Part 143: 11/2-11/3: Garden Variety
Part 135: 11/2-11/3: Garden Variety
Anon: theyre def guilty
Anon: if ur innocent, show yourself
Anon: lol this place went to shit
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
Why not read the fishing book, even if well probably never go back there?
Music: Everyday Days

Its a book about fishing, but it talks more about fishing gear and ideal mental states than fish.

I never thought thered be ways to tell different types of fish apart while theyre underwater
We should go to the fishing pond sometime and test what youve learned!
Music: So Boring

There were those incidents in April, then the Phantom Thieves and the principal
did he just fucking say that?

Perhaps youre wondering why I used such hip terminology, hm?
Oh god, please kill me.

Now then, Hamiru-kun. The word wack was also used in a coded language from history. What was that language?
Its the only answer at all relevant to the game, shockingly.

Correct. If you knew that offhand, then I daresay you must be pretty wack, yourself.
Im gonna jump out the window out of sheer mortification.

...Im joking, of course. Still, you must be quite diligent in your studies. To thieves of olden days, wack was actually a noun, meaning ones fair share. If you wanted your part of a haul of riches your group stole, you would demand your wack, you see.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

If todays youth are freely using Thieves Cant to each other in broad daylight
Then truly, we live in wack times indeed.

...Ive been listening to a lot of teenagers, but Im not sure Ive ever heard them say that
...Still, hes trying so hard, it would be a shame to correct him.
Would it really?

OK, lets get everyone together!
Oh no, the game got mad at me for putting off the meetup again!
Music: Suspicion

Can we just get started?

The forced investigation will take place on
November 20th. Thats our deadline this time.

Is there any possibility of that investigation being moved to an earlier date?

I highly doubt it.

How can you be so sure? Didnt that want to catch us as soon as they possibly could?

They may be corrupt, but they are still a bureaucracy.
Thats a really good explanation, honestly!

Certain steps must be taken in order to continue forward. Unless their situation becomes extremely dire, they wont act with only circumstantial evidence.

Im impressed, detective man. You sure know a lot about internal affairs.

Yes, he is quite promising.

Well, this is purely a give-and-take relationship. You taught me the inner workings of the Phantom Thieves, so its only fair I return the favor. And I will be sure to contact everyone if the investigation team makes any odd movements.

That would be helpful.
Music: Tokyo Emergency
So, now that weve got the gang together, we might as well
back out and cancel the operation! We have shit to do today!
Music: Tokyo Daylight
First, we head to Jinbocho to pick up the reward.

I suppose I can sell you this book. I highly suggest you purchase it.
The reward is
another exorbitantly expensive book! Wow! For real though, this book is extremely helpful if you want that book-readin trophy because it doubles the number of chapters you can read per session. We buy it and resolve to never come back here.
It's really weird, though, as yet another mechanic that comes into play so late in the game that it's just far too late to really take advantage of it. Bizarre.
We also decide to get all the books we havent bought from the Shibuya bookstore while were at it. At this point we have almost every book in the game. Theres only one were missing, but we havent done the prerequisite to unlock it yet. Well see about doing that sometime later.

? You sure were gonna be OK not headin in?

...Eh, I guess it aint gonna hurt gettin a change of pace.

Its got to do with the track team
You mind hearin me out?

Youre a lifesaver, dude. Im feelin real hungry, so lets get some monja while we talk. Its on me.
Music: Whats Going On?

This ones on me. Dont expect it to happen too often though. Wait
Wheres my wallet
? ...Eh, whatever.
Goddammit, Ryuji. You promised a free meal!

He said the track teams gonna try n ditch Yamauchi. They wanna start practicin without him. Theyre trying to get their old coach back too
The one from before Kamoshida. Looks like theyre finally walkin their own path.
Oh shit!

It felt kinda bad, but thats not where I belong now. When you first came to Shujin, people were talkin so much shit about you. But you took it in stride. You just did whatever you thought was cool, and didnt care what other people said about you.
Actually, I cried myself to sleep many times, but lets pretend its your thing.

I think thats why people kinda get pulled towards you, man. Wherever you decide to be, thats where you belong.

back before I met you, I kept makin excuses for why I couldnt fit in. It was always cause of someone else. Kamoshida, the track team
Hell, I even blamed my dad. I was such a freakin loser
I mean, those people werent exactly blameless in your status as an outcast.

But Ive realized now
as long as Im bein myself, Ill always have somewhere I can fit in. It aint really the same place as before, but its damn good. ...Im just glad I found it.

Right next to me
or maybe ahead? Something like that.
I feel like my bond with Ryuji is growing deeper...


Wait, but if you cant see me, am I really showin you anything
Wanna see me self-actualize? ...Wanna see me do it again?

Eh, whatever. I think weve been talking too long. Were all outta monja
Wanna try grillin some toothpicks?
Were definitely getting kicked out of this restaurant.

Lets head home.
Music: Beneath the Mask
This is just the laundry we ordered the other day.

Highly supported by his peers, Representative Masayoshi Shido is rumored to be forming a new party. If an election does happen, it seems Representative Shidos group will be in the eye of the storm.

