Part 49: 6/12-6/13: Blackmail The Second
Part 48: 6/12-6/13: Blackmail The Second
Anon: Its called the law...
Anon: This is the polices job.
Anon: dont even bother with this
Anon: if ur so just, show ur face
At a university...
Music: Disquiet

May I talk to you for a moment?

Is it about the Phantom Thieves

...Youre quite perceptive. I was wondering if there were any points in common between Kamoshidas and Madarames cases. There have been victims, after all. The Phantom Thieves need to be pursued.

You criticize the Phantom Thieves, yet you dont doubt their actual existence.

Oh, you saw that show on TV. Common sense can get in the way at times when pursuing the truth. Many details become logical if I think on the premise that they do exist.

Is this
because my sister told you to do so?

It was just a coincidence.

Why do I get the feeling that youre enjoying this?

...You may be right.

Phantom thieves that use calling cards and succeed in their crime
As the so-called Charismatic Detective, itd be hard for me to not see them as my rival.
Calling yourself that is kind of the opposite of charismatic.

You have such high self-esteem. So the Phantom Thieves are evil, and you are just?

Compared to people who manipulate others hearts as they see fit, I believe Im on the side of justice. Besides, Im only using my natural-born talents for the sake of serving the world. Dont you think the same about yourself too?

Oh, thats surprising. So youre just the good-girl type of pushover.
Damn, son. Thats harsh.

See you later. Give Sae-san my regards.
Poor Makoto.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

You could stay until you find a place, you know. I cant promise itd be comfortable here though.
Well, that was fast. Bye, Yusuke.

Thank you, but Ill return to the dorms. I realized something after talking with everyone last night. Perhaps its due to my upbringing, but I dont know anything of the world, let alone other people. If Im to depict people in my art, I need to learn more about them; I must interact with them more. Ill return to the dorms
and start over by talking with the people closest to me.
I thought everyone was shunning you because of Madarame?

I see. Good on you for realizing that yourself.

Theres no need to exaggerate. May I come again sometime to enjoy your coffee?

My doors are always open.

Maakus been through a lot too, from what Ive heard
Are you related to him?

Huh? Oh
How would I describe it
Were just acquaintances. Not family or anything.
Aww, I thought wed bonded.

I may be overstepping my bounds, but why did you decide to take him in?

My reason, huh
Probably because
he reminds me of my old self.

Thats all?

Doesnt take much when someone takes consideration on someone else. Your art instructor-- Um, former art instructor. He mustve felt something for you too, besides just stealing your talents.

Truth be told
I cannot hate him from the depths of my heart either. I should probably get going...

Even if I kept it at the dorms, itd only be met with skepticism. I doubt it would want that. Adding a hint of color to an otherwise ordinary day
Im sure my mother wouldve done the same.

...I see. Ill hold onto it for you then.

Thank you for the coffee.
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

Thats the first thing you have to say to me
? You guys sure do eat a lot
That reminds me, I havent seen Yusuke around. Maybe he went downstairs?
Youre not my dad.

That kid ended up going back to his dorms.

Dont be ridiculous. Id never let go of a beauty like this. This painting is amazing. Not only is the mother stunning, but the expression on her face
The regulars will probably freak out when they see it in here. Still
I feel like Ive seen it somewhere. Its a bit different from how I remember it, though.
I appreciate that Sojiro kind of knows about Madarame (mostly through Yusuke), but is otherwise so out of touch he cant recognize the fucking Mona Lisa, which has been all over the news the last week, by sight.

If youre up for the day, go on and get dressed. I opened shop hours ago, so go take the cat out somewhere.

Apologies for leaving so quietly, but your rest seemed peaceful. After a great deal of inner struggle, I have decided to return to the dormitories. Furthermore, Ive entrusted the Sayuri to your protector, Sojiro. That painting should no longer exist in reality
but it is truly what my mother painted. I am simply satisfied that we were able to obtain it. And it was all because of you guys. I cannot thank you enough. PS, I still believe porridge is the best way to end a hot pot.
Thats Yusuke, all right. Udon or death!

Theres some kinda thread on there looking for info about burglars using the Phantom Thieves name. Sounds pretty lame to me.

