Part 212: Addendum I: Another Goddamn Fusion Episode
Well, that was certainly an interesting two-month sabbatical! Without working on this LP as the sole motivator and constant in my life, I fell into a rapid depressive spiral that completely derailed my life and that I only very recently managed to escape! Oh, and Katsura Hashino really stepped in it this time with that Catherine rerelease, and Atlus decided not to dub Persona Q2, so this franchise isnt exactly doing too hot at the moment either. It seems like maybe Persona 5 is truly over. That doesnt mean I cant wring the few remaining drops of life essence in this game and turn them into questionable comedic choices for all of you, though!

Well, lets head back in.

We could just load our clear data and continue on to New Game+, but I have something I need to take care of before we can go ahead with that.

So, lets reload from Qliphoth World, the last chance we had to fight.

Were not actually here to fight, though.

Thats right, its time for
Addendum I: Another Goddamn Fusion Episode
Your prayers have been answered.

First up, Futsunushi from Mot and Cybele.

Futsunushi is the Shinto god of swords, and considered to be the personification of one himself. Nuff said.
Futsunushi came with the skill Ali Dance, which doubles evasion against all incoming attacks. Thats a pretty great skill. We replaced it with a later skill it learned, however. That skill is Firm Stance, which is probably even more broken. You cant dodge but you take half damage from everything. Its the inverse of Ali Dance, and it rules as long as you dont have a glaring weakness to an element the enemy is using.

Next, Okuninushi from Lachesis and Power. Its far too low to be useful anymore, but we dont want it to use, but to fuse.

Okuninushi is this wiki summary is very long, holy shit. Im not reading this. Whats the in-game version? A Kunitsu deity of Japanese mythology that governs agriculture and medicine. He's said to have built the country of Izumo with Susano-o's daughter, Suseri-Hime." Yeah, that works.

Now, Yatagarasu from Mara and Hell Biker.

Yatagarasu is a three-legged crow from Japanese mythology that represents divine intervention in human affairs. Also, nobody knows what the fuck its actual deal is because none of its appearances in the mythology are explained or even consistent. Awesome. Apparently even the three legs bit is of debatable veracity and probably just got stolen from a Chinese deity, welp.

Now, this is why were here. In Persona 4, Yoshitsune was pretty much the one broken god-tier Persona you used to just clown on everything, to the point where I actively avoided fusing it until the bonus boss of Golden pretty much made me by being so far above everything else in that game challenge-wise. This is because of its unique skill, Hassou Tobi, as well as its lack of weaknesses. That is still the case in Persona 5, you will find. Well go into just what Hassou Tobi is later, but lets just fuse it for now. Yoshitsune is a special five-way fusion from Shiki-Ouji, Futsunushi, Okuninushi, Yatagarasu, and Arahabaki. We pay 61,619 yen to fuse above our level.

Yoshitsune was a Japanese general of the Minamoto clan during the late Heian period, and gained renown for his skill. He became emperor before being betrayed and forced to take his own life.
The developers anticipated that were pretty much just here to make shit blow up, and locked Hassou Tobi so deep into Yoshitsunes skill list you cant get it even with everything maxed. It seems like we need to grind but theres another way around this.

We havent used Gallows in forever because there was just no reason to. We didnt need experience on many specific Personas, and the skill acquisition would be useful if it wasnt so unreliable. Here, though, its perfect. 48000 experience would take at least 15 minutes of running around and grinding, quite possibly more. This simplifies the matter greatly.

We get over 100k for Moloch, and no, I have no idea how thats determined. I tried Zaou-Gongen, who was 21 levels higher, and got less experience from it. Its bananas.

Yoshi leveled up twice and got Hassou Tobi out of it. Well put it to work in a second.

Were not done yet. Gabriel from Thor and Nebiros. We pay 84,700 yen to fuse above our level.

Gabriel is "one of the four major archangels. She is also the only female angel at this rank. Her name comes from the Sumerian word for governor. She is the angel who told Mary of her pregnancy." Shes a high-ranking messenger angel in the Abrahamic religions, and in Islam is the highest-ranking angel, who revealed the Quran to Muhammad. Depictions of her as female are hotly debated amongst scholars.

Now, we fuse Michael, our final goal for today, in a special fusion from Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. We pay 109,619 yen to fuse above our level.
We are also running dangerously low on funds! I only have 300k left in my massive pockets from the 1.2 million I had near the end of the game due to my boneheaded decision to resummon some of the Personas I fused away here.

Michael is the fourth and final archangel, viewed as the field commander of the army of God.
But we also didnt fuse Michael to use him in battle. At least, not yet. Well get to that in a minute.

Talking to Lavenza again at this point will give us this message.

Thanks, Lavenza. That discount increases the savings from 15% to 25% whenever we pull a Persona from the Compendium. But back to Michael.

Were not here for his frankly absurd stats and skills. No, were here for something even better stupid bullshit that breaks the game.

If you go over to the Electric Chair screen to itemize a Persona, youll see this next to Michaels name. Now, most people probably wouldnt dare throwing away the Persona they just dropped 100k just to fuse, but if we take a closer look.

Jesus fucking christ. So, yeah. +10 to all stats. For the character we already never took out of our party due to sheer unfailing usefulness. What the shit.

Bye, Michael!

And hellooooooooo, gun!

This is so duuuuuuuuuuuumb, I love it!

So lets do the ending sequence again. This is with Matarukaja, by the way. I also think the Grail takes more damage than normal enemies (Yaldy takes less, for the record), so factor that in.

So, this is Hassou Tobi. Eight Light Physical strikes to all targets. A lotta buildup for something that maybe doesnt seem immediately broken, but I assure you

It is.

That Hassou Tobi was Matarukajad and Charged. So was this Gods Hand from Ryuji. The latter dealt 1632 damage, while the former dealt *crunches numbers* 3067. Thats an 88% increase.

So yeah. we clown this dude. Now we just get to go through the entire ending again, which takes about forty-five minutes, hooraaaaaaaaaay!

Lets just cut to the end.

And now were finally ready for New Game+. I can just relax and take my time with these, not like theres any more of this shit coming, heh.