Part 177: 12/7: My Prized Hack
Part 167: 12/7: My Prized Hack
Music: Ark

Were leaving the cleaner for last, so we just got that IT president guy left.

We dont have any clues about him yet though
Either way, lets proceed onward. We still havent gotten a full grasp of this ships layout.
The Phantom Thieves have taken down a new target, so its time for them to move on! And you know what that means...
At least in this map we can actually see where the mouse statue areas are in grey.
These are Hanuman(s). Theyre weak to Ice (but also have an Evade Ice skill), and can use Physical and crit boosting skills.
In the main hall, we find the interesting gimmick of this hall. See, the statues are actually off by default here, and the only way to the exit is past a lock door. The only way to subvert that door is through a mouse-sized vent right next to it. You see where this is going, and youll probably be able to guess where the switch the thieves need to activate to progress is. Yep! Its all the way north, which they can only get to from the west, which means they have to work their way all the way around this area! And once they do that, the enemies will have respawned, so theyll be forced to do another round of evasion to get to the vent!
If my mind was structured like this, Id probably murder someone too. Just sayin.
Queen learns Mafreidyne to replace Mafreila somewhere in the maze of
hellways (heh, you get it?)
And eventually, the thieves make it through to the Side Deck, which contains another safe room to checkpoint them.

Nope. But
You beat the crap outta my men, and I cant exactly let that pass. Im gonna have to avenge them.

Wait, youre the one who attacked us, remember!?

Hmph, you sure do an awful lot of barkin. Well, I guess I could let you off the hook

Get ready. Here they come
Some more of these guys, who are still weak to Bless. Not much for the thieves to worry about. This cleaner dude needs to do better, Lord Shido deserves it.

We caused no trouble whatsoever, yet were met with the same end result
Fox, you pesky thieves have been causing nothing but trouble all day.

And on top of all that, he up and disappeared again!

We should ignore him if our actions have no actual impact on the results. For now, lets focus on searching for the IT company president. I hope there are clues somewhere
The P-Thieves are left with no choice but to proceed through a door at the end of the hall.
Which, naturally, leads to
At least its short, this time. The thieves simply need to get through a simple series of rooms. Some of the rooms have statues, but others do not. Im not even sure why theres a switch to turn the statues off in this one, the thieves dont actually need to press it for any reason. Its not vital to their egress or even used to conceal a treasure chest, its just there if they want to clean up the theft spots I guess.
These Baphomets are weak to Bless, block Curse, and use Fire, Ice, and Electricity. They also have skills to increase their Burn, Freeze, and Shock rate with those skills.
This is Oberon, it is weak to Nuke, blocks Psy, and uses Wind and Physical. It also has Evade Nuke.
Once the Thieves make it out, they find themselves somewhere that feels a bit familiar
Why, it was the locked door from the main hall!

And without any particularly useful information about the IT company president

He almost never leaves his room! Nobodys even seen him around!

Hm. If he almost never leaves, does that mean there are times that he does in fact leave?

Wouldnt he have to head out to go to the bathroom? Thats how it was for me in my room!

But there are restrooms in the rooms here
What about meals?

Just one call and your food gets delivered to your room.

I think youre right. Though this place is just a cognition, it has restaurants and bars as well. If the IT company president never leaves his room, somebody must be delivering the food to him.

Ohhh, so you think we should get info at the restaurants too! Nice idea, Joker! Oh, and Queen!
So, the thieves are heading back to the restaurant.
Music: Impromptu for the Next Prime Minister

Um, is it possible to have meals delivered to my room?

You mean room service. Yes, that is available only at this restaurant.

Aha! So, is there one room in particular that always orders food delivery?

Pardon me, but why are you asking me this? I would like to see your boarding passes if you dont mind.

O-Oh um, weve been asked to make a delivery. Its to the president of an IT company, I believe.


He apparently never leaves his room, but Mr. Shido has given us direct orders about this
Now then, this is a highly confidential matter, so we must take it to him ourselves.

Ah, is that so? In that case, let me tell you the way to his room.

Isnt this pretty close? I suppose its just upstairs.

It seems to be above the side deck we passed through earlier. Is there a way up somewhere?

Honestly guys, I doubt this is gonna be any use. If it were me, Id never open that door.

Well thats no good! What are we gonna do!?

If only there was a way in besides through the door

In any case, should we head back to the side deck? No that well be able to get in from there
The Phantom Thieves backtrack to a safe room, then warp back to the Side Deck.
Music: Ark

If getting this door open is impossible, well just have to find another route inside. Its the room directly above here, right? Hmm
Heading over to the east, the thieves find their path obstructed.
But whats this?

I mean, we ARE phantom thieves. We can use places that normal guests dont have access to.

A ship needs a source of power to sail. There must be an engine room nearby.
So, the thieves current task is to climb up and up.

The view is terrible though.
And the thieves have made it to the room.

The cabin the targets in is right there!

Indeed, I can sense someone within its walls.

What should we do, Joker?

>Check inside.

All right, here goes.
Music: Suspicion

Im gonna go!
Oh, this seems like a
great idea.

By yourself?

Hell be on guard if we all go together
Plus, its IT stuff! This is my time to shine!

Should we leave it to her?

I can do it! Its like that show where the kid goes shopping alone for the first time. Hehe, this is gonna be tough.