Oh, I saw that too. They target restaurants, right? I actually found a really interesting post on there. My brother has suddenly started acting violent towards everyone. I might end up getting killed at this rate
I wonder if its because he got caught up with all those weird people in Shibuya.

You think he means those burglars when hes talking about them weird people?

It may be too soon to assume that.

The post said he started spending a bunch of money lately, too
Isnt that kind of suspicious?

I thought youd say that.

Although how exactly will we go about investigating?

Well go to Shibuya in the middle of the night and catch them red-handed! No way. The policed totally nab us if we were out that late.

Plus it would be bad if the chief knew you were out in the middle of the night.

Hm, if they target restaurants
Aha! What if we drew them to Leblanc?


Theres no way
Who would go after a shop like this?
Not the point, Morgana!

Yup. I mean, youd get kicked outta Leblanc if we failed.

Oh, I suppose I left the Sayuri there as well. I had forgotten.

Howd you forget something that important!?

Either way
I dont really want more thieves to be posing as us in the future. I wish there was some way we could make an example of these ones...

At the moment, our lack of info means we will just have to wait. We can continue searching for more information wherever possible, though.


Im gonna try looking for stuff too!
So, nothing to do but wait, the ever-present Persona refrain.

Since the year started, scam victims have been on the rise, mainly in the Tokyo metro area. A massive mafia group is rumored to be behind these scam incidents, but

A mafia group? Huh. I wonder who they might be.

This just shows that many fail to truly understand what is art. Did you see past Madarames lies?

I understand if you feel art is beyond you, but its good to take an interest in the finer things. That said, there is no depth to Madarames work. It is cheap and base, like instant coffee. Dont fret if these concepts are difficult to grasp. Art is deep and complex
like this coffee.

Yeah, right. Well, you look like youre on good terms. As long as you dont cause problems, its fine.
Music: Tokyo Daylight
This again? Maaku gains
Proficiency +1, sigh.
I dont think my bond with Ann will deepen just yet...

Hm, what should we do today?

>Lets go somewhere fun.

OK! Where should we go? Somewhere popular would be nice!
Shibuya, huh? Thats where the
Wilton buffet is
Want to go?


That buffet we went to before? Ill need you to make sure I dont eat too much, OK? Lets go!
Music: Whats Going On?

This place has so much on their menu, its hard not to overeat
Oh! How about this? Operation: Eat a Bit of Everything!

it was crazy how much my stomach expanded last time. But Ive reflected on my actions
and I wont make the same mistake again! But, Maaku
can you keep an eye on me? I think as long as you do, my resolve wont crumble.


Well then, lets get eating. The order you eat things seems important. Lets start with the stuff that digests quickly...

No wonder this place is expensive
Im amazed they give out stuff like this! ...I feel like Id just eat from it nonstop if I kept it at my house
Can you take it?
What on earth am I going to do with this?
I feel like my bond with Ann will grow stronger soon...

Thanks for today!
Music: Beneath the Mask

Well thats sudden.

Well after what that guy said, sitting around doing nothing just pisses me off!

Youre talking about Akechi-kun, right? I know how you feel.

Cmon, you gotta be more confident about this kinda stuff!

But he did mention that the police are starting to mobilize
Either way, I dont think we should leave Akechi-kun be.

This is the perfect time to meet and discuss what our strategy should be going forward. Let us gather at the hideout tomorrow.
How the hell did I lug this thing home? And where did I get all the chocolate?

Thats why Ive poured my soul into this songto help restore our hope. I give you
Fake Glory! Fake shake, fake/Shake, fake, shake/Fake one, if you want fame/You gotta deceive yourself/Fake two, if you want skills/You gotta steal em from others/Fake three, if you want glory/You gotta trick your very soul/Truth, lie, fake with a shake/My future is an unknown fate/ Thanks, bay-bee! Howd you like the new tune?

No way! My songs are the real deal, yall!

Naturally! Theyre dope! Thingsve been so down in Shibuya lately
I keep hearing about all these gangs. Guess Japans not so different from my own country...
We should probably hang out with Mishima now that we can again, since we havent done it in a while. I guess.

Oh yeah! As your strategic image management rep, I thought I should come up with more ways to help you. Do you have time today?

