Part 156: 11/16-11/18: I Love You, Fake Dad
Part 147: 11/16-11/18: I Love You, Fake Dad
Anon: 30 million yen OMG XD
Anon: this site pisses me off
Music: My Homie

...Is this on? Ms. Chouno, please come to the faculty office at once.

What could this be
Surely it wont be a ruse like the last eight times!

Im off to the faculty office, so make sure you study on your own.

This womans skills were amazing, but I cant help but feel shocked by how brazen she was
Morgana just feels threatened by strong, independent women, naturalloh wait she was a murderer

Goodness, there are so many ways to trick people. So many secret techniques and maneuvers
Im sure you learned a bit more about the
Proficiency youll need to smoothly get by in this world.
Maaku gains
Proficiency +3.
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)
Now, its raining, so we cant hang out with most of our Confidants. Therefore, we should do something weve never done before:
Read in the library!
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

Theres danger afoot in the internet world too, it seems.

They were like gentleman thieves targeting evil corporations, but now theyre glory-seeking hackers. Theyre sort of like us Phantom Thieves in that nobody knows exactly who they are...
Theyre Futaba, you moron.

That section on computer security was difficult, but Im sure you gained some
Knowledge from it.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +3.

This isnt even news anymore

I dont care about politics.

Just arrest the Phantom Thieves already!

We cant entrust these incompetent politicians to do anything!
Anon: id bet money on the arrest
Anon: Akechi-kun, save us!
Anon: stop shitposting lol
Anon: Record-breaking evil
Music: Beneath the Mask

On these irregularly broadcast specials, we share limited-edition items that are all the rage! Today, were talking about the
Angel Tart from the Taisho Store! Its available till Christmas!

Oh, I love
Angel Tarts. Ill buy them, even if I have to wait in long lines to get them. When I see these on the shelf at the store, it makes me feel like Christmas is almost here.
Despite this offer being made today, this item is not actually available for purchase just yet. Odd.
Weve had this game console set up in the attic for some time now, lets go use it.
We can play one level per night, so with all these games were probably not going to be able to get the trophy for beating all of them. However, were playing this game for a different reason. It doesnt actually matter which game we select for our own purposes tonight as long as we dont pick Gambla Goemon.
Music: Star Forneus

Youre blasting away the enemy ships one by one
Not bad for a beginner. Oh, there arent any enemies on screen now
Did you win?

Hey, I think youre supposed to aim for the core in the middle. Try focusing your fire on it!
We get seven seconds to press it twenty-five times.
Just hammer that X button.
Music: Everyday Days

I bet jumping into the enemy barrage increased your
Maaku gains
Guts +2. You only get the social stat upgrade and complete the level if you finish the prompt given to you. This is why we didnt want to choose Gambla Goemon, a game rooted in luck. We dont need the social stats at this point, but Id still rather complete the level so it doesnt feel like I just wasted a time slot.
Anon: waste of tax money imo
Anon: theyre def guilty
Anon: lol this place went to shit
Anon: Enough is enough!!!
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
*sigh* Lets read this fucking PUA manual, I guess.
Music: Everyday Days

This picture of the author
That smug grin just irritates me.

It was just a sleazy book about picking up girls, but it did have some good tips on being charming.
Maaku gains
Charm +3. Man, itd be fucking amazing if my Charm actually went down after reading that shit.
Music: So Boring

Sine, cosine, and tangent. This is where a lot of people arent able to keep up. Why would you panic just from seeing a graph? I dont get it. A complicated formula gets condensed down to a single line
Isnt it simple and elegant? All of them have distinctive shapes that stimulate the imagination. Now then, Hamiru-san. Take a look at these graphs.

Thats correct.

Likewise, D is called the devils curve because it looks like a Chinese yo-yo called a diabolo.
Chinese yo-yo is probably just one of those fake drug names from that Twitter bot that posts made-up Ice T quotes from SVU.

