Part 67: 7/9-7/10: Maaku Hamiru's Time-Traveling Burglary Club
Part 66: 7/9-7/10: Maaku Hamirus Time-Traveling Burglary Club
Well, thanks to some bullshit in regards to an inaccurate and archaic cap on character limits, I had to cleave this post in twain. Whatever.
Anon: who do they think they are
Anon: dunno what they want. NO
Anon: Cmon, show us your faces!
Anon: Who needs police anymore?
And our notoriety increases yet again.

People are saying it was foretold by a calling card...

Oh, I know about that! I saw them in Shibuya!

That Phantom Thieves forum is super active.

Theres a forum!? Whats it called? I wanna see!
Anon: get rekt, scumbags lmao
Anon: jokes on the cops! rofl
Anon: lel. Kaneshiro was a pig
Anon: p thieves, can u see this?
Anon: could this really be it?
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

Did you catch the news report this morning about the mafia boss getting busted? Apparently, someone scattered calling cards all across Shibuya just before his arrest. Remember the Kamoshida scandal? They say the same thing happened, that someone left a calling card. Madarame too, if Im not mistaken.

Do you think its the Phantom Thieves? If so, Im impressed. I cant believe they actually steal hearts!
Music: Disquiet

And yet he simply turned himself ineven confessed all his crimes. The Phantom Thieves...

...Depending on the means, yes. Hes absolutely right.

Even if it makes someone admit their evil deeds and helps make them pay for their crimes?


...Damn it!
Music: So Boring

It seems like some of our students had been victimized by them, so we can breathe easy for now. Im thankful to the police for arresting the perp, even though theyre just doing their job. By the way, perp is police slang. You might have heard the stars in police procedurals say it. Its short for perpetrator.
The sec with the mos got a perf al.

Speaking of stars
Can you answer this question, Hamiru-san?
No, no. Fuck off. Im not letting you get away with that bullshit segue. Try harder.

Thats correct.
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

By the way, there are rumors that the Phantom Thieves took down the perp this timeKaneshiro. I remember their name with that bit on Madarame, as well as the incident in May. Is this a new urban legend? Anyway, please prepare for your tests starting Wednesday, and dont be distracted by rumors like that.

Looks like we succeeded in changing Kaneshiros heart! A lot of people are talking about the Phantom Thieves too!
Music: Alright

Hell yeah! Kaneshiro finally confessed! Peopleve been makin a huge deal of it since the police announcement!

Its difficult to accept that the authorities are taking all of the credit for his arrest.

Its all comin together for us!

This is quite the turnaround. All of a sudden, people are expressing their long-standing belief in us.

So this is why Makoto told us to post the calling card anywhere that might stand out.

Pretty smart move on her part. Oh
where is our amazing Miss President?

Ive been called into a meeting with the principal. Theres no need to worry though. More importantly, there is a special on TV about the Phantom Thieves!

Huh? What did it say!?

They were talking all about our calling cards.

For real!?

Anyway, my apologies about today. Ill have to see you all another time.
Maaku tells them.

Really!? Thats freakin crazy!

I hope all this excitement doesnt place us on the polices radar.

Itll be fine! No way theyd fine out about that weird other world!

True, but
Do you remember what the fake Kaneshiro said towards the end?

Yeah, he said were not the only ones who are doing it

Eh, not gonna let it bother me. Far as we know, he was just pullin that shit out of his ass.

I hope thats the case...

Anyways, in your face, Akechi! Now whaddya wanna do about our next target!?

Dont get ahead of yourself. Still, people might expect a lot from our next move considering how excited theyre getting.

We cant just pick any old schmo now.

There is no need to hurry though. Counting Kamoshida, weve claimed three consecutive victories, right? We should just lay low and wait for all this excitement to blow over.

In that case, how about we have another celebration?

Good idea! We can make it a welcomin party for Miss President too. By the way, that briefcase? Its pretty damn expensive! Lets sell it and drop the cash on our party.
Sorry, Ryuji. I already sold it to finance my health drink habit.