>Hang out with him

How does the diner sound to you? Come on.

But were meeting up with some Phangirls today.
Music: My Homie

All thieves are supposed to have some special ladies, right?

Wait, really
? Phantom thieves are supposed to steal girls hearts! Everyone knows that! Basically, I met some cool girls on the Phan-Site, and we thought itd be fun to do an in-person meet-up. Oh, that reminds me, they think were just part of the Phandom. I made up this whole story about how we stumbled on the Phan-Site one day, so lets stick to that. Dont spill the beans, OK?

Either way, you should be excited about this! Mingling with your loyal supporters is a noble cause indeed! Plus, remember how I said Id help publicize the Phantom Thieves? This is just the beginning!

Though to be honest, Ive never actually met someone from online in person
I wonder if Ill be able to do it right
I did lots of research though. I know all about footing the bill and buying desserts for the girl. Apparently if things go well, you might even t-t-take her home
Lets not get ahead of ourselves, Mishima.

Its way past our meeting time...

About our meet-up
Youre still at home!? And what about your friend
? Oh, um
yeah. Uh-huh
No, well be waiting here...

Wait, was that a train announcement? I could swear I just heard someone say Shibuya over a loudspeaker
Are you close by
Huh? Oh, no! Im not calling you a liar
Maybe next time...

*sigh* It seemed like they were really into the idea on the forum...

I was so busy with all the new forum posts, I didnt have time to really vet them too much.

Dont worry, Im not! This was just a learning experience! But all this aside, I have some really good info for you guys! I wont let you down
Ill prove just how useful I can be to the Phantom Thieves!
Yeah, whatever you say, man.
Mishima seems extra motivated...
Oh yeah, gimme that sweet sweet EXP bonus.

It wasnt supposed to turn out like this though
I bet those girls would never have flaked on me if they knew Im friends with the real live Phantom Thieves.
Ixnay, Mishima. We have enough problems with Ryuji constantly spouting off about it.

*sigh* Being a guardian of justice isnt so easy, huh
Oh yeah, your job is real tough and real important.
Same, Maaku. Well, at least were getting used to Mishima letting us down.

Well, lets head home.
Anon: Isnt it a crime?
Anon: get off your high horse
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)
Oh, for fucks sake, the cops are

I didnt think we used the same station. Meeting here must be fate. How are you doing?
Because youre boring me to death.

Did you stay up too late? Are you all right? ...Ah, I do like that response. Its honest, and it keeps the conversation from dragging. ...Ive been getting interviewed a lot lately, so Ive been wondering how to answer such questions
I suppose it is best to simply be yourself and say what you think. Youve given me much to consider. If it isnt too much trouble, may I speak with you again sometime?
If I have time, maybe.
Music: So Boring

But what I gave them was a bona fide Japanese bank note. Dont tell me young people these days dont know who Hirobumi Ito is. I shudder to think that these will be the people shouldering Japans economy
I hope you all know your stuff. Heres a quiz just to make sure. Hey, Hamiru. Paper money is issued by the Bank of Japan, but who issues the coins?

Thats right. Unlike paper money, coins are issued by the government. Originally, the government made both coins and paper money. However, with the ability to make as much money as they wanted, the economy fell into chaos. An independent organizationnamely the Bank of Japanhas been tasked with printing paper money since.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

Coins, which dont have as much of an effect on the economy, are still produced by the government. You simply cant trust a moron to look after your finances. The best they can manage is pocket change.

Being able to get as much money as you want, whenever you want it
I hope the next Palace is somewhere awesome like that...
Music: Tokyo Daylight

She says theres no report of a lost item, so she wants you to start filling out some paperwork.

Telling me that isnt going to get you out of this. The student council room is on the
third floor, next to the library. Got it? Why am I running errands for a student? I know shes the Principals favorite or whatever...
Music: Disquiet

What could she want
Lets just take a moment to admire this drawing of Akechi.

I dont know
She does seem a little worried. All I hear her tell us is, Just leave it to me!

Its great shes looking out for her fellow students, but I wish shed let us help her sometimes.

Our president wants a word with you. Dont cause her any trouble, OK?

What were we called here for? This is rather strange.

...Have a seat.

