Part 187: 12/10-12/15: Fuck All Video Games Forever
Part 177: 12/10-12/15: Fuck All Video Games Forever
Sorry folks, this update is going to be a little
tedious. See, this is going to be The One Where We Finish All Of The Rest Of The Video Games. Its going to take six in-game days, and were going to do pretty much nothing else. Yeah. If you want to skip this one, well, I cant say I blame you, but before you do that I feel it is my duty to inform you that this update
also contains the single weirdest thing I have ever needed to do to progress in any video game I have ever played. Hopefully thats intriguing enough that you decide to actually read this one.
Anon: moar like phantom GRIEF
Anon: Must be tough for Shido-san
Anon: Is Shido gonna apologize?
Anon: Id never support them
Music: Suspicion

Especially Akechi-kun. He hasnt said anything about it at all
Im really worried about him!

Im sure hes just busy investigating. Just keep supporting the election and wait.

...Once Shido spills the deets, this whole situation will flip. Once everyone hears the truth, Im sure theyll open their eyes! Dammit, Shido
How much longer do we have to wait?
Music: Disquiet

Well, no, not really. They did manage to stop all the attacks on my blog though. The internet is so distracted by their comeback, no one has been attacking me for praising myself. Ah, their return to heroic form was truly smashing. Its inspired me to be more courageous too. I shall watch what becomes of them while preparing to take dramatic action of my own in my career.

The United Future has an overwhelming amount of support, with more than 50% of the votes. It may be difficult for the ruling party, the Liberal Co-Prosperity party, to turn things around.

Shidos party is going to win!? This is bad
First up, Train of Life.
Music: Train of Life

By the way, havent you read that secret technique book? If I remember correctly, I think you can roll the dice more times, increasing your chance of victory.
This game is entirely luck-based, so no shame in using the cheats.

Ah, I see. Not only do the dice rolls move you forward, you can also use them to buy properties. I think things are going well right now. You could probably finish in first at this rate.

Ill let you go if you can satisfy me, blorp! Youll have three chances, blorp!

Does this guy exist just to get in our way

If you can roll my favorite secret number or higher, Ill let you pass, blorp! You can roll the dice up to three times if you want, blorp! Youll never guess my secret number though

So we need to roll at least his secret number
? But he didnt even give us a hint
I guess we should just try to get the highest number possible.
The tricky thing here is that despite getting to re-roll, you still have to guess if your number is good enough. I threw away a perfectly good nine chasing something better, and ended up getting an eight on my very last roll, meaning I was stuck with it. Hope thats good enough!
Also most of these images are not of what I actually rolled, because I was too lazy to wait until the dice stopped to take my screenshots!

OK then, your number is 8, blorp! As for the secret number
do you remember my name, blorp? Its Octavius
Octa, as in the number eight! Gluhuhuhu! Glorg, youve bested my secret number trial! I guess Ill be retreating then, blorp!

Huh. Octavius writhed away into the sunset
All right, lets head onward to the goal!

But it seems you at least learned how to have a big heart even in the face of brutally unfair requests.
What? Maaku gains
Kindness +2.
Anyway, were going to do that another eleven times today. Strap the fuck in.
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain-
Music: Train of Life

Awesome, were starting off well
and we have a good amount of money too! This intermediate course is looking pretty simple

Wait, theres something rising up out of the ground
is that a gate? We cant pass through...

Give me a number to open the gate, snap! Ill give you three chances, snap!

Another one of these weirdos
Were so unlucky

So, the numbers that open this lock are three, five, seven and nine, snap! Roll two dice and make sure they add up to one of those, snap! Ill give you three chances, snap!

So this all depends on your luck
I think you can do it!

Time for the first roll, snap!

It seems like the technique is in effect
You can now roll the dice
5 times instead.

Youre impressive, snap! Ill let you through, snap!

The gates opening! All right, lets head onward to the goal!
Maaku gains
Kindness +2.
Anon: this sites still up? :o
Anon: My scandal senses tingling!
Anon: This isnt debunked yet?
Anon: this is a murder warning
Music: Disquiet

Heres what weve got for you today! A
Hunger Charm! Its perfect for dieting!
Should you really be selling something that reduces appetite like that? That seems pretty fucked up.