Its not directly related to devils in any way.
Are you sure? Math is pretty Satanic in my book.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

Some people may think of math as an enemy like a devil
Gah! The script predicted my joke!

...But theres research that suggests that people who excel at math have higher incomes. If youre shooting for a higher salary, sometimes you need to be willing to fight demons.
A little on-the-nose, game.

Honestly, I feel like fighting demons would be easier than trying to understand graphs like that
Music: Tokyo Daylight
Watch that false plural, cat.
Now that weve played a video game, we can buy a book of game secrets from the Shinjuku bookstore.

I see Shido-san sometimes when Im walking around town. I got to shake his hand! His smile really left a big impression on me.

Ive been hearing a lot about this Shido. I hope popularity isnt all that hes got to offer.

Mwehehe! Youre free, right? Theres something I really wanna talk to you about. Itd be awesome if you could make some time for me.

OK! Lets go to your room then.
Music: Whats Going On?

And believe it or not, she replied.
She asked me how I got her email address and then blocked me.

We even ended up talking on the phone about elementary school. She said the only reason she got mad at me about her diary was because she was embarrassed. Apparently she thought I would hate her if I knew about her secrets
so she ran away. I guess me and her are pretty much the same after all. Long story short
we made up! I finally apologized to her.

Im surprised youre so excited about it
but Im glad. Anyway, its too far to actually visit each other, so weve been sending emails back and forth. We even made a promise recently
to both go to high school next year. Yknow
theres no way I wouldve been able to call her and apologize before.

Oh, I almost forgot! Kana-chan was really surprised the Phantom Thieves listened to her request. Shell never know the truth of the matter though
Mwehehe! Ive finally finished that promise. Get along with Kana-chan
This is really important, so Im gonna say it again
Thank you, Maaku. Wait a second
I never even said it the first time. I guess that means Ill just have to say it again now! Thank you, Maaku. Seriously.
I can feel a strong bond of trust from Futaba

Um, is it OK if I ask you for a favor real quick? I mean, I just finished a super-old promise.
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

C-Can you
pat me on the head? Mom used to do it when she was happy with me. Just
pat pat. ...Can you do it?
Uhhh, okay?


M-My heart
! M-My face
! It feels like theyre on fire! *pant* *pant* C-Calm down, Futaba

Looks like that strange outburst is finally over. My hearts still beating real hard, but Im totally good now. Sorry for making you worry. I just remembered
I still have one more promise to do. Being OK without you around. ...Is that really possible? Meh, Ill find out some other day! Peace out!
I walked Futaba home...
Music: Beneath the Mask

Once you send that calling card, theres no turning back. Make sure you finish preparations tonight.

Topics of safety, particularly how to deal with the Phantom Thieves, are receiving a lot of attention. The key to winning the election will likely be how the parties address this challenge.

Are they just using us as scapegoats? They really just do whatever serves their interests

Im going to the church with Futaba. Sorry, but youre coming along too.

Were going to visit Wakabas grave. Were leaving soon. Get ready in three minutes.
Sojiro Rank 10

Ive been so busy with the shop and all
No, thats not it
The guilt is what kept me from coming, I thought Wakaba would be angry with me
Music: Sunset Bridge

I sure kept her waiting
but it felt good to tell her about how much Futabas improved lately. Oh
I told her about you too.

This is the first time the four of us are all together.

This is what my real smile looks like.

I approve.
Futaba walks away.

Oh, I have some news. The family court gave me a call the other day. Futabas uncle decided to retract his report. It was cause of you, wasnt it?

Im sure shell make a fine lady either way. After all
she is Wakabas daughter. *sigh* Do all fathers have to go through this anxiety

But you showed me so much more
You showed me I have a family I need to protect. Not just Futaba
But you too. I may not always be reliable, but feel free to come to me if anything happens. Ill be there for you
as family. And
Ah, I know. Ill teach you everything I can. Youre a full-fledged man now. That might not be enough to return the favor
but its all I can do.
I feel a strong bond with Sojiro...
Music: The Spirit
Master Curry allows us to make curry that restores even more SP to all our allies. We still havent made curry yet, but well go into it in a bit.
Sojiro is fucking great. Hes played by Jamieson Price, who just kills it. What an amazing character, and what an amazing performance.
Music: Sunset Bridge
No problem, man. I wouldnt do that to you, for one. Second, we had a weird head-pat moment earlier today and it just cemented how odd our whole relationship is.