Shes feelin good enough to joke around, so maybe thisll be fine after all

Just yell if things get dangerous, OK?
Futaba salutes.
Music: Wicked Plan
Smooth, Oracle.

Those clothes
I-I mean, why did you come in from the window!?

W-Well the doors locked and you werent answering! How else am I supposed to get in here? Oh, but I get how you feel! Theres totes nothing better than relaxing in your own room!
Totes, ugh. Im glad Ive sided with Shido if theyre saying shit like that.

Youre an IT guy, right? I can tell we talk the same language!

This little guy caught your attention, huh? I made it myself!

Wanna see the benchmarks? It can pump out some awesome numbers. Although normall I just use this one as a sub-processor when Im hacking into a tough system.

Ever heard of Medjed?

Well, of course.

Try not to be surprised by this. Actually, be surprised. I am Medjed! Im the one who took down the fake!

Dont believe me, huh? Here, this is proof.

If you want my skills, Ill need a letter of introduction.

To think the website we prepared got crushed so easily by a mere child.
Oh shit.

Thats right. Why did you have to go and destroy our work?

Because Im a Phant--
Futaba sweats.

I-It was just because I couldnt forgive someone using the Medjed name without my permission. So, whyd you send Medjed after the Phantom Thieves?
Music: Desire

There was no reason to choose Medjed per se. Their popularity was convenient for us though. We knew the Phantom Thieves couldnt target an anonymous group, after all.

Thats why

Medjeds defeat was supposed to be an act, so their actual fall was quite a shock to me and Akechi-kun. We were planning on shutting it down anyway though, so it really didnt conflict with our plans. The Phantom Thieves mustve enjoyed their moment in the spotlight, not knowing it would be so short-lived. You see, you gotta abuse a tool like the internet. Well, the word abuse doesnt really describe it. The real charm comes in making use of the internet in innovative ways that circumvent legal restrictions.
Oh my god shut uuuuuuup

You little

*chuckle* Im sure you understand. Youre Medjed, after all. Isnt it wonderful manipulating all those information-illiterate idiots!?

...What a third-rate fool.

Not only are your skills third-rate, but you stink worse than a third-rate person. Dont treat me like were equals. Im gonna reform society!

...What a stupid idea. Dont tell me you destroyed my website for this so-called societal reform?

Picking on the weak and calling that innovative? Looks like I just gotta ban the guy at the root of all this
Shido! Now, youre gonna give me that letter of introduction!

Why would I?
Welp, that went bad.
Noir sounds totally fed up with this garbage.

Well, now that we know he has one, this should be the easiest way to get it!
We already knew he had one, though.
Shadow IT President
These guys dont present much of a threat to the Phantom Thieves, unfortunately for us. The Titanias are still weak to Psy and the Oberon is still weak to Nuke, so theyll spend most of the fight hitting those weaknesses in order to get All-out Attacks. The Oberon can summon more Titanias once they die, but its still not much.
Noir learns Amrita Shower to replace Psy Boost. Her skills are getting crowded to justify my decision not to get rid of Tetrakarn and Makarakarn, unfortunately.
Four down for the Phantom Thieves and one to go. We better hope this cleaner can get the job done.
Music: Suspicion

Making that fake Medjed wasnt the only bad thing you did, right? I want to hear your biggest secret.

The cognitive psience research

After extracting the results of the research, I deleted every last scrap of the original data. After that, I encrypted everything we had and put it on a domain inaccessible to normal people. Dont get me wrong though. I dont know anything about all the mental shutdowns.

What the hell was he researching?

No matter what it was, we wont let him abuse it!
Music: Desire

Im honored to hear that.

Its about the loyal customers of our mental shutdown business. How about you dispose of all the ones you think suspicious?
This is some North Korea shit. I mean, uh
in a good way!

Correct. The earlier the better.

Why so suddenly
? Did something happen?

Nothing in particular. But if something were to happen, it would already be too late.

I can understand why you might be nervous, but why not stay calm and hold off until after the election?
Akechi? Arguing
against murdering someone? Hell must be freezing over!

Id like to take out all of the trash before my inauguration as prime minister of this nation. For the sake of absolute victory, I need all roots of anxiety to be pulled as soon as possible.
Oh god, whats wrong with your face/neck/shoulders!?
Shido hangs up.
Akechi seems to have come to a realization
Man, making these updates is truly exhausting. Im just going to rest my head on my keyboard because Im
tired, and for no other reason beyond that.
Peawjsdfgopkl;ajksdflgjsdfkl;gkjfklsdgsdkjgklsgo;agjiaeo;ghseruilghsdfuilgkshdfgkjhkla hglkfhasdklgfhlkasdfhdajklhasdklfjhdklafhdafherilafhdlakhadlkfsahsdlafhalweiuwfaL;WDASALIAS DAIFIdk.fhla dskfjlafdjlfaskdfdafadfalkhelpmephantomthievesae;oejiarop gjsdalfsdj;ilgjadl;fgjalskghealkfhidlaferafldahladhadjalkjahlehalksdakhualkha welafhapoeroptiwoperriseogjra;iwaeroiwepdfjuighy jfilsgkjigjifljksdffndklglsdjkgfljkdghlsdfkgjlfasdlkflafsdjk
Whew, that was sure a nice nap I took. I think Ill leave that meaningless string of nonsense characters in to commemorate the amazing nap I had! Once again, please dont kill me, Mr. Shido.