It makes you lose your appetite? Thats kind of terrifying, but also really tempting and exciting!

And it can be yours
For the incredibly low price of 19800 yen!
We dont need this, but whatever.
Music: Train of Life

Our opponents are extra tough, since its the last level
But I think things are going well for now
Well probably end up in first place at this rate!

Shoot, a hole opened up in the ground and swallowed our piece
Wait, is that some kind of gun!?
The Google Image results for anthropomorphic gun have somehow less anime than I was expecting.

If you dont give me a number I like, Im gonna blast you all the way back to the beginning!

The train of oddballs just keeps on rolling

Im all for multiples of four! That means you can get either four, eight, or twelve! Basically, if the sum of the two dice you roll is a multiple of four, you win! Naturally, youll have four shots at it. Now, if you win, lets see
Ill blast you to the finish line!

Wait, so we can get all the way to the goal if we beat it
? Lets do this, Maaku!

Here comes the first roll!

It seems like the technique is in effect
You can now roll the dice
6 times instead.
We whiff all six rolls. Damn pathetic is what it is.

Guess Im just gonna have to shoot you back to the start then!

The arc on that shot is real sight to behold
RIP. Normally Id just reload to save the day, but I
forgot to save before hitting the console this time, so were just going to proceed.
Maaku gains
Kindness +1. Fucking up in a video game reduces the social stat gain, but still gives you some.

Is it too tough for you? Well just have to try again next time!
Music: Beneath the Mask

These goddamn election cars are so loud too. They need to stop making me panic, dammit!

This seems to be more like a big party than an election

Yeah, one thats just for Shido.

News stories outside of Shido have dropped off the face of the map far too quickly.

Hes all people want to talk about. Its like they arent interested in anything else.

Is he brainwashing them?

Mind control, hm
? That does seem possible under these circumstances.

If people stop thinking for themselves, theyll be free from both anxiety and responsibility. And Shidos the perfect thing to put their trust in. All thats left is to believe that he can bring them happiness, then theyre all set.

I cant believe this

Either way, we have to do everything we can.

? I guess thats one way to look at it. Lets show people the truth behind all of this!
Shady Commodities got new stock in today. Its just new laundry armor, but this laundry armor is actually some of the best stuff in the game. We buy it.
Music: Train of Life

Here comes the hole
and that Artie guy too, Im sure

The names Artie
Artie Lury, the free-wheeling cannon!

Hes back
Same rules as before.

Here comes the first roll!
This time, we manage to roll an 8 on the fifth roll.

Hey, you did it! As I promised, Ill shoot you on over to the finish line!
Its really messed up that the entire game is determined not by anything that happened previously, but by who wins this dice roll minigame first. Its like worse Mario Party.

Whoa, all the way to the end in an instant
Music: Everyday Days
Maaku gains
Kindness +2.

We cleared all the stages in Train of Life now. All right, lets enjoy this ending!
Anon: Id never support them
Anon: no one wants you thieves
Anon: this sites still up? :o
Anon: Stay strong, Shido-san!
Now that Im editing this, and I can see just how much of this there is and that still lies ahead of us, Im kind of regretting this update!

Mr. Shidos momentum isnt slowing down at all.

Did he fall ill because of that Phantom Thieves incident?

People are making some noise about it, but it wont matter.

Its almost scary how popular he is.
Anon: wow, ppl are desperate
Anon: what a comeback
Anon: Its happening again
Anon: stop makin such a big deal
Anon: i dont really care
Music: So Boring

Not that I asked for your opinion on the election. Well, no matter what the cause was, this election is heading in the right direction.

Before we knew it, Shido had everyone in the palm of his hand. Deceiving people so well that they dont even realize it
Just how influential is Shido?
Music: Disquiet

You killed them all for a reason like that!? You
Dont you have any remorse!?

Whoa, scary
! This detective gets all crazy when hes mad.
This inexplicable adaptation of Persona 4 into a crime drama is surprisingly accurate.
Oh boy
Power Intuition. Well get to why this one is so
Music: Power Intuition

By the way, havent you read that secret technique book? The amount of time you have for the input commands will increase, making the game easier, right?