I cant imagine you calling me father
Although, maybe it wouldnt be so bad
Make up your damn mind.


Yeah, yeah
Now, theres actually a slightly different version of this scene that plays if you get it before Sojiro finds out youre a Phantom Thief. Hell just wonder if Futabas uncle had a change of heart instead of pretty much knowing you did it yourself, so it doesnt change much.
Anon: lol this place went to shit
Anon: Oh how far theyve fallen
Anon: Is the admin an accomplice?

You all look like a bunch of dead fish. What was it? Your phone? Video games? I know you were up late. I always wake up at sunrise. On the other hand, kids these days
Hey, Hamiru! Are you awake!? Look at this map!

Exactly. The correct answer is the summit of Mt. Fuji.

However, what affects it most is altitude. So, excluding the outlying islands, the sun rises earliest on Mt. Fuji.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

That said, who knows when dawn will ever come for this country. The government and police are completely incompetent. Those Phantom Thieves need to be caught before anything else.

Just you watch
Well show you whos just.

Anyways, tomorrows finally it! I hope everyone remembers!

The date of our plan? Of course we remember.

That means were sending out the calling card today, right?

Yes, today is our only option. The police have yet to actually make a move, but I am certain we have reached our limits.

We wanted to wait as long as possible to make Makotos sister panic

Yes. Taking that into account, today would be the best option. We can speak in more detail about this after school. I will tell Akechi-kun as well.

All right, see yall at Leblanc!
Music: Suspicion

Aint this place always empty though?

Everyone here is a witness.

U-Uh, I was just jokin

Um, were supposed to be discussing where we should send the calling card

Considering how big the hypes gotten, shell prolly just think its a prank, wont she?

I could always put it on Sae-sans desk. People know me there, so I could gain access easily.

Thats not a good idea. If youre the only one who can get in there, itll easily be traced back to you.
detective. Geez, what a moron.

...Ill do it. I can just tell her it came for her in the mail. That would be the least risky method. No matter what she asks, Ill tell her I dont know anything.

But Makoto, thats

Youre our leader, so this will be up to you. Should we leave the calling card to Makoto?

Is that
really the only way...?

Ill be OK. Ive already traversed far more dangerous ground than this.

We will leave it to you then. Thank you for agreeing to this. I will need to step up my game as well to make up for it

Very well then. Well enter from in front of the courthouse. Does six oclock in the evening work for everyone?

Yup, got it.

Same as always.
Music: Disquiet
We continued talking after that
but I dont remember about what
My memory is a haze...

All thats left is to carry out the operation that Makoto outlined earlier.
Music: Desire
Oh, so Sae is envy. I
guess that makes sense? Sort of? If you squint?

For its sake, you are even willing to promote injustice as justice
From, #Millennials

I found it in our mailbox

To think they would send me one
Sae crumples up the calling card Yusuke worked so hard on.

What nonsense! They only care about disposing of those who are an inconvenience for them! Fine
Ill just have to catch them first!

And when you do
youre going to interrogate them, right? In some kind of underground room, was it

Why do you ask?

Oh, I just remembered you mentioning something like that before

Thats right. It will be in a special interrogation room underground. My time will be limited, but I will do whatever it takes to make them divulge their secrets

Its late, but I should contact the director and let him know about this calling card

Once that happens
why dont we go on a trip to some hot springs? Just the two of us.
I can yell at you just like old times. Itll be great.
Music: Days of Sisters

Um, I-Im on your side!
Makoto begins crying.

*chuckle* What an odd girl

Ill head up to my room then.

