Part 180: 12/7: [redacted]
Music: Regret

...Youre so lucky. Lucky to be surrounded
by teammates who acknowledge you
And once Shido confesses his crimes, youll all be heroes. As for me, people will find out my past deductions were just charade. My fame and trust will vanish.
Oh boo fucking hoo.

...I see. So you were turning people psychotic, then solving the cases yourself. And you did that by joining forces with Shido.

In the end
I couldnt be special

Dude, youre more than special

It pains me to admit
but your wit and strength far exceeds ours. We only defeated you by teaming up
I was honestly
envious of your natural ability.
fuck this

It was frustrating to see how much my sister trusted you

I have no intention of forgiving you for what you did to my father, but
I sympathize with you. I wholeheartedly understand wanting to get back at the adults who took from you

But when you gained the power to fulfill that desire, you only used it for your own self-benefit.

If you have the ability to use multiple Personas, you probably have the same talents as Joker. But because you went through life alone, the power you awakened was fueled by lies and hate
Still, you thought that was enough, right
? That part, I totally get.

You excelled at everything over us
yet that was the one thing you lacked.

All right, lets go back and get that callin card ready!
(to Akechi) Were gonna take Shido down. Whatre you gonna do?
what!? Hes a mass murderer!!!!!
So yeah, all you guys worried that things would all be hunky dory after Akechis fight were maybe on to something, there.

You should get rid of me
if you dont want me getting in your way.
Music: Desire

Shidos cognitive version of Akechi!
One thing that my portraits cant really capture is just how creepy and dead this motherfuckers eyes are.


Captain Shidos orders
He has no need for losers. Well
this just moves the plan up a little. He was going to get rid of you after the election anyway.
You cant possibly be surprised by this, my dude.

Did you truly believe youd be spared after all the murders you undertook? Dont tell me
Were you actually feeling good about having someone rely on you for once? Oh by the way, the captain says its time you receive retribution for causing the mental shutdowns.

What the hell, man!? That bastards the one who put him up to it!

I was wondering how hed protect himself if I used my power to tear through his Palace. Turns out youre how. So hes making a puppet kill me
Sounds like something hed do.

Thats right. Ill do anything. But look at yourself
youre the true puppet.
Not only is Cognitive Akechi a fucking sociopath, hes also a vampire apparently.

Youve been nothing but a puppet from the very beginning.

You little

So this
is how Shido thinks of Goro Akechi
its too horrible!

Its still not too late! We can change his heart together! Even if hes your father
No, because hes your father!
noooooo let him dieeeeee
Oh my goooooooooooooooooood whats going on with your goddamn face!?

Hes not alone! He has Shadows too

You know what? Ill let someone volunteer to take his place. Who knows, you might delay his death.

Damn you

Oh, thats just the same as me. Im going to take all the blame for our captain. Ill die for him too.

This is what Shido thinks of Akechi-kun, even after making him help with the murders
Uh, yeah, you already said that, Makoto.
(to Akechi) Here, Ill give you one last chance. Shoot them.

I was such a fool.

...Dont misunderstand. Youre the one whos going to disappear!
Music: Alleycat
Fuckin sad music playing over your heroic sacrifice, fuck you. You didnt earn that.

You fool! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?

The real fools
are you guys. You should have just abandoned me here a long time ago
You would have all perished
if you had tried to face these with me weighing you down


Lets make a deal
OK? You wont say no
will you?

Why at a time like this

Change Shidos heart
in my stead
End his crimes
I kind of want to do it less now that youre asking me, jeez. Fine, whatever.
Akechi smiles and nods.
Music: The Spirit
Its Akechi, everyone! The charming Detective Prince you all know and love! Hes voiced by Robbie Daymond!
(A funny thing here is that Akechi is the only Confidant in the game to give no permanent benefit, if we acknowledge that Saes ????????????? just means that we get to keep playing the game. Lol, Akechi was worthless to the end)
Music: Alleycat

Not bad.

Isnt there some way to get this open, Mona

Im only getting
the weaklings
Welp, too bad, lets go.


Come on, you guys! We cant let a rotten criminal like Shido do what he wants any longer! We cant
no matter what!
Part 170: 12/7: A Murder Of Crows
Now, before we go, its time for...
Did you know? According to some tweet I read once that I never saw any other substantiation for, apparently data miners found evidence that Akechi was originally intended to have his own Palace! This would probably have been very early in development, I assume. Pretty weird, right? Oh well! Anyway, thats the end of Akechi. Let us never speak of him again.