Seems like the lay low and wait idea has gone completely out the window.

So we can count you out then, Morgana?

Hahaha, thats the spirit. Well, Im gonna let Makoto know!


Whats wrong?

If you wish not to stand out, you had best not get bad grades, OK? That is something I simply would not be able to overlook as student council president! For now, behave and concentrate on your studies. We can have fun once finals are over

Music: Disquiet

I believe in what I wrote
The Phantom Thieves are just.

Have you figured out who they are?

No, Im nowhere close. However, after considering all the facts, I concluded there are no errors in their acts or principles. Thus, upon deeming them to be on the side of justice, I have decided to end my investigation.

But thats impossible!

? May I see the evidence you have that leads you to believe so?

I was just speaking to the director of a prestigious college about your letter of recommendation too...

There will be no need for that. I intend on getting into a good college by my own merit. Please excuse me.

About that
Yes, I am making progress. However, I have stumbled upon some difficulties
Still, why would someone as important as you be interested in a petty case like this
? N-No! Thats not what I meant
! I will investigate with all the resources available to me. Of course
Um, I should be able to let you know relatively soon. Yes, I will bring good news
Well then, thank you for your--
The person on the other end abruptly hangs up.
Man, poor
Richard Epcar principal. I know Double-Stuf Albino Ving Rhames here isnt exactly on the up-and-up, but yikes. Hes about to let out the saddest HOLY SHIT of all time.
Music: Days of Sisters

Hi, Sis. You look tired
Is everything OK?

Dont worry about me. How about you, Makoto? Have you been keeping up with your studies?

Yes, of course. Though
what is the point of studying?

...What do you mean?

I was just wondering what will be waiting for me at the end
Even if I manage to push through tough entrance exams, Im still thrust into a competitive society.

What else is there besides success? Dont ask me such childish questions.

Even the police couldnt figure out why. It really
was out of nowhere. This would only make sense if his personality changed
but that would be impossible.

Why does it matter? The police still caught him in the end, right?

I had plans set for a promotion, but no one can take credit for his arrest now with that confession. ...Not that a child would understand.
Christ, what an asshole. Anyway, Sae leaves.

Youve changed, Sis. But
Ill be OK. ...I finally found a place where I belong.
Music: Beneath the Mask

That doesnt mean you can slack off because summers on the horizon, got it?

It is only natural that people are surprised. Even the police were struggling to catch him.

Yeah. By the way, you said you were called in by the principal? Did something happen?

It was regarding my investigation of the incident with Mr. Kamoshida.

I will. Ive graduated from my role as the exemplary honor student. From now on, Im going to be more honest with myself. Its quite a refreshing feeling.

Itd actually be a big problem if you didnt stick with us.

We should allow her to join us. It would be greatly convenient.

Well then, I hope I can continue getting along with all of you.

An advisor, huh
? This new teammate of ours is pretty promising! Well be able to do even more now!

Many people are surprised that such a major criminal was suddenly arrested. Police are also reasserting their stance that the Phantom Thieves werent involved in the arrest. However, some outlets are reporting otherwise.

The police should just be honest. Why play dumb?

Hey-looo, lil cricket. I mean, shee
cicada. Whatre your summer
summer memoriesh?

Chirp chirp! Girlsh! Oh. Oh, I fergot! I should really find a
a wives. Wife. Mother! Faaatheer! Im shooorry! I cant make you a grandkid jush by mysheeeeeelf!

Homework? Yesh
Imma busy too, wi veryyy impurtant researsh in sciencsh, yknow. Centrifugal. Inertia! Gravitation fieldsh! H-Hamilton Jacobi action angle variaaableeeesh!
And the third choice is boring.

They steal peoples hearts, right? You think they can steal the tests for our summer classes?

No, dummy. If they steal anything, theyll steal the hearts of our teachers and parents. Theyll make em cry on TV and say theyre sorry because they make us study too much.