Spoken like a true warrior. Good luck!
I will regret this.

Youre both running low on health
You could probably win if you land a special move!
So, here we have to do a standard quarter-circle forward. Simple, right?

I bet you would have been able to win if you had.
Wrong! This is perhaps the least forgiving form of input I have ever experienced in anything even pretending to be a fighting game. If you do the input too slow or release or anything like that, the entire thing resets. You also have to use the d-pad, you cant use the analog stick. And I know youre thinking dude, its a fucking 236, a baby could do it, but the game is also weirdly prone to just fucking dropping your inputs. It took me six tries to finish this. Thankfully, I saved beforehand, so we get to retry.
Anyway, after I eventually manage to beat it

It really was incredible watching you go up against such a tough opponent
Maaku gains
Guts +2.
Music: Beneath the Mask
Music: Power Intuition

Shes definitely stronger than our first enemy. Youll need to play aggressively.
Another quarter-circle forward. I get it first try.
And a quarter-circle back. Also first try.

I never thought youd be able to land such a fierce combo
! It really was incredible watching you go up against such a tough opponent
Maaku gains
Guts +2.
Anon: Shido, just take the win
Anon: what about the election?
Anon: Show yourself, Akechi!
Anon: moar like phantom GRIEF
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)
not right now mom, Im playing xbox!!!

...The so-called perennial candidates are putting more effort into their speeches. In Shibuya, one candidate held up a sign while speaking vigorously and with passion.

Im amazed they still do that when theyve got no chance. Hey, wait, havent we seen that guy before?
If you just insulted Tora, cat
This is the one that gave me so, so much grief.
Music: Power Intuition

! She moves so fast, and deals so much damage
! Youll need to land a special attack if you want to even begin creating an opening for yourself!
Another one of these. At this point, I can nail these, whatever.
And again.

Youre almost there! This is the moment of truth!
what the fuck.
I just stared at this for like a full second before even attempting it, and trust me: its
much worse than it looks. Remember what I said about dropped inputs? Well, thats still a thing, and it only gets more infuriating. By like the tenth time I attempted this, I could generally get the full half-circle at least once or twice per cycle, but I never
once got the motion after that, the sudden jerk to the right, and have no idea how they expected you to. Even if I had got it, I dont think Id have been ready to hit X after it, so it wouldve been a waste anyway.
Another annoying thing here: it takes like forty-five seconds to reset. You have to watch the failure screen, get the stat point, have a mandatory text conversation, then reload. Setting back up is incredibly tedious. Which is a shame, because I failed upwards of fifteen times. Thats not when I finally got it. Thats just when I stopped recording.
But I didnt give up, no sir. And you mightve already figured out that I found a way past this. Well, wanna know what it is?
Thats right folks. I did it, because Im an absolute madman. I resorted to
And youre probably scratching your head right now in confusion. Well, heres my reasoning. For whatever reason, though I havent had the problem anywhere else, the PS4 d-pad is just a bit too stiff for the purposes of this trial. You know what doesnt have a stiff d-pad, instead having a nice and clicky one?
My life is so fucking stupid.
So yeah, I broke out my Vita. Sorry for the extremely bad pictures, by the way. Had to hold my phone one-handed (not like that, jeez). If youre wondering why I didnt just use my Vitas screenshot function, I thought it would be funnier this way (and also I forgot). Anyway, lets try this out.
On my first attempt, I
fail. Thats all right though, its probably because I wasted a bunch of time trying to take a picture of my Vita screen.
On the second try, I get it. Fuck yes.
I think we can do better. So, I take a look at a piece of advice I found on the internet for getting past this stage, and an odd piece of wisdom comes up repeatedy: cover your d-pad in a tissue, then try to input the combo. Weird, but okay.
I go find a tissue (again, not for onanism) and place it on my controller. What happens next is truly, truly bizarre to me, and I cant wait for someone in the thread to explain to me just what went down.
See, I tried this twice, and got it near-instantly both times. Within maybe three tries I nailed it, twice in a row. What on earth.

