Part 181: 12/7-12/8: Making A Scene
Part 171: 12/7-12/8: Making A Scene
Music: Ark

...We should get going.

He entrusted us with an important task, after all

Lets go, Joker.

It looks like weve come out on the side deck. We should be able to secure a route from here.

Welp, lets head over and get to usin; those letters then.

Open sesame!

The times finally come.
Finally is right. Its been like a month of this shit.

Music: Suspicion

Huh!? The hell is that

Its pretty rockin

So this
is the main assembly hall?

P-Probably. Darumas are often used as symbols of election luck, plus everything else in here seems real

There isnt a single person in here. It sounded as though there was quite the crowd within when we heard voices through the door.

But given how it looks, this has to be the root of the distortion.

Yes. Im picking up on the Treasures presence as well.
We can fucking see the Treasure from here. Its right in front of us.

Theres no doubt this place is where itll appear.
Before that, one order of business.
Music: Aria of the Soul
First up, Moloch from Daisoujou and Pazuzu.

Your soul shall burn a brilliant crimson with my hellfire. Now then
take up your mask.
Moloch is a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Certain traditions depicted Moloch as a large bronze statue heated with fire into which victims were thrown.
Next, Dionysus from Kushinada and Oberon.

I shall stay by your side in the form of a mask. Now, show me your power to change yourself in battle!
Dionysus is the Greek god of winemaking and wine, as well as some other shit like fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and
Music: Ark

We finally secured our route to the Treasure! All we need to do now is send the calling card.

So weve made it
but theres no turning back once the calling card is out. Failure is not an option. Is there anything left to do, Joker? Lets make sure we take our time going forward.
Music: Beneath the Mask

That means were ready to send the calling card too. When should we do it?

We must consider the method by which we will send it as well.

All those guys cheering for Shido better be ready. Were gonna surprise the shit outta them!

I cant wait for this.


Its about Akechi-kun, is it not? That was really sad what happened to him
Honestly, I have mixed feelings
but I think he was a victim too.

A victim we couldnt save

Had I not met you all, I may have become like him as well

Personally speaking, I cant forgive the guy. But more importantly, I cant forgive Shido for warping his mind so goddamn much!

You can count on us. The decision on when to call us together for this plan is on you, Maaku.
Please dont say things like that.
Music: Punch Ouch

He might be small, but dont underestimate him. His quick movements will decimate you!

Im here with you! Just remember what we practiced!

Dont lose

And right as the bell rings, Joe comes out aggressive!

Dont let him shake you up! Persevere, and figure out what his weakness is!

It looks like his form loosens up after he goes on the offensive

What are you running around for? Are you trying to-- Oh, I get it! Youre on the right track! Sway to avoid his attacks!

The challenger lands an impressive counter, and Joe falters!

Good, good! Now go for the flurry!

What an intense string of punches! Joe goes down!

All right, the counts starting. I hope he doesnt get up

Youve got him on his heels! Keep up your footwork!
Maaku dodges.

Now! Give him a flurry!
Maaku gives him a flurry.

What a combo! Joe goes down!

Please dont get up

Graham Joe has crumbled! Our challenger wins!
Music: Everyday Days
Maaku gains
Charm +2.
Anon: Well finally have peace
Anon: cmon, leak his name!
Anon: kid had it coming, lol
Music: Suspicion

Its strange that no one like him has come forward until now.

He is so charismatic. Upper management could learn a thing or two from him

He only thinks of people as stepping stones for his own personal gain.
Father, is this the type of person you fought to protect us from? ...I will fight against this injustice with my own power. Ill be all right. I have Sis and the Phantom Thieves on my side. So
watch over me, OK?
Music: Disquiet

This is so strange.

I met a similarly frightening situation on the train
Everyones blindly following Shido. Its as if theyve been brainwashed.

Whaddya mean?

If Shido has time to spare, he will ensure all the loose ends are tied up with Maakus death.

