Part 179: 12/7: Resume Pleasantries
Part 169: 12/7: Resume PleasantriesMusic: Desire

When last we left our heroes, Akechi returned, seemingly having figured out from Shido’s paranoia that we were fucking around in his head. But the game does a terrible job of emphasizing that, so there was much confusion about it (mainly from me)! Anyway, I wonder what he could possibly want.

Nah, miss me with that shit, bro.

Does he? Does he truly regret this turn of events? Well tough shit, he’s a murderer. I didn’t see him regretting that turn of events.

Oh, for fuck’s sake

GASP! What a twist!

Futaba and Maaku were the only ones there for that, so most of us don’t, actually.

Music: Blood of Villain

I guess he’s right. There isn’t really a huge difference between murdering people and not murdering people. I can see where he’s coming from.

Oh shit, burned by the cat!!!

Weak response, though. Point goes to Morgana.

I’m actually with Haru. Common misconception, there. Ryuji’s more a “bro” than a “partner.”

Ahhhh shit.

Boss: Goro Akechi
Music: Blooming Villain
Akechi doesn’t even get his own boss music. How lame.

Oh hey, finally some resolution on that. Cool.

He can use two Personas too!?

Akechi then fucking backflips offscreen.

The battle starts with both enemies using Desperation to raise their Attack and lower their defense just like Leviathan did. Once this wears off in three turns or so, they will automatically reuse it.

I’ve taken pains to simulate the experience of a first-time player going into this fight, so I’m low on HP and SP because this fight is a “surprise”!

Worth noting: under the effect of Desperation, these guys can and will fuck you up! Still, you should easily be able to take them down in just a few turns, even with their massively inflated health pools.

This fight is simply a continuation of the last fight, so buffs, debuffs, and turn order will all carry over. A note to make here is that it seems like in this phase, Akechi will only attack Maaku. Also sometimes when he calls his Persona he shouts out "PERSONAAAAAAARGH" and it's really funny.

Akechi is capable of using almost all of his skills from his time as a party member. Here, he uses Kougaon. He can also use Eigaon.

I didn’t have it equipped at the time, so I got knocked down, but Melchizedek is a great choice for this fight due to its resistances. It drains Bless and Blocks Curse, so Akechi can’t do much to it.

Akechi doesn’t actually have an awful lot of health for a boss, so a round of Matarukaja’d attacks courtesy of Ryuji will get him pretty near critical HP.

You should really watch the video for this fight, because this is certainly some fucking voice acting right here.

Kinda disappointed in Megidolaon after that huge animation.

Finally, Akechi can Charge up, but it just sets up another Megaton Raid from him. We guard through it.

And then, he’s down.
Music: Desire

That’s the weakest

Uhhh, what’s going on? Are we trying to redeem the mass murderer here?

What the fuck!? He killed your mom, Futaba!

You’re thinking about how much you want to **** Joker, aren’t you?

You’re right, they don’t! Because you’re a murderer!

Oh boy, it’s time for the not-at-all clichéd “The real difference between Maaku and Akechi is that Maaku has friends” bullshit. I was cringing at this crap as an eight-year-old playing fucking Kingdom Hearts.

This really is a tantrum, wow.

Music: Blood of Villain

fuckin’ what
come on
you’re supposed to be smarter than this

Akechi’s “Awakening” (I left in a segment before this scene because Daymond really goes for it. I’m not sure it’s a great performance, but he really, really tries)

Music: Awakening

Boss: The Black Mask
Music: Will Power

Well, we’ve got another fight in front of us here. And it’s one with a lot more health. To prepare, I’ve slightly cheated by using Mystery Stews at the end of the previous fight to restore 30% of Makoto and Ryuji’s SP at the cost of a temporary debuff to all their battle parameters (which Makoto can just dispel anyway with Dekunda), as is visible in the corresponding video for that fight. If you don’t feel good doing that, just do it at the start of this fight or use carrots or whatever, god knows we have plenty.
Akechi is the sinner of Emptiness, not represented by any demon, but let’s just say it’s Loki, how about that?

Speaking of Loki, here’s some concept art for him!

Akechi starts by casting Tetrakarn on himself, forcing us to break it by throwing ourselves at it. Annoying.

Now that he’s turned himself psychotic, he gets two turns! How fun! He’ll also use Brave Blade to inflict a lot of Physical damage.

He can use Negative Pile as well, which deals less damage but can inflict Despair.

Getting him down to 60% or so gives us this message.

Now he can use Makarakarn, which is much easier to deal with because most of the party blocks their chosen element.
He can also still use Eigaon and Kougaon, so watch out. Also the lower-level Maeigaon and Maragion, for some reason.

Let’s have Maaku guard, just in case.

This fight still isn’t very difficult.

And Akechi’s down for the count. What a loser.