Theres something I need to inform you of
I received a calling card from the Phantom Thieves. It was addressed to me directly and--

And youve transferred command of the investigation to someone else
!? No, of course not
I understand. Ill remain on standby until further instructions
Please excuse me.
Uh-oh. That doesnt sound good.
Music: Beneath the Mask
You always say that.

Thanks, Mako-chan. Its all going according to plan then.

So, it has finally come to this. I actually feel somewhat nervous.

Dont freak out so much that you screw up, all right?

Youre one to talk.

I ask that you go easy on me. Well then, see you tomorrow.

Hold on a sec! Crow, go over the operation again before you leave.

It is just as we discussed earlier, is it not?

This battle will decide our future. We must ensure were fully prepared beforehand.

Very well. Our objective is stealing Sae-sans Treasure. We will meet at the courthouse at approximately 6 pm.

Well be relying on you.

What a wonderful, trusting relationship. I will do my best in this as well.

All right
We cant afford any mistakes, especially not this time. Tomorrows a big day for us, so lets give it our all!

Our special feature today is on Masayoshi Shido, who just might become our next prime minister.

Shido-san is popular as a man of the people. People really have high hopes in him as a politician.

There isnt much you can do to prepare at this point, but make sure you give this all youve got.

...You know what I want to say, right? Make sure you dont do anything rash, you got it?
Dont worry, man. We got this.
Had to try.
Weve never actually made curry, and its one of the three things were allowed to do on calling card days along with make infiltration tools and make coffee, so lets do that. Itll give me a chance to explain why its not actually that useful!

Hey, there are some leftover curry ingredients here!
Now, curry can only be made on specific days when the fridge has leftovers in it. Today, it does.

Making curry for tomorrow? Thats not a bad idea...
Normally wed get a prompt asking us if we want to call Kawakami to do this for us, but its a calling card day so we cant.

Oh, youre cookin dinner
? Im about to head home, but
Careful with the stove, all right?
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

...This curry really has a lot of ingredients, doesnt it? Did I see you put fruit in there?
Now, we dont get Confidant points with Sojiro for curry like we do with coffee, because he leaves and decides not to crap all over it. But you know what we
do still get?
Aww yiss, grated apples. Mild and delectable, bitches.
I wouldnt think coffee would go with curry either, but there you go.

Ahh! Its starting to smell good
I bet this will be a hit!
Maaku takes one bite and immediately starts wolfing it down. Take it easy, man. We need some of that for the Palace.

This curry has a lot of thought and love behind it, huh
Maybe if you eat it in the Metaverse, itll heal your wounds too.
Master Curry restores 100 SP to all allies. Unfortunately, curry is a food item, meaning it is only usable out of battle, as Jeff and Vinny discovered during the infamous TaP Soda incident. This isnt necessarily a huge problem;
Harus vegetables have the same restriction (Only the Sun Tomatoes have this restriction, oddly enough. In addition to what follows here it just means there's no reason to ever make Sun Tomatoes). The main problem with curry though is that until you get to Sojiros Rank 10, which upgrades it from 50 (?) to 100 SP, you need a bunch of it if youre really hurting for SP.
Theres an interesting trade-off here with the veggies, which dont take a time slot but do take time to grow, vs. the coffee and curry. Harus Sun Tomatoes restore the same amount of SP for the party, but honestly once you get Kawakami to Rank 9 and she quits her job you can have her be doing stuff for you every night with no penalty, so why not just have her make curry and use all of Harus gardening time on full-SP-restore Moonlight Carrots? I went into this writeup thinking curry was useless (and I had my reasoning, as we head into the endgame the later bosses are all marathons, so SP restore you cant use in battle is worthless for them), but honestly, it has its uses.
By the way, theres really no reason to make coffee once you get Master Curry unless you just need to give Kawakami something to do, they restore the same amount of SP but the latter is partywide.

There might come a time youll be asked to serve it to someone. It wouldnt be a waste to practice. We should rest now, we have a big day tomorrow.
We certainly do. Buckle up kids, because shits about to get nuts.