steal Saes heart and clear our names
but first, we have a lot of fucking around to do. A
lot. We want to unlock the last of our Confidant requests before we head into Mementos so we can knock them out all at once. Unfortunately, Iwai has one, is our only remaining night Confidant we havent reached that point for, and is currently gated by Rank 5 Guts, the last unmaxed stat parameter for us. We need to get his and one other Mementos request, but its going to take a bit.

Its believed that all of them have been caused by the Phantom Thieves. The public remains terrified of the cruel and inhumane acts the Phantom Thieves are committing.

Dammit! Whats going on? None of thats our fault!

The only one who can rebuild this rotten world is
that man.

Youre still blindly following the Phantom Thieves? They were nothing but a sweet, sinful trap. The Phantom Thieves played Robin Hood, but they committed those crimes just to please themselves. When theyre inevitably caught, itll be a poignant fall from grace, just like in the movies.

The only one whos giving us a reason to hope is that one politician.

That Shidos very competent. He worked his way up from the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly. More than anything, I can tell that hes a good, upright, and honest man. I like him.

Approval ratings remain low, and it seems that a dissolution of Parliament is inevitable

Im not surprised. Politicians do nothing for us. Thats the way its always been.
Around this point, this guy moves in and starts selling sweet potatoes that restore SP during the day. Its quaint, but not that useful.

Did they scramble Kotaros brain because theyre bad people?

What? Who told you that? Dont worry. Everyones all right, OK
Music: Tokyo Daylight

Im just singing! I dont need anyones permission to rock out!

Youre gonna break your mothers heart if you keep this up, kid.


Weve had to tighten city security because of the Phantom Thieves case. Pack your things and be on your way.
Young Rocker, nooooo!

The surge of darkness spreads
Sun God
please come back

Now that the Phantom Thieves have been covered by shadows, the world will fall into darkness
Sun God, the people are scared! Now is the time for you to shed your light on the path
And those weird religious protesters, too!? Whats happening!?

His aura of popularity was on at full blast. He kinda had the same smell as you
What? Gross.

...Whod you go with? A girl? You did, didnt you?
Man, Veteran Pick-up Artist is getting pretty desperate.

Of course, I went with a girl. Shes a fan of Akechi, so

Im just glad the company survived in one pieceand that my familys got plenty in our savings. By the by, hows your guy? Oh, Im sorryshould I not ask?

Well, actually, because he helped with the case so much, they promoted him to CEO. Ohoho

What are you saying? Did something happen with your boyfriend?

I told him my real age and apologized. And then he said, No way
I broke up with him! I guess being honest really isnt worth it!
A moral we can all get behind.

I figured out where the Phantom Thieves hideout is. I can sell you the info for a cheap price.

Whoa! Wait a sec, you involved with the investigation or something!? ...Heh, yeah right. A kid like you? I dont even care. Just get outta here.

No way, wed just get killed. The police can handle it, so lets leave this to the pros.

Hey, we can pick up more fares near those government agencies if theyre gonna get busy. But Im not sure they can catch the Phantom Thieves. They can just make you go brain dead, easy.

Amazingly, weve gotten five times more contract sign-ups this autumn than we did last year! Thats because people know that Wanna-B-Alert will protect you when evil suddenly strikes! To celebrate our high contract numbers with our customers, were giving away Wanna-Wanna-kun dolls!

It also seems suspicious though. Doesnt this situation kind of feel like it was all set up?

Its probably the police sending a message. This is what happens when you cross the authorities. This whole thing even impacted the government. I doubt the police are looking forward to Christmas.

The Phantom Thieves are all over the news. People on the internet are always talking about them. If I won that 30 million yen reward, Id reserve the entire cafe and have a humongous party!

Yeah, yeah. Well be waiting to welcome your arrival

No way. Itd never work. Did you forget? Guys like us make for some annoying enemies, but were pretty useless allies.

You know what? That does sound like us, huh?

? But we just signed the contract
You know
I never thought Id say this, but I

D-Dont worry! I borrowed 1 millin yen from my parents
The stock markets small-time! Ill win it big on the foreign exchange market! Celebrolution!

It costs 500 yen each try, so I can only play once in a while.

Do you have some time?

Yeah, then
lets go
somewhere quiet.
Music: Suspicion

But my mom told them that it was the kids own fault for having his money taken
She just told them to leave without hearing what they had to say. Somethings wrong
with my mom. The other day she called my school to complain that the cost of lunch is too high. I begged her not to do it, but she said its for my own good
I doubt it was really cause of me though. Once everyone finds out, Im gonna get made fun of again
She told me that once you stop fighting, you lose. And that those who complain, win. My mom was never like this before
She never used to care about stuff like winning or losing
You are ambushed by a wild MOTHER!

I knew it

Music: Tension

Constantly talking back to me
I knew someone new must have come into the picture. So? Are you the one whos been such a bad influence on my Shinya?

Yes. Children should obey their parents. But he doesnt! I want my obedient Shinya back!

S-Stop it

Will you take responsibility if my Shinya turns into a juvenile delinquent? All that time and money I spent on him, wasted! What are you going to do about THAT, huh?
Jeez lady, thats an awful way to talk about your son.

