Part 164: 11/21: Delicious Pancakes
Part 154: 11/21: Delicious Pancakes
Anon: kid had it coming, lol
Anon: he went down easy
Anon: he got what was coming

I didnt expect him to commit suicide

Hes a murderer. He deserved to die.

We can finally breathe easy now.

He killed himself huh? I guess well never know his motivation.
Anon: The truths lost to the void
Anon: Akechi got the last laugh!
Anon: Well finally have peace
Anon: A worthy end for a villain
It feels like my consciousness is about to fade away...

Dont fall asleep until we reach our destination. ...Are you listening?
I see were just skipping how Sae managed to extricate Maaku from the police station, okay.
Could this be the effect of the drug wearing off? The memories I thought were gone are starting to come back
Music: Disquiet

You werent paying attention? Well, I guess I can see how youd be lost in thought right now. Anyway, we need to talk about how to get out of this situation.

Futabas monitoring of Akechis phone has confirmed it
He did indeed have an ulterior motive.

Its on a completely different level than just that.

Not only was he trying to frame us, but he was the true culprit behind the mental shutdowns
His offer to assist us was simply a plot to frame the Phantom Thieves
and kill Maaku-kun. If we go into Sis Palace as he suggests, well likely be met by a large ambush of police forces.

To think he would be this far gone
I know now what it means to feel a chill down my spine. Furthermore, he wishes to bring a police squad from reality into the Palace

If the eight of us can enter at once, its not inconceivable to think a larger group is possible. He may even be able to bring in vehicles or other special pieces of equipment.

So this really was just a setup to shift the blame onto us

He made us go after Okumura, then once we triggered the change of heart, he killed him

The whole time he was workin with Makotos sister, he was really just some homicidal maniac! Cmon, we gotta take that bastard Akechi down! Isnt that recording we got enough proof to do it!?

No, Akechi is merely a tool. His orders come from elsewhere
The grand mastermind behind this all. An unimaginable fiend capable of arranging the murder of a suspect of a police station

Unless we find out who that is, we will continue being targeted even if we defeat Akechi

what means do we have of learning his identity?

Well have to make Akechi say it
though once we do, that mastermind will likely eliminate us.

I think that will be the case eventually regardless of whether or not we learn his identity. The only reason it hasnt happened yet is because were an easy target to blame for his crimes. If he realizes thats no longer possible and abandons that plan, he may opt to kill us immediately.

So we dont got a choice but to go with that bastards suggestion

But if we go into the Palace as told, Maaku will get arrested and then murdered by Akechi

The Palace

...Actually, theres something Id like to say regarding--

Wh-Whats this all of a sudden!?

Theres a way
A way to get past Akechi And get the mastermind to lay off of us, all while learning his identity.


You gotta be kidding me

If he wants to kill Maaku, why not let him?

That is, inside the Palace

Yes. We could have him kill the cognitive Maaku-kun, all while believing he killed the real one.

Yeah, thats it!

It seems thats our only option. Listen close, everyone. I have a plan for how we can carry this operation out

However, the police intend on continuing this investigation until the case is fully solved.

Waiting upstairs. Go tell them to come on down. Im gonna fetch him.

Makoto told me everything.

Eh, its ancient history now.
You only tried to revoke my adoptive fathers custody at a point when he was the only person alive who cared for me in any way, including myself! Water under the bridge!

But man, that goddamn detective!
Music: Break it Down

Hey, you big bastard!

Howve you been?

Youre not floating...

It truly is a relief to see your face.

Still, howd you pull this off? Isnt this guy considered dead?

You werent told anything? I heard my sister brought him here though

Yeah. She came over in a taxi, dumped him off, and told me to keep him safe. It was right after they announced he had died too. Almost gave me a heart attack.

I didnt have time to explain

Hey, shouldnt we tell Boss what really happened?
Music: Suspicion

What we did was make that enemy kill his fake in the Metaverse.

Enemy? Fake
? Whatre you talking about
Poor Sojiro has no goddamn clue whats going on.

The true culprit behind all these incidents set us up. Our goal here was to determine their identity.

True culprit
? I see
So you guys were going up against someone else.

It was Goro Akechi.

You knew beforehand that he was the traitor, didnt you?

Akechi himself gave us the chance to strike back. He made one fatal mistake.

Couldnt you have just said from the beginning that Akechi was the real culprit?
I didnt
fucking remember.

That wasnt something we could simply bring up. We couldnt have you suspect Akechi. Besides, neither you nor the other investigators would have believed something like that, would you?

...True. Akechi was credited with the arrest of the Phantom Thieves. Not even I would think he was the culprit
In other words, you left him alone on purpose
That was a bold move.