I cant believe you seriously pulled that combo off
! It really was incredible watching you go up against such a tough opponent
Maaku gains
Guts +2. I should really get more than that for this.
Music: Beneath the Mask

Unless he confesses, theres no way this is gonna change.

They just believe everything Shido spoon-feeds em.

In that case, it wasnt a mistake for us to change his heart. I mean, we made the best possible choice, didnt we?

Assuming the change of heart is successful.
Why would it not be? We always freak out about this and its always absurd.

It would be nice to have one
but we dont have the time.

I guess theres nothing we can really do until election day

Im so surprised theyre still updating that. Which side is winning, anyway?

Not many people voted Yes. And theres not much going on in the comments.

Im not surprised. Honestly, who cares?
Music: Gambla Goemon

By the way, havent you read that secret technique book? If you get stuck, Goemon will cut through the problem using his specialty cheat
Its luck-based, once again. No shame in telling RNG to screw off.

So the deceitful thief who ravaged the world has shamelessly entered this infernal domain
I shall show you the true tortures of hell
At least, I would
but itd be boring to treat the famous Goemon the same as any old person. Instead, we shall use the two dice in my hand for a little game. I call it
odds or evens!

Hm, it sounds like we just have to beat this demon in a dice game

First, youll have to choose between either even or odd. Even means numbers like two, six, or eight, while odd means numbers like three, seven, or eleven.
Do you know what
numbers are, children?

After you choose, I will roll the dice. If you guessed correctly, you win. Otherwise, you lose. And thats all there is to it
Do you understand the rules?

Well then
what is your choice, odd or even? Place your bet!
Gimme odd.

Hm, interesting choice
You will win if the number is odd. Well, lets find out what it will be!
Five. I win!

A two and a three

Great, you won the bet!

What incredible luck. I should have expected nothing less of the famous Goemon
! Its your win. Continue forth

It wasnt really very exciting with that technique
But I love that attitude you had. Persistence is so cool!
Maaku gains
Charm +2.
Anon: Why isnt this on the news?
Anon: My scandal senses tingling!
Anon: This isnt debunked yet?
Anon: this is a murder warning
Oh god I still have two more days of this
Music: Fuckin' who cares

This election may very well be a historical turning point for this nation.

We should feel lucky to be able to witness such a historic event.

The support for Shido is as strong as ever
Im astounded he was able to deceive this many people. Madarame was a shrewd con artist, but Shido is on an entirely different level. But, this charade will all come to a halt soon. Once he unveils the truth, the good people of Tokyo will rally together against this tyrant. Until then
I must be patient.
Music: Ptbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt

The Amagi Inn has a long history, and its famous for its delicious food and relaxing hot springs!

I must say, the young proprietress is quite the beauty! Its worth going just to see her, hahaha.
Goddamn creeps.

Well, whatever happened, his accomplices probably helped him if he managed to fool the police.

Whats gonna happen with the elections? They said that Shido committed a crime

Im sure the police will handle it. Anyway, enough of that. Weve got to work.
Music: Faaaaaaaaaaaaart

So youve come! Wonderful.
Youre getting the same portrait for this guy and youre gonna like it.

My name is King Yama. Whatever happens down in this land of torment is my doing.

Do you think hell want us to play another dice game

Now then, lets play a game. Im sure you alrady know the rules
but do you need to hear them again?
Fuck off with your rules.

However, my game is much stricet than that of the prior demon! You will need to win best two out of three to truly succeed! Otherwise, you lose!
really not that much harder.

Now then, this is the first round. Even or odd
Which do you choose?

Oho, youve chosen odd? The pips shall decide your fate. Now then, let us begin!

A three and a four? Its odd!

Next comes the second round. Even or odd
Which do you choose?
Good ol odd, nothing beats that.

Double threes? Its even!

You missed.

! Such powerful light!

H-Hey, the pips on the dice changed!

I thought it was an even number, but I suppose I was wrong. The result is odd. You win.
Yeah. If you cheat here, Goemon just fucking wins the game for you.

