Part 190: 12/20-12/23: Cynicism Wins Again
Part 180: 12/20-12/23: Cynicism Wins Again
Anon: kill this stupid website
Anon: why this. even now???
Anon: this countrys done for
Anon: --- GAME OVER ---
Music: Suspicion

Well, theres been a lot of talk about him being exhausted, maybe even sick. Who knows, though
Besides, hed have been arrested already if any of it were true. Maybe hes waiting on an official statement from the government on wholl be the next prime minister?

I dunno, something about this seems off. Oh well. If theres no real issues with Representative Shido, Id much rather just have him

Hold on a sec, theres nothing BUT issues!

Its exams
Were the heroes who saved the country, right? Cant we be exempt from exams? And is it just me, or do we not have as big a sense of accomplishment as I thought?

Thats it! People are so doubtful even after the press conference. He hasnt been arrested, so I guess thats expected
We just gotta leave it to Makotos sister now. Man, I wish exams will magically disappear by the time we get to school!
Maaku nods in agreement with Ryujis dumbass wish.
Music: Life Goes On

That sounds about right.
How is this a Biology question?

I think they said the voice you hear through the phone is

There would be too much sata to transmit, so it just plays a sound similar to your voice, I think. But why does the listener think the synthetic voice is the real person?

Yeah. Everyone talks their own way: their tone, how they stress words, and so on. Even if the voice is different, as long as they talk the same, the listener will subconsciously

Thats it! Even if the sound differs from the actual voice, the listeners brain will make it sound like their voice. You finished in time!
Anon: The election was a farce.
Anon: the futures screwed LOL
Anon: I feel like an empty husk
Anon: Next person please!
Music: Suspicion

Exams today too, huh
We finally defeated Shido, but we still have finals
Arent these battles one after the other tough?

Thats our leader, completing exams and changing hearts with ease, huh? Well, exams are nothing compared to Shido! *sigh* Maybe its because exams arent finished yet, but I feel like I cant become too excited
Oh, but we only have two more days left, including today! Hang in there, me!
Music: Life Goes On

That sounds about right.

That sounds about right.
Anon: i shoulda known better
Anon: so what WERE they??
Anon: nobody asked for this
Anon: just destroy this country
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)

I had high hopes for him
Its unacceptable for Japan to be without a prime minister. I hope he steps back up to lead this country

Yes. Honestly, theres no one more qualified than Shido

Is everyone out of their minds? How can they still trust Shido?

Im doing the same as usual. Well, no problems. Im all right with it, but my sister hasnt come home these past few days. I think she has a lot on her plate with building a case against Shido
He has connections to powerful people. Im sure they want him cleared to save their own skins.

Yeah, I believe so too. And its my sister. Shell see it through, Im sure. ...With that said, now isnt the time for us to slack off either. Do you remember what the exams will cover? Ill check on the train for you.
Music: Life Goes On
Oh, shit.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh this one?

That sounds about right.
Whew. Wait, how would you know if its right or not?

That sounds about right.
Good, good.

Well, it shouldnt be a problem for you. This has been so easy I might start yawning.
You did perfectly. I cant wait to see your score.
Music: Disquiet
Well, its been fun, guys, but heres a little quasi-spoiler: this is the last free day of the game. Naturally, everyones conversations have updated (at least during the day; the night people all updated on the 19th). However, many of these conversations contain a minor spoiler for a plot beat later in this update, for some reason having the cause and effect of the relevant event out of order, so well be seeing those conversations in a supplementary update later.
So, what
are we going to do today, besides hit the gym again? Well, lets turn in those passwords to the game shop.

That prize postcard and password
! Did you beat Power Intuition
Yes, and it

Ohhh, that deep backstory, and those beautiful character designs! With those great sounds, and that totally unique battle system! Its truly a maverick among fighting games! Its a masterpiece!
Did we play the same game?

Oh, I have some prizes left from back then, so I can exchange them with that postcard for you!
The PI Badge is an accessory with high reduction of Physical damage.

That prize postcard and password
! Did you just beat Punch Ouch!? Because of its age, this games graphics are dated, but its gameplay is so realistic
Once you play it, youll see that its fighting system really brings the tactics of boxing to life! Its truly the standard for boxing games. Yes, a masterpiece!
The Punch Badge nullifies the Hunger ailment. Pretty garbage.

That prize postcard and password
! Did you beat Legend of Gambla Goemon!? Those graphics
They express the ambiance of hell so vividly somehow
! And the sound and music really ramps up the suspense and tension when you play it
! Its a milestone in gambling gamesa masterpiece!
The Betting Badge nullifies the Fear ailment. A little better.

That prize postcard and password
! Did you just beat Train of Life!? So awesome! They not only added grid movement by rolling dice, but also asset management! And those obstacle characters really express the developers hateful, yet loving, take on life! Its based off sugoroku, but its truly a revolutionary game in its own right. Its a masterpiece!
The Train Badge gives Auto-Sukukaja. Decent.

