Part 230: Addendum XIX: Lovesickness
Addendum XIX: Lovesickness
Time for the sequel to my Christmas nightmare, Valentines Day!
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Hows it feel to be free? You better come see me
Or Ill just go to your place tomorrow.

Just kidding. I just wanted to see you. Can I come over tomorrow after work?

I want to talk to you in person, so are you free tomorrow? I can make the trip to meet you somewhere if you want.

Id like to see you. Do you have any plans for tomorrow evening?

I have so much I want to talk to you about. Id love to see you

Itll be part two of the celebration for your release from prison. Just me and you. Theres something I want to give you too. Is it OK if I come by your place?

Id like to spend some time with you tomorrow. Is it OK if I stop by Leblanc?

Good night!

Come on, lets go to bed. Youre working at the shop from tomorrow onward, right?
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Dont you have anything exciting happening? I mean, youve been here nearly a whole year. Yknow, when I was young, hoo boy
Music: Sweet

Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves
This is, to my knowledge, the single acknowledgment of Morganas in the entire game to you dating Ann. Which sucks, because I really want to rub it in that little cat face of his.

Isnt it heavy? I filled it with love.

I dont wanna go home today.

So, can I sit next to you?


Youre going home next month, arent you? Does that mean this is gonna be a long-distance relationship?


I already waited this long for you to get released
so I guess long-distance is nothing.

Ill smack you if you say Im too heavy
Like the Christmas dates, the Valentines dates will all follow the same basic formula. If you only care about some, just scroll through for those. Or again, just skip this one. That works too.

Ill come around when the store closes. Well, good night.

Sorry to barge in like this

Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves

...Thank you for agreeing to spend this time with me.

I considered making it by hand
Would you have preferred that?

Im glad were able to be here together. I wanted to give my first Valentines Day chocolate
directly to you.

...Ive been studying hard. Im looking to apply to law school. My dream of becoming a police commissioner remains the same.
Thats a shame.

I know I can do it
especially with your help.

Um, can I sit next to you


Youre going back next month, right? What will happen
to us?

You know, there was a lot I wanted to say, but none of it matters now that were here together. After all that waiting, living in different places doesnt seem like such a big deal.

Im not asking too much
am I?

Well, if you insist
Ill see you tomorrow. Good night.

Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves

Oh, no
Its not like Im trying to lecture you
The reason Im here today is

Through my attempt to make that
I realized
my lack of talent.

I need to devote myself to learning how to do things
other than shogi.

People still call me the Phony Princess. Im quite the villain now. But to be honest, I like it better than being treated like an idol. Its really freeing. As long as I have a board and playing pieces
I can go anywhere with shogi
So my goal is to be the best professional shogi player wherever I may be
Do you understand what Im trying to say?


thats troubling
I would like to sit next to you.

Youre going home next month, yes? Thinking about you leaving, I

...I apologize for discussing such a heavy topic when we havent seen each other for so long
Well, I was able to wait for you until you were discharged, so living apart wont be difficult
(on the verge of tears) I cant seem to conceal my true emotions
from you.

You shouldve just told me. Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves
Huh!? What do you know!?

Your stay at the reformatory isnt something that can be pardoned by an ex-post facto report, you know.

By the way, do you know why I stopped by

I ordered it from overseas. Theres nothing in it that could harm you.
Thats both reassuring and suspicious!

Its been a while since the last time we did this.

That new medicine, for that girl I told you about, has been working really well. And its all thanks to my little guinea pig.

What do you wanna talk about

I see
Can I sit next to you?
Not legally!

So, youre leaving next month, huh? I think itd be a bit too far for me to make a house call.

I was never really into younger guys
Coulda fooled me!

...I wont take no for an answer.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

You shouldve just told me. Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves

About you being a prisoner, and you being able to return. However, Im shocked about this, even though I knew about it
Do you know what today is?

It has your lucky color and number.

I had to wait in a really long line to buy it, and a girl stomped on my foot on her way out
But it kind of made me
happy. Im still telling fortunes, but Ive cut all ties with the chairman.

Ive been getting thanked a lot more lately. Even by the people who receive bad fortunes! Sometimes I feel like all my time is consumed with counseling other people about their relationships. But a fortune teller is allowed to be happy too, right?


(sad pause) Id like to sit next to you

And Im a little scared to know the answer
Youre going home next month, correct? Is there anything I can do for you

...We have to think this through. Im here with you.

Its that I wish this moment would last forever

See you tomorrow!

...Sorry. Are you busy?

Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves

You really do things your own way, huh
? You at least know why I came to see you today, right?

Its a limited edition that was really expensive. I had to wait in a long line for it, you know.
You dont seem to understand the concept of a gift.

...So apparently, visiting hours are only allowed for people at the fiancee level. So if you hadnt been released, then I wouldve had to keep that gift for myself.

...Well, I guess you could say that. ...My publisher was going to reassign me to the political department. They said it was because I did such a good job contributing to the sales numbers
Im gonna return the favor one of these days, all right?


I see
Can I sit next to you?


Youre going home next month, right? What should I do

Oh, I am totally pressuring you-- Sorry about that. Well, after all thats happened, Im used to waiting. And
you are still in high school.
You have to remind us, huh?

Im gonna make sure that you never forget about me
And last up, Kawakami again.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Master. ♥

Here, Ill leave the store to you. Enjoy yourselves
You seem weirdly cool with this! Also, on that note, Im not really in the business of picking up high school students, but I have to assume that if I was, having their legal guardian present for my arrival would kinda kill the mood, let alone having them leave and in the process sanction our forbidden fucking tryst.

Would you prefer that I wear my maid outfit?
God no.

Oh, before I forget

Shall I serve it to you as a reward?
I legitimately think Im more upset by Kawakami constantly turning her servile maid thing into full-on fetish roleplay than I am by the teacher-student thing at this point. Fucking hell, I thought I rescued you from this!

...Welcome back, Master.

When I heard from Sakura-san that you turned yourself in, I cried. ...You really are a problem child. Tell me the truth, do you
regret being in a relationship with me?

Did you respond to my question with a question? You get a zero on this quiz.


That means we wont be able to see each other at school anymore

Im the adult here, so
Itll be OK. Ill think of something. I waited all this time for you to get discharged, so theres nothing that can deter me now.

And Im not gonna let you be lazy about it
And thats Valentines Day! Thats it! The whole thing, nothing else!
...Why are you looking at me like that?