They may even find out about the missing corpse

Lets just try to keep an eye on our opponents moves and strike first.

Ill do the best navigation I can do for you guys. Leave it to me.

Shits getting real important now. Just give us a call if you make up your mind.

In this case, what kind of crime could the person who fired the gun be tried for? A: Attempted murder/B: Involuntary manslaughter/ Which of these is correct? You be the judge!

The correct answer is
A! Why doesnt wounding a passerby count as assault?

This was kind of a mean question. The answer is A, but this is two cases of attempted murder
Youll get charged with the same crime, even if someone just happened to get wrapped up in it.

Im impressed that you got that right. I was totally tricked.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.
Sounds like bullshit, Ann.
Well, we have nothing else to do, so lets just send that calling card, eh?

Make sure youre fully prepared beforehand, OK?
Music: Suspicion

It would be pointless to send it to the Diet Building.

And even if we handed it over to different media sources, who knows how it would be treated
The worst case scenario would be giving it to the police under the table.

What shall we do then


My Futaba Cannon is ready.

Its good to go. Look. Now, if I do this

When did you make this!?

You shoulda told us you were plannin something!

To trick your enemies, you first gotta trick your allies.
That doesnt really make any sense here, but whatever.

How stylish.

Its kickass!

This should work nicely

All right! Its time for people to start comin to their senses!
The Final Calling Card (This is one of the best scenes in the game)
Theres a ton of ancillary dialogue in this scene but some of it is unimportant and most of it isnt subtitled, Ill grab what I think makes sense.

...start with national news. Since the young man suspected to be the leader of the Phantom Thieves died while in custody, the police have officially announced that these crimes have come to an end, and assure everyone that the peace will be restored--
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Instrumental Version)

Yo! What is UP, everybody!

We are the ones who you all know as the Phantom Thieves.

And all of us are alive and kickin. But those shitty guys in power? Theyve been manipulatin information to try and hide the truth.
Ryuji, dont cuss! You have a captive audience! Children are watching!

I dunno, and we cant switch it out! Seems we arent the only ones affected either!
Funny detail here: this guy is voiced by Ben Diskin, my absolute favorite voice actor and the guy I wanted to play Ryuji before they announced the cast. Thats really only important to me, but I wanted to share it with all of you.

So, before we appropriate our next target
We would like to first borrow your time!

The recent scandals of public figures, the accidents caused by psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdownsThese werent caused by unknown reasons.

One man is behind every single instance
simply to satiate his own greed.

That man was afraid his crimes would be exposed and shifted the blame on us. He even manipulated the police for that.

We only steal the hearts of criminals. But this asshole tried to dump what he did on us.

That just shows he doesnt care about those victims at all!
(into phone) Are they stupid!? Shut everything down!

The identity of that cowardly man is--
The feed cuts out.

The hell!? It was getting good!

Oooh, the police reacted much faster than I thought.
Futaba hits a key...
...and the signal spreads.

I win!
The signal returns.

The man behind it all is a current cabinet member, of all things. The Minister of State for Special Missions

Masayoshi Shido!

*loud gasps*

Everything that guy says is a lie! And to prove that...

Look! As you can see, all of us are alive and kickin!
This is the pettiest, most bullshit complaint imaginable, but how are they in costume? We established at the very beginning of the game that you cant record in a Palace. Did they have their costumes custom-made for this video? That seems like itd draw attention!

Im sure the people investigating us can tell if this is a lie or not.

Shido himself will soon confess all the crimes that hes committed. Please look forward to it, everyone!

You think its some kinda prank?

no way
could this be real!?

Were not gonna sit back and watch some crook wreck this country just cause of his goddamn ego.

Aint that right

Hey, you can see his face!

Yes. Before that happens, we will take this country!


Ill crush them beneath my heel!
Makoto, Haru, and Morgana do not get lines in that scene, because fuck em I guess.