That prize postcard and password
! Did you beat Pro Golfer Sarutahiko
!? Before this, people really thought a golf video game was impossible. This game shook the gaming world! And the music and sound! Real golf doesnt have as many cool sound effects
! Its truly a pioneer in the golfing genre. Its a masterpiece!
The Golf Badge nullifies the Brainwash ailment.
Music: Everyday Days
Maaku gains 7 HP and 4 SP.
Music: Beneath the Mask


Its finally over. Im worried about the end result though

You all did your best. Im sure youll be fine.

You shouldve studied all your subject though, instead of trying to guess whats on the exam.
You recommended that!

Theres no way I can do that!

Ah, the cry of desperation...

Exams aside, I heard back from my sister. Theres been some progress. Shell be interrogating Shido soon. She also apologizes for the wait, and promises she will manage to build the case against him.


I cant wait to see what kind of news it makes!

Why dont we take the opportunity and go out on the town tomorrow?

Welp, Im gonna make like a tree and get outta here for now! Seeya!

Everyone is wondering wholl be the next prime minster. In a survey of our viewers
Many are hoping for the return of Masayoshi Shido, who won in the prior election.

He wont be so popular tomorrow. Everyone will finally see him for what he really is.
So, this is it. Were going to spend the last available time slot in the entire game
getting buff.
Music: Everyday Days
Maaku gains 7 HP and 4 SP.
Music: Beneath the Mask

I mean
Masayoshi Shido got taken down! People should be posting comments left and right about this! The silence makes no sense at all! Is it because it hasnt made the news? Ugh, its so obvious the Phantom Thieves are responsible though
Anon: go ahead and celebrate, idiots
Anon: soooo is shido alive?
Anon: this is fucked up
Anon: kill this stupid website
Music: Suspicion

...There, they announced the poor health of their leader, Masayoshi Shido. As such, the special Diet session was postponed, along with Shidos inauguration as prime minister.


They should be firing him!

And wait, poor health?

This is completely different from what my sister told us
Saes kind of an asshole, so maybe she just lied to us. That seems plausible.

Hes not going to step down now, is he? Will this country be fine without Shido?

How can people still believe in him
Music: Disquiet
Haru, Makoto, and Ryuji pull out their phones. I guess Yusuke doesnt have one? But then how does he text us?


No link among the change of heart incidents, only coincidental psychiatric disorders
The Phantom Thieves only used those rumors to their advantage

This is preposterous
Who would believe such things?
For real, this makes no goddamn sense whatsoever if you think about it for even half a second. But, then again, sometimes I forget what credulous putzes the public really are
in these games.
Anyway, this is the reveal that the NPC conversations I cut out of this update would have spoiled. People now believe the Phantom Thieves never existed.

But the person saying this is a famous researcher. And even the ministry is saying thats how they determine the situation too

Its as if the people in reality have become distorted
Whats happening here worries me. But the only thing we can do right now is wait and see what happens
Thats your answer to pretty much everything, cat.

Mr. Shido is in an extremely unstable state. I cant allow you to get in contact with him. He may officially have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation at this rate.

Were at the cusp of making a case! Do you know how much trouble weve gone through to get this far

Im just doing my job as a doctor.

You still want to protect him even though you know what happened to the man previously at your post!?

So you plan on taking the head of the nation to court? You need to take a break, Niijima. Im taking you off this case, especially since its rumored you have ties to the Phantom Thieves.
Who dont exist, by the way.
Do you want to die!?
Music: Suspicion

We know he doesnt need a psychiatric evaluation!

His lackeys mustve pressured the others around him. It means theres far more people whod be in trouble if the truth came out than we imagined.

Isnt there anything we can do?

Sis said that the assembly for a case may be possible if the general public wants Shido accountable
Heh, good luck with that.

But even that chance has been destroyed with the manipulation of the mass media. They made it clear that the argument itself was occult, even claiming that it never happened.

As a result, the Phantom Thieves are still labeled as criminals, even after all thats happened.

Its a storm of criticism online too. People are saying to catch the remnants and execute them

This is crazy

At any rate, lets wait for my sister. She should be arriving here soon.
Ryuji pounds the table with his fist.

If Shido isnt judged by the law, everything weve done will be treated as if it never happened.

Moving the entire country however they wish by controlling peoples cognition
This is no different than being inside a Palace
The front door opens.

I gathered the best of the best and fought for a case
but as Makoto mustve told you, it was denied. At this rate, it wont end with just Shidos innocence. This trend will continue spiraling down. Theres even the possibility that crimes using the Metaverse will advance onto a national scale.

...But, thats not what Im here to tell you. Were in danger because we know the truth. Its only a matter of time before were apprehended. It wouldnt be odd if they were to charge in now.