Hamiru-san, hm? Im going to remember you. Youre a high schooler, right? Hm, I may just have to tell your school
...One of their students is stalking my son.
This is supposed to be some massive threat but all I can think about here is that this scene is completely fucked because Im doing it on a Sunday and am thus not in my uniform. What is she gonna do, call every high school in Tokyo?

Stop it

Come on, Shinya, were going home!

Hes my son. I can do whatever I want to him! If you keep meddling with him, Im going to call the police!

...Fine. Just know this: I dont intend to lose. Now lets go!


? You ARE Shinya, arent you!?


I just wanted to say, Im really sorry about earlier!

Crap, I gotta go
I dont like the person my moms turned into. She wont listen to anything I say
Thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about today
Um, do you think the Phantom Thieves can turn my mom back into her old self
Oh shit!
Shinya appears to be on the verge of tears...

Please tell the Phantom Thieves
To change my mom back
to the way she used to be

Her name? Its Hanae
Hanae Oda
I gotta go. Lets play again sometime
Um, and please dont hate me
I feel Shinyas brotherly affection...
I need to do something about the target for Shinya
I should discuss this with everyone
Music: Suspicion
And we meet immediately! Sure, why not?

And were gonna do it by changin his moms heart? ...I bet that was a real tough decision to make.
I mean, we already changed Hifumis moms heart, and this time we actually have permission, even if it was given to us by a grade schooler.

I mean, hes only in elementary school, right? This is a lot for a little kid to be dealing with

Youre right
We should try to help him as soon as possible. As for the calling card, lets have him deliver it himself.

I guess this counts as a unanimous decision?
So, we dont actually have the request yet. Because were going to have Shinya hand-deliver the calling card, we need to wait until we next meet him to get the request.
Music: Beneath the Mask

Dont know what to say
Im glad you made it home

What is it?

You got any idea who the true culprit might be?

Oh yeah! You said you saw a masked guy, right?

I wanted to ask about that too.

Did you really see him? That masked guys gotta be the true culprit, right?

If this so-called true culprit is acting alone, then there can be no mistake about it.

I see.

The next question is, who is that masked man?

Unfortunately, I do not know that much.

Ugh, youre useless.

That is quite harsh.

Aw, youre making me blush.

That wasnt a compliment...

At this point, I have yet to even grasp any clues.
Man, you seem bad at this.

Perfect. Leave it to me. It may sound somewhat odd for me to say this, but I am an exceptional detective.

I assure you, I will catch the culprit. Look forward to it.

He doesnt have any clues, but hes confident enough to say he can definitely catch the guy
No wonder hes a star detective. Even the way he talks about these things is different from us.
What a rube Morgana is.
So, I actually forgot to include the last time I went to Shady Commodities, but all I did that time was unlock the last tier of items from the previous set of purchases and buy some more transmutation catalysts. Theres a bunch of new, incredibly overpriced items, too. The Roland Medal is the big new thing, increasing all stats by +5, but were really just here to show that it exists, so we buy some washable armor and bounce. We probably wont ever even end up laundering it.

About that
I think I would really rather stick to singing.

This is just business as usual for the industry. Besides, you need to understand something
In this world, its not enough to just sing. You need to be a star. You need to be entertaining. Got it?
Can we change this dudes heart, please?
Were ready for TRIAL BY BURGER.

What!? That sucks
All that time you spent studying hard is just gone!

I hate it when our parents just make us study all the time! Ill get them back for this
Ill get back all the games and manga they threw out!

Offisherrrrr! I got em! I caaaaaught a Phantom Thief!

OK, quiet down, sir. Sorry about this. Now let go of him, and well get you home.

Offisher! I believe I jus won th thirsty jillion yen rewarrrd. I caught
muh Phantom Thief.
Thirsty jillion makes me fucking lose it, its so dumb.

OK, OK. Who are you talking to? Theres no one over there.

Hmm? Wha are you sayin? Are you shayin yer not a Phantom Thief? Cant fool meee! Yer a Phantom Thief!

OK, stop right there. Let go of him and head on home, OK?

Our clubs gonna bag that reward! Every one of us should be diggin up on [sic] dirt on the Phantom Thieves!

Well, hold on now. We dont want to put ourselves in any danger.

Relax, buuuddy! Were unstoppable!

Those who are swayed by fads are fools. The people of this country will never learn.

Is this really what we should be focusing on? Arent the elections at the end of the year?

Yes, and the ruling party finally split up. Although, its too late, considering the approval rating.

Our companys been hurting financially too after investing in Phantom Thieves related stuff.

Were always the ones getting the short end of the stick. Ive had enough of this.

Politicians are also to blame. Theyve been ignoring that dangerous group for a long time.

Oh, its you. Your Japanese has gotten pretty decent.

I want to get better at speaking to customers. Communication is key. Thats why I started following current events more on the news.

Does that mean ya finally wanna come back home to the country?

No. I worked too hard to get here just to leave now. Just gotta hope theyre caught soon.

Ill keep ya safe. Were all real worried bout ya, yknow.
Man, this poor idiot. Shes not gonna fuck you, dude.
And were finally maxed out on everything! Iwai, here we come.