Part 202: 12/24: Heavens Feel
Part 191: 12/24: Heavens FeelMusic: Blood of Villain

Just jumping right into this, huh? How abrupt.

Fake Igor laughs maniacally and vanishes.

In an instant, he is replaced by the Holy Grail.

Boss: Holy Grail
Music: Rivers in the Desert
This song never gets old.

We havent even done anything yet, man!

Wait, were just gonna cut them? That seems really simple! And also very literal! I thought it was a problem of mass cognition, I kind of assumed our solution would be a little more metaphorical?

Oh hey, one of these. I forgot this was even a thing.

Lets send Haru. She can deal more damage than Makoto, but less than Ryuji, and Makoto has healing.

Just hiding behind the giant hand. What the hell are those huge hands, anyway? The Grail doesnt use them in any of its attacks Well, whatever. Im sure its not important.

All right, time for our rematch against Jesus Backwash Receptacle. Well spend our first turn on preparations like Charge for Maaku and Ryuji, and Marakukaja for Makoto.

The Holy Grails giant fuckoff laser beam got nerfed heavily in the patches following the last cutscene, I guess. The Holy Grail still only gets one turn, for the record. Apparently, the Holy Grail also has an attack called Diffraction Arrow, which deals Medium Almighty damage to all party members with a chance of inflicting Forget, but I never saw it.

I started this battle with Siegfried equipped because he knows Auto-Mataru, which applies Matarukaja at the start of every fight. This saves me a turn for Ryuji or Maaku I could use to Charge. Here, Ryuji hits the Holy Grail with a charged Gods Hand. Yeah. This isnt even close to what wed get if wed bothered to apply Rakunda beforehand, either (Before this, Maaku used a charged Sword Dance from Raphael to deal a lesser but still respectable 1128 damage).

You okay there, Haru?

This is what we get from Atomic Flare. It seems like its a lot less (and it is), but we have to remember that its not charged. This is actually a decent bit more damage than even an uncharged Colossal Physical attack will deal from Maaku. You may still wonder why I would even bother using Makoto if she doesnt have the ability to charge her attacks. To that I say, her healing is more useful than Anns solely-single target focus, and Futaba will occasionally give the party a free Charge and Concentrate for free. Its not reliable, but its really handy.

Ah shit, we were too good at killing it and it healed.

A few attacks later

And just like that, the lines are cut.

We do, unfortunately, have to whittle down this things HP again.

However, it seems its defense has tanked now that it cant receive strength from the populace.

Uh oh, looks like we should guard. Actually, Im going to be stupid and have Maaku heal the party, and have everyone else guard. Im aware Futaba can just save me with Final Guard, but thats embarrassing, and Id rather just not put the character who ends the game instantly if he falls over in mortal peril.

Oh hey, it all worked out anyway, thats great.

Except the Holy Grail is now fucking us up with laser beams. Lets get out of this ASAP. Still about a third of its HP left, we might be able to get that down in about two full rounds--

Jesus fuck, Ryuji! Have mercy! Its already dead!

Confrontation (Watch this)

Music: Confrontation

he get bigh