This makes no effin sense


Theres nothing more I can do with my resources
Thats why
I want to ask for your help. I wondered if there was any way you could do something one last time. I know that Im in no position to ask this of you.

That doesnt matter to us! So what are we gonna do? Should we change the hearts of all Shidos followers?

Even if Futaba were to research all of them, itd take time.

Theres too little information

We can only target individuals
Are we no match against the national power?
The group falls silent.

If we use Mementos, we might be able to do something.

Theres something we can do there?
Music: Disquiet

Like I told you before, Mementos is the Palace of the general public. Its the source of all distortions, and is maintained by the peoples collective unconsciousness.

Do you mean that theres a Treasure even in Mementos!? And if we go after that--

The collapse of Mementos should affect the public as a whole. The state of society would change too. If everyones hearts grow to hold Shido responsible for his actions, things might start going our way.

...Thats a bold plan, but an interesting one.

Sounds good to me!
I wish the game played this up instead of having Sojiro and Sae just standing here stonefaced with nothing to say while we have a long conversation with this cat they cant understand.

...But if were gonna do this, theres one thing you all need to realize.

To begin with, why does something like the human cognition exist as another, substantial world? The reason for that is most likely sleeping within Mementos. ...Well be destroying that, you know.

...I dont see where youre goin with this.

So if other criminals appear, you wont be able to steal their Treasure and change their hearts.
The Phantom Thieves look at each other.

Well have to discard this way of life

I think we need to do this. I mean, were the group whos reforming society, right?

What do you think as our leader? Youll lose your powers if Mementos is erased. Will you still do it?

Yeah, thats right!

You guys have all grown, huh? ...All right.
The group nods.

Did you come up with a plan?

Whether is succeeds or not is another story though.

Miss Prosecutor
looks like this is gonna be our last job.

Last job

Once we accomplish our duty, we entrust the world to respectful adults.
That seems like a bad idea!

That is our condition for accepting this job.

This is a deal then
Thats certainly a heavy condition. But very well, I accept. I swear to make Masayoshi Shido stand and be tried in the court of law. Besides
my pride wont allow me to be continually saved by you all without doing anything in return.

Well be counting on you.

Looks like its decided then?

Youre the leader, Maaku, and this is officially our last mission. Cmon, say something!

We already said that before though!

Thats fine. Were doing it for real this time, after all.

We dont have much time, right? We should carry this out tomorrow.
Christmas is canceled.

...Im counting on you guys. No matter what happens, you better see it through!
The group nods.
Music: Beneath the Mask

Weve spent so much time together, but it all went by in a flash
Just once more, for old times sake.

The streets are full of people and illuminated by colored lighting
Couples out with their children can be seen shopping for presents.

Tomorrows Christmas Eve, huh
The only present I want is for my plan to succeed. Ill be looking forward to it.

...This really is a nice and comfy little room.
Nothing left to do. Lets just sleep.

Good night.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

...Actually, never mind. You must be tired.

youre amazing. Theres definitely something special about you. You dodge everything the enemies throw at you like its your destiny. At first I just thought you were going to be a useful tool for me
but now this is where I belong.

Arent you only going to be here for a year?
Whatever. Stay at Ryujis place.

it makes me happy to hear that. ...Its not like me to say all that embarrassing stuff. But still
I think its fine. For tonight, at least.
Music: The Spirit
Fuckin finally.
Music: Swear to My Bones
Bye, Zorro!
Mercurius, or Mercury, is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Hermes, as you might have been able to guess from the winged sandals. He is the god of (deep breath) financial gain, commerce, messages, communication/divination, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves. He also guides souls to the underworld. He holds a caduceus in his left hand in most depictions, though they reversed it in this game for some reason. Heres a fun fact about Mercurius: hes notably less cool than Zorro!
Mercurius now nullifies Wind and resists Bless. We opt not to give him Evade Elec because were not really using Morgana much.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)
I cant keep them open any longer...

If gods really do exist
Theyre being too hard on him
Music: Aria of the Soul
Im sorry, what?

The source of what was hindering your rehabilitation
To think it would be the ignorant masses to which you tried to prove your integrity. Did they themselves not show elation for those who are unseen? Despite all that, they now say you do not exist. They toyed with you, yet none take responsibility. The distortion of mans world is endlessly deep
Fixing it may now be impossible even with the appearance of a Trickster
Music: Desire

The time of ruin is nigh
One due to the distortion of mans own heart, from which none can escape
Looks like Igors lost hope in humanity. This cant be good
Anyway, were finally heading into the endgame. Thats dandy, because it seriously felt like I was trapped in Purgatory, and also because I low-key ran out of stuff to say about this game like a full year ago. Whats gonna happen next? Looks like its anyones guess. Tune in next time, where well start hunting the secret heart of Mementos.