God, I cant keep up with any of this stuff
Sojiro is basically my dad whenever we watch Westworld together. And also me.

He slipped up in regards to Morganas voice.

Yes. Morgana can talk.

Sorry, was that supposed to be a joke?
I love that Sojiro just thinks were fucking with him.

Oh! Our apologies. Thats completely true.

You surprised?

Does that mean
he said something just now as well?

But you dont understand him, do you? Thats how it was for all of us at first too.

When youre in the Metaverse, Mona talks like a normal person. Once you hear that and your brain realizes he can actually talk, you start to understand him in reality.
Wait, what? She should be able to hear him! Shes been to a Palace, and Akechi had never heard Morgana before in the Metaverse! Which is it, game?

...Its a change in cognition! Most likely!

Thanks to Akechis lame acting, we figured out something was up.
Look whos talking here.

But we already saw him drop a mega hint about it waaay earlier.
Bahahahahahahah, oh this games really pretty dumb but I kind of love it.

...That meant Akechid already been in the Metaverse by then!

And since he was lying to us about that, we assumed he had a hidden motive behind contacting us.

It seemed odd upon further thought. His reaction to my pancake comment was an honest one, after all.
I seriously cannot believe the major inciting event of the third act of this game revolves around an innocuous comment about pancakes.

That said, we werent so naive to overlook something like that.

Thats why we asked Futaba-chan to wiretap his phone.

Even that ace detective could never have imagined a program being installed so quickly. Futabas quirky nature proved to be a great help.

After a few days of listening this confirmed a his betrayal.

That would be the only way to arrest them, given their methods. Ill deal with them after that. Let me see
We could say he stole the guards gun and committed suicide during his imprisonment
How about that? Public security questioning will occur on the first day
and with that room, my task will be simple.

Yes, the guard will be one of ours. Well have to eliminate him after to destroy the evidence though

And thus, the dangerous criminal responsible for the mass mental shutdowns shall end his own life. When he does, you will become a great hero who saved Japan from evil. As will I, of course.

Hes no ace detective
Akechi is the perpetrator behind the mental shutdown crimes.

On top of that, theres someone else commanding Akechi
Someone with great authority
so great that they can order an assassination in a police station. Thats why we had to make a move before they did.
The other Phantom Thieves nod.

I see

Can you elaborate on that in more detail? What exactly happened in my cognitive world?

Were sorry for using you without your permission. Your Palace had all the conditions we needed

First, we required a place inside the cognitive world that was the same as in reality.

Thats why nobody but the person who uses the Nav even realizes theyre in the Metaverse.

Back with Kamoshida, we came in from the station without even noticin

You totally cant tell the difference if there aint any distortions around.

We had already investigated Niijima-sans Palace when Makoto brought this suggestion to us.
...Ha! Putting the Palace off for weeks was all part of my master plan to give us more time to figure out this other master plan! ...No, not really.

To be honest, I didnt quite understand it, but I went along with it.

Yeah, its good we have her heading up our operations.

Makoto is normally so calm as well
but once her mind is set, she gets oddly impulsive.

I did have a bit of a rivalry forming with Akechi
But I just couldnt contain myself anymore once you became a target, Sis. The reason I joined the Phantom Thieves was to heal your heart, after all.

My own achievements were all that mattered to me
I was desperate. I wasnt myself at all. Im sorry I couldnt see that.

That goes for the both of us.

We heard from Mako-chan that you were going to do the interrogation, Niijima-san.

And regarding its location
I take it you used the data from my laptop?

Im sorry.

*chuckle* Go on.
I really like these little doodles that show up for this scene.

First, our clothes didnt change when we were down in the interrogation room.

Once we heard that from Makoto, we secretly went to check it out without Akechi knowing.

There was also one more thing we absolutely needed to make this work

Since he had yet to be caught though, there obviously wouldnt be anyone in that room.

They looked no different from actual living people.

After that, we just had to work our way into the Palace like usual while keepin Akechi in the dark.

However, it was then that we were met with a terrifying, unexpected police ambush. As a result, even though we managed to grab the Treasure, we couldnt get it out of the Metaverse
Music: Disquiet

We had prepared an empty briefcase beforehand and merely acted like we were taking the Treasure. This was because we knew the police would be coming for us.

We made sure before the operation that the police would be waiting to ambush us. And just as expected, he totally took the bait.

And I had been interrogating him with no knowledge of this. But, how did you lure Akechi into this
cognitive worlds interrogation room?