Mr. Kamoshida and Madarame. Wont you tell me the truth behind the Phantom Thieves incidents?
I like that Morgana reacts, but Maaku is fucking stone-faced.

Cant answer that? Ah, of course. Theres no way you would admit to such things.

So you think its true
? Well be OK if we keep doing this
Music: Tension

...What could all this mean?

We screwed up...

Was it blackmail? Hypnosis? How do you corner someone into making them confess? Wont you tell me how you did it?

...You want to say that this doesnt prove anything, dont you? I believe that you three are the Phantom Thieves. Now, what would the police think if they heard my recording?

Itd be bad if were put under police surveillance. Theres no telling whatll happen to you, too!

If you confess the truth, I dont mind just leaving this between the two of us
Youll tell me, wont you?
This seems too good to be true.

Thats the same as admitting to it, you know.

Go ahead.

That idiot

As loud as always
but his timings perfect. Id like everyone else to hear this as well. Wont you take me to your friends?

I guess it cant be helped now
Time to sell the others out!

Hm? He here?

Is that girl a friend of yours?
Music: Suspicion

Wh-What the hell?

Whats the meaning of this?

Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki
And youre Kitagawa-kun, correct? Second-year at Kosei High and former pupil of Madarame?

While those affected by their acts were just coincidentally meeting up
How could that not raise suspicions?
In our defense, were idiots.
The others look around at each other.

What do you intend to do? Have you come just to say youre going to report us?

I bet someone told you to find us. The school cant have ties to criminals, after all! And yet they turn a blind eye when it comes to suicide and sexual harassment. Those adults are just using you. I feel sorry for you.

I know



Im the only one who knows about you. If you prove what youre doing is just, Ill erase this.

She wants to make a deal...

There is someone whose heart Id like you to change.


Hm, so youre not saying its impossible. However
I cannot tell you that just yet. Lets continue our talk after school tomorrow. On the roof. Assuming you accept my offer, that is.

Anything to say, Ryuji?
I mean, its completely and totally Ryujis fault, no doubt. But also, this isnt the time to be pointing fingers, because were completely fucked up a creek.

Whyre you singlin me out? Ann got recorded too, yknow!
Ann didnt use the words Phantom Thieves, though.

Im so sorry...

Hey, what should we do? That girls got dirt on us

A recording seems to be insufficient evidence though. And even with that, theres no way they could prove our methods.

Considering who were dealing with, I think it might be a trap.

Regardless, Maaku would be in real trouble. Hes on probation, after all.

Thingsd get rough if we didnt have our leader
and I totally dont wanna deal with the police...

we have no other choice but to go along with it.

Yes, its best we agree, at least for the time being. We made a crucial mistake
but not a critical one. Well just have to recover from here on out.

Yeah, yeah. My bad. So
we doin this?

All right. Were meetin on the school rooftop tomorrow, yeah?

What about me? I could always sneak in if necessary.

Thatll draw too much attention. You should just wait outside, Yusuke. What could she be scheming
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain-

Do we just gotta do what she says

Considering what has happened, it seems we have no other choice.

I wonder whose heart the student council president would want us to change.

I am curious myself
She mentioned how she wants us to prove our justice, did she not?

Yeah, she definitely did.

Then there must be some reasoning behind her choice. Please contact me immediately if you find anything out. And dont go picking any fights, OK? Do you understand, Ryuji?

Whyre you singling me out!? I aint dumb!
Oh geez, what a mystery. Why would someone single out Ryuji for idiocy today of all days?

Shes a shrewd one. We best be prepared for anything.

The Kanto region is expected to enter its rainy season soon.
Great news if you use Water-types.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reports that we should be getting average rainfall this year.

That means therell be more rain from now on, right? Its gonna be more humid...
Wonder how all that rain will affect Mementos...

Well see our way through this somehow.
Anon: Theyre still thieves
Anon: I secretly root for them XD
Anon: Theyve always been fishy
Anon: They seem full of it, so NO
Anon: of course not. done
Anon: that justice stuff is ehh
Anon: aww yeah, come back soon!!

Do you know about that Phantom Thieves forum?

People said when they made a request there, it got granted!

Really? That sounds super useful!

Come on, pay up. You understand the position youre in, right?