Sounds like theres going to be an election. Youre still not old enough to vote yet, right?
still unavailable, so were just gonna have to keep reading until then.
Isnt speed reading kinda antithetical to the whole point of reading, which is to go slowly and be absorbed into a work?
...Just kidding, who gives a shit?
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Its an old book, but it seems to have the fundamentals of speed reading down.

You started flipping pages much faster towards the middle, so I thought you were skipping parts.
Jesus christ man, you speed-read the speed-reading book!? Youre a madman! Youll kill us all!

I can already see that youre able to read with more efficiency now!
Anon: what if they are LOL
Anon: stop shitposting lol
Anon: cant know w/o a trial
Anon: Record-breaking evil
Music: Tokyo Emergency

However, fewer tips have been sent in than expected. Its suspected people fear possible retaliation. The police are considering increasing the reward and are continuing to request information.

It just keeps snowballing
Is there really nothing they wont do to catch us?
Music: Tokyo Daylight
We want to hang with Haru today, but shes at school, and its a holiday. Thankfully, shes visible from the gate.

Im authorized to use the back entrance to the school. Come on, we can go in that way.

It takes some time for someone as clumsy as me
Haru seems to be busy taking care of the planters by herself...
The games pretty brutal here, putting a Rank 5 Proficiency gate before Harus Rank 2, meaning you cant even get her Baton Pass until youve totally maxed it out. Thankfully, Proficiency is pretty easy to max, if repetitive.

So youll help me? Well, if you insist.
Music: Whats Going On?

The soil here would be so healthy if you were here more often.


Im surprised that my gardening can be of use to our work as the Phantom Thieves. This started as just a hobby, so its amazing to see it transform into a more practical skill.

...Coffee beans.

I mean, doesnt the idea of a boutique cafe sound lovely?


Anyway, I recently discovered the joy in the taste and aroma of coffee. I used to think it was purely bitter, but now I understand the depth of its flavor
To tell you the truth
I wasnt even able to drink it before

can I share with you again?

Just once Id like the ability to say no.
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

For as long as I can remember, the company has been run by my father. Being liked by him was always very important. Some employees would even come to ingratiate themselves to me.

Most evidently, people have started trying to use my influence as majority shareholder to oust other employees. They say they come to me out of respect
but I know they really just want to use me. Ive heard so many rumors

There may be truth to that though. Hes been with the company for years, but has only started being nice to me recently. He even offered to assist me with asset management. I fear he has an ulterior motive though

He even went as far as to recommend I sell my shares the other day. He said I could make a fortune
But I realized that if I did so, he would be able to strike the Okumura name completely. Takakura-san must be scheming to take the company for himself
...At least, its possible.

None of the advice Ive gotten so far has been helpful either. Everyone only speaks out of their own self-interest

Oh, and dont worry. Ill make sure I keep myself motivated, even through these difficult times.
I can sense Harus trust in me...

I need to make sure these vegetables turn out as good as possible for the Phantom Thieves.


Well, see you later.

Again!? Ever since Okumura, there have been so many

The Phantom Thieves are going way too far

Are they getting carried away by their popularity?
What popularity?

Are the police going to do anything about this?
Anon: stop shitposting lol
Anon: Record-breaking evil
Anon: no way theyre innocent
Anon: Death penalty! Execute!
Music: Beneath the Mask

I have even heard them say we are assassins hired to deal with psychotic breakdown victims.

Ugh, thats obviously not what were trying to do.

This must be part of the plan to shift the blame onto the Phantom Thieves.

Indeed. I have no intentions of letting this slide.

Man, this culprit guy really wont let up. I dont remember ever doing anything thatd make someone hate us THIS much.

He used my father as well

I cannot fathom what his motive may be
We will just have to capture and interrogate him.

But before that, we need to change my sisters heart. Thats our first step toward stopping him.

I must agree. The true culprit will be caught, but before that we must deal with Sae-san. If ranking is being taken into consideration, perhaps I will be targeted too
Just kidding.
Please dont make jokes about this. Youre bad at it.

Probably relax at some luxury resort, then start my own business with the rest of the money
...Wait, we dont have time for this. Whats our strategy for the clients were meeting tomorrow?

*sigh* Back to lame ol reality
Double speed reading!
Unfortunately, we can still only read one book at a time, and we still have more than a few unread one-session books. But our stats are maxed out already so unless you really care about that trophy unlocking the rest of the hangout spots is the only thing we have to gain.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Its a famous spiritual spot well-known for its walking paths. Quiet places like this seem nice. I bet youd really be able to relax if you took someone there.

Apparently, the
Meiji Shrine has its own train station. Thats how popular that place is.

Though I guess you could always go alone if you wanted to pray or make a wish for something.
Well almost certainly never go here because its pretty redundant, but if we visit Meiji Shrine on our own during the afternoon, we can pray to increase our points with a Confidant, like with Chihaya. Unfortunately, it takes up time, but the tradeoff is that you can get more Confidant points per day.