All I needed were the coordinates. Hehehehehe
Asking her about it now would drag the conversation on too long
I should talk to her later.
this would drag on the conversation for too long. Thats the
only thing thats too much for right now. The rest of this conversation is just impeccably paced, I totally get it.

It must have been truly hilarious for our leader who sat idly in the real worlds interrogation room.

So thats why you gave me your phone
I only took it because of what you told me.

Its a shame I didnt have the opportunity to see that for myself.

All I could do was try to handle all the messages that started coming to me on his phone. Huh
So in other words, Ive been to the Metaverse, albeit for a brief moment.

In our experience, there is little danger when someone enters their own Palace for so short a time.

Thats the other reason we had him give it to you. We needed you to listen to Alibaba, deceive the guard, and ultimately aid in his escape. By having you head back to the interrogation room, we could return you to the real world as well.

I mean, I had to think of some way to keep you from running into Akechi mid-assassination.


Im so glad Maaku was able to persuade you during the interrogation. Even though we knew about Akechis plan, we were pretty worried about that part.


Without Sis on our side, Futabas plan and subsequent breakout would have never been possible. That persuasion was easily our greatest gamble. We couldnt consult Sis beforehand. It was absolutely the make-or-break moment of the entire plan.

Still, Im surprised you could convince me in such a short time. Were you confident you could do it?

Then it truly was a do or die situation? Thats crazy. Either way, I cant believe you went for such a risky idea

If we could just tell you the true culprits plan, I knew youd realize the bigger picture
Realize that Maaku-kun was telling the truth, and that there was a greater evil to pursue.

As a result, we emerged victorious.

Then the reason you kept this a secret from me was so you could catch the true culprit, correct?

Yes. Plus, you had lost control of yourself at the time

This is stunning
All I can really do is laugh.

Ive kinda figured out that you guys made Akechi kill a fake
But what did you do about the body?

The police never even checked it.

They had a coroner working to ensure Maaku-kuns death was reported as a suicide. That coroner didnt take one look at the scene, and just passed along a falsified death certificate.
First off, how the hell do you know this? Second, I absolutely, unironically love that the plot fucking hinges on the massive political conspiracy being both too lazy and too stupid to A: actually make sure theres a corpse for its chosen patsy and B: keep watch over the restaurant that serves as both my home and base of operations. Its honestly pretty great that these morons are so blinded by greed and ego that they fail basic procedures to keep their evil asses from getting revealed and overthrown.

...The bad guys have that much influence?

Murder in a police station would be reckless otherwise. We also knew of a possible conspirator.

Thanks to Futaba-chans messages and the guards demeanor, I eventually came to understand
And since the higher-ups at the police knew nothing of this, they were thrown into disarray. As a result, Maaku-kuns suicide during imprisonment was reported on the news, just as Akechi planned.

And with that confusion, he was able to escape with Niijima-sans help.

I made sure nobody would check the morgue for his body, and thanks to that, nobody knows he survived.
How did you do that?

Thinking back to the interrogation though
I cant believe what they did to Maaku-kun. The callous use of violence and even drugs is utterly abnormal. If he had lost consciousness and hadnt been able to tell Sis about the phone, he wouldve died
truly glad you made it back safe, Maaku-kun.
Dont get forward with me, Ma
copto. I have my sights set on Haru.
Music: Alleycat

We made sure to live normal lives while he was being interrogated to avoid drawing any suspicion.
Oh, so thats why you were all surprised when you heard the news despite that making no sense.

Even with that, I couldnt help but worry for him in my heart

Well, I knew right away that our plan worked out.

I wanted to believe
but considering what we were up against

Ryujis a bit on the dense and carefree side.

I had to be patient and avoid this place until things settled down. I finally feel relieved
They havent exactly settled down yet. Its been like a day.

We knew he was alive, but
It was difficult to not worry until we could confirm it in person.

Now that I think about it, my interrogation was just a formality for the head commander. What a joke letting me interrogate someone who was meant to die. They just wanted to avoid backlash
Very well. From here forward, I will do my utmost to assist you. ...You saved me, after all.

Thats reassuring to hear.

Ill do whatever I can to help too. Just let me know. Lets take a break for now though. This old brain is pooped. Oh, and feel free to use the first floor when you guys want to get together to talk. Youll need a hideout where you can be safe. Just say the word and Ill close shop early.

Are you sure?

This guy cant leave. Plus, you wont make much progress if people can hear you from downstairs. Its not like this place is the liveliest joint in town. It wont be a huge loss for me.
How on earth does Leblanc make money?

And thats all for this installment. But that doesnt mean were done with this conversation. Join us next time for
Even! More! Talkiiiiiiing!