Great, you won the bet!

Hrgh, y-you won!? It seems as though your fate
has not yet come to an end. The world of the living is nothing but suffering
I hope you have the strength to survive it!
Maaku gains
Charm +2.
Music: Beneath the Mask
Uhhh wtf Makoto. I know youre a cop, but jesus christ.

What are you saying!?

Those are the comments Ive heard throughout the city.

Its like that online too. Everyones saying the same thing.

That dont make any sense!

The larger a news story becomes, the more likely it is that people will search for new information.

Who knows what they would have done to Maaku-kun if they realized he was still alive

At this point even the slightest stimulation could be a huge problem. The countrys like a big balloon that has way too much air inside.

This shits crazy

Everyones completely lost it!

Its almost like theyre worshiping Shido at this point. Its quite eerie...

Makotos right. I have a bad feeling about all of this
Youre especially in danger, Maaku. Be careful.
Anyway, you may have noticed by now that our packages, both from the television and from Tanakas Shady Commodities, have not arrived. This is because of a weird quirk with the way packages work: you can only receive them upon coming home to Leblanc, so staying in Leblanc for the day period means we cannot get them. And no, you cant just leave and re-enter at night to trigger it. Well have to wait a few more days to get these packages.
Last game, thank christ.
Music: Pro Golfer Sarutahiko

By the way, havent you read that secret technique book? Apparently theres a trick to slow the bar down, making it easier to beat the game

All right, time to practice a normal-distance shot.
That thing moves fast! Also, the speed is variable! You wanna know how terrible this bar is? I went through frame-by-frame, and the bar passes over the red line in the center for precisely
zero frames. What bullshit!

Your balls in the rough now. That wasnt the best shot
Oh, the screen changed. It looks like youre stuck in the sand now.

Your ball went in the pond! This might be a problem
Oooh, youre near the flag now! It looks like this is practice for getting your ball on the green.

Hey, you did it! The balls on the green now. Looks like thats the end of the practice course. I guess well finish here for today.
Maaku gains
Proficiency +2.
Anon: this sites still up? :o
Anon: My scandal senses tingling!
Anon: This isnt debunked yet?
Anon: this is a murder warning

Its almost election day. Im getting excited!

Is Shido-san OK? We havent heard from him since then

Hes strong. Hell be back in no time!

Were with you, Shido! Hurry up and become prime minister!
Anon: lol no way id support them
Anon: dat comeback looool
Anon: wow, ppl are desperate
Anon: Its happening again
Anon: Shido, just take the win
Music: Kill me

Giving oneself up
A: Guarantees leniency in court/B: Cant be done by wanted men/Which is the correct answer? You be the judge!
That sounds counterintuitive enough to probably be the right answer.

The correct answer is
B! You cant give yourself up if youre on a wanted list!

Its called a surrender when wanted criminals turn themselves in. They have nothing to give up. If you can and do give yourself up, the judge may decide to be lenient, but thats up to him.

Very niceyou got it right. Well, Im not sure how knowing that would help us, though.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.
Music: Fuck Golf
This game seems designed with cheating in mind.

...Youll just need to finish it within three strokes, OK? Remember, the first shot is crucial. Make sure you aim well.

You have two shots left now. I wonder if youll be able to sink it in the cup...

Whoa, you got it in!
Maaku gains
Proficiency +2.
Music: Holy shit were almost done

Who knows? Maybe it was a broadcasting accident. I heard it might have been a prank, too.

Its also strange how no ones seen Shido. Especially since he was so confident at the beginning. Im starting to not care about the elections. Its not like theyre going to change anything, anyway.
Music: Lee Carvallos Putting Challenge

In any case, you should just try to clear it in four strokes, OK?

Man, that was a great shot! You really reduced the distance. You still have three shots to go. Keep your momentum rolling.
Nailed that one.

Nice, the balls on the green! This is your third shot. Maybe you can get it in the cup

Hey, it went in! Nice job!
Maaku gains
Proficiency +2.
Now, you may ask, Arist, how can you possibly follow this
incredible update? Well, to that I say: Dont worry. Next time, were going to Mementos.