Part 178: 12/7: Taking Out The Trash
Part 168: 12/7: Taking Out The Trash
When last we left off, Shido was only one letter of introduction away from being completely undermined. But Im
suuuuure those Phantom Thieves wont get any further. That would be just
Also worth noting: were officially done with Hallway Simulator 2017. Thank fuck.
Music: Ark

Just that cleaner dude left then. Wanna go cause a scene somewhere and lure him out?

As Ive already said, we should avoid doing that if we can.

But weve gone everywhere on the map. Is there any place we havent checked yet

Hm? I dont recall ever passing by such a place.

Wait, I found something
The engine room. Remember how you were wondering about that smoke earlier, Skull?

Oh yeah
Where was that?
Back down on the main level of the side deck, the thieves find this vent.

Im getting a reading from inside, but I cant tell if its him.

Huh? We aint gonna be able to get in like this. You wanna try forcin it open, Joker?

OK, lets do it!

But his men are with him too. Exiting here will land us directly in front of them. There will be no chance of escape at that point. What do you think, Joker?

Very well. We shall jump in!

I said youre off the hook, didnt I? You got guts, bro.

Crap, this guy might be just a cognition, but hes damn scary!

Im too busy to deal with you punks now. Ill be leavin that to my men here.
This fight is just more Baphomets and is therefore a complete joke. Melchizedek has Mahamaon and can thus instakill all of them in a single turn. Get some better henchmen. I am of course referring to the cleaner, not Shido. That would be absurd, as Shido is
perfect. Shido cannot fail, he can only be failed.

Look, over there!

Dammit, were not lettin him escape! Lets take that letter by force if we gotta!
Bead Chain and a Diamond, not terrible.

Our target appears to be within this room. We have cornered him thus far, so let us look for a way inside.
Theyre holed up in this room

Agh, dammit! He locked the door!

This wont do. We cant exactly give up on the letter either
Is there some way in
...but the door is impassible. Theyll need to find another way in.
Climbing up on these containers allows the thieves to reach another duct they can crawl through.

This will be our final letter of introduction! We must get it!

Very well! It is time we put an end to this charade!

You punks
You snuck in again!?
The cleaner removes his jacket.
Music: Tension

! Is he really yakuza?

IT seems that bastard Shido has close ties to the underground

How are we supposed to get the letter of introduction from him? Do we have to prove our worth?
Well, if you have any pattern recognition at all, everyone except Skull, Mona, and Fox have had some one-on-one session with the targets to prove their mettle, so I guess its gonna be one of them who gets it for us.

Im a busy man. I gotta deal with cleanin up problems and all them mental shutdowns, after all. If you got business with me, just spit it out already.
May I please have the letter, kind sir?

A letter of introduction? Why the hell would I give you one?
Music: Wicked Plan

A tattoo?
Yep, its Foxs turn.

I thought youd be able to do it, Yusuke
Ixnay on the fucking names, jesus christ!

Whatre you squabbloin about?

Yusuke, draw something! Arts art, aint it!?

...Very well. May I at least decide what I draw?

Uh uh. I wont accept anything cept a godly phoenix fitting for my godly personality.

A phoenix
Id rather something else

Makin excuses now, mister artist? Youre all talk. People like you are a dime a dozen.

I am not all talk. I can draw anything you want. Bring me a brush and a piece of paper.
It should be emphasized that Skull sounds hilariously pissed here.

Is it a monster? It has some kinda crazy aura...

A truly
explosive piece

This is my perception of a phoenix.
I get that this thing is wrong for a yakuza tat, but I personally think the rest of the Phantom Thieves are a bunch of whiners here and that Foxs drawing looks fucking badass.

Thank you.

It seems like
it went well

Well then, I request a letter of introduction.

I decline.
Music: Desire

No letter for you then.

I must decide my own path as an artist. I will not receive aid from others any longer. Now if you understand, hand over the letter. Otherwise, well just have to take it by force. By the way, youre more feral pigeon than phoenix.

Were still gonna fight after all that!?
Shadow Cleaner
The Shadow Cleaner is unique among minibosses in that he actually has a semi-unique model (albeit just a palette swap of Fuu-Ki). (Nope! It's just an Ongyo-Ki!) He also has a shitload of health. This fight is a bit annoying and took over eight minutes, which is about double what a miniboss normally takes.
Hes capable of using Maeigaon to hit everyone with Heavy Curse damage, using Myriad Slashes for a bunch of physical hits on one party member, and can increase ailment susceptibility with Foul Breath (one target) and Stagnant Air (everyone, including himself). While he doesnt have any status ailments to inflict on us, Im pretty sure they also increase the hit rate for instakill skills, which he does have in the form of Mudoon, a Curse skill. He can use (Ma)Rakunda to lower Defense and Tarukaja to raise his Attack, as well, plus Heat Riser to increase all three of his parameters.
I dont think he has a weakness, but if he does I dont know it. Thankfully, One-shot Kill from Astarte has a high crit rate. I also left out the best part of all this, which is that he gets two turns. Joy. This is where I started dipping into my reserve of Takemedic-All-Zs to replace my lack of Mediarama.
Anyway, the Phantom Thieves kick his ass.
That's all five!
Music: Suspicion

Youve got some backbone. All right, Ill give you my letter. Normally Id have to clean you guys up for messin around on the ship, but
theres no point now.
Uh, why is this dude not cowering and repentant like all the other cognition/Shadow hybrids? Is he just a cognition? If so, why did he go berserk? Actually, never mind. Heres the only important question here: Why is he suddenly wearing clothes again?

Youre letting us go?

This place aint gonna last much longer if powerful soldiers like you guys got in here. Time for me to jet. The captain was great n all, but hes gonna have to go down with this ship alone. See ya later, kiddos.

Politicians never get too close with their shady connections. They must have only been linked monetarily.
How do you know that, Noir? Is there something youre not telling us?

That must be it.

Well, we finally have all five. We need to use these to get into the main assembly hall, right?

Yes, and I believe that will be where we find the Treasure. Weve been to most other places to gather the letterstheres almost no doubt about it.

Were gonna take his Treasure, no matter what!

As Im sure you all know, the importance of this particular card is unlike any thats come before. Once we send it, our opponents will know that Joker, who they presumed dead, is in fact still alive. We will be putting our backs to the wall.

If we lose, our lives will truly be over

We cant let that happen, can we!?

Hell yeah!

Then its decided.

The real question is, how and where do we send the calling card?

How about we make it super flashy? Our whole big plan was all for this moment, you know!

Actually, it must be theatrically done. A minor leak will only be crushed by Shidos influence.

Maybe it doesnt have to be in letter form this time.

Its finally my turn to steal the spotlight.

...Whats the matter?

Its nothing.

Well, theres no use in thinking about it here. Lets head back for now.
Music: Ark

It was quite the feat, but we can finally open that door! Lets take the Treasure!
It wont be that easy, Phantom Thieves, for Lord Shido wiactually, you know what? Fuck it. The Phantom Thieves have chewed up and spit out everything youve thrown at them, and I know which way the wind is blowing. Im siding not just with the winning team, but the right team. You have nothing left, man, and the Phantom Thieves are just getting warmed up. Say your prayers.
Man, its good to not feel like Im under some shitlords heel anymore. Even if I get a mental shutdown, this is worth it. Time to kick back and watch the Phantom Thieves do their thing.
Theres no obstacles left between us and victory now. Lets just head back to where the Treasure is and we can call this a day. Im positive theres nothing that can possibly stand in our way.
Music: Desire
ah fuck