In honor of the Phantom Thieves, I give you
Sometimes Blues! My heart hides behind tears/Will you steal it/Steal it away in eternal night/Hey, is it possible to change/And make the debut of my new/Self/The Phantom Thieves/Are the greatest/ Thank you so much. How was my performance?

Haha, happy to hear! The blues is all well and good, but I need to live a rock n roll life like the Phantom Thieves!

We need to get home and get studyingexams are coming up. Arent you screwed otherwise?

Naw, broIll just flex my connections like a boss!

A lot of business executives appear to be nervous about his arrest.

I didnt know he was such a big deal
Bravo to the Phantom Thieves.

We shouldnt celebrate them just yet
They still remain suspicious.

It is imperative that we resolve this situation, and social reform must be led by the government. However, who can the people currently depend on
? Yes, the Phantom Thieves!
Aww, Toras the best.

The fact that theyre being lionized is proof that the government is malfunctioning! The mismanagement by authority figures is what has led us to this terrible condition...

Id like your help on my days off. Ill contact you again soon to discuss.

He appeared in court on his own, didnt he? That doesnt make any sense.

Maybe, behind the scenes, he made a deal with the police or something.

Ahhh, OK, I can buy that. The police cant really be trusted either.

How do I put it

*sad meow*

Stuff like the forced smiles and sensing the mood? Theres just still so much for me to learn!

This place aint safe! Theres those creepy Phantom Thieves or whatever runnin wild. What if they snatch ya up in the dead of night? Cmon, lets go back home.

I said drop it already! Im so sick of hearing about the country!

*chuckle* Hey, I work at night. If you got a job for me, just leave a letter in that trash bin. If theres any annoying trash you want taken out, Ill dispose of it for ya. Hahaha!

No way, my parents are scumbag gambling addicts! And as their son, Im a natural scumbag too!

Youve got other worries! People are saying the Phantom Thieves do better work than the police!

Hmph, what a rotten bastard
Ill get you one of these days.

Hey, careful with how you say things! Youve got such a dirty mind, you know that?

Look whos talking! Lusting after a boy at least 20 years younger than you!

Oh, lay off! I cant help it! Besides, Im not really me if Im not in love with somebody, right?

Just go for the fresh meat from the country. Theyre nice and innocentby which I mean naive! Bring em in, even if you gotta use force. Got it?

Wait, is this considered playing at night? Or worse? Well, its under my supervision. Its fine.
I dont think my bond with Kawakami will deepen just yet...
Music: Whats Going On?
Oh, thats right. I have something Kawakami might like
I should give it to her as a gift...
Maybe I shouldnt give any gifts for now...
These gift items can be given to girls to get bonus points to speed up the arrival of the next rank. Kawakami doesnt seem like the kind of woman whod be into whatever an Uji Matcha Flan is, though.
I feel like my bond with Kawakami will grow stronger soon

Well. See you
Music: Interrogation Room

This new ally you gained was Makoto!? Just tell me the truth!

Thats preposterous. If what you say is true
...Was Makoto also running from the police when you were arrested

Now that I think about it
she did start talking a lot about the investigation from summer onward
Makoto aside, you mentioned one other important detail. Did Kaneshiro really say there was someone using the Metaverse besides the Phantom Thieves?


Those words could just be taken as you shifting blame to this other person, you know.

But why would you fabricate such an elaborate story and then shift the blame elsewhere
? There are two possibilities: either youve simply been trying to confuse me with your lies
...Or everything youve stated is true.
Huh, so Im either lying or telling the truth? Wow, youve really gained a lot of concrete information, havent you Sae?

Have you been telling me the truth from the very start

Thats the plan. ...Then again, I am investigating a thief who steals hearts. Very well. No matter how absurd it may seem, Ill reevaluate my stance on believing you for now. In return, speak the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Its a fair deal. ...Is that acceptable?
Ive made a deal with Sae Niijima...
Music: The Spirit
Judgement is a card that represents making a decision, rebirth, and absolution, and when reversed, self-doubt. Its about the moment of reflection at the end of a journey.
In Personas 3 and 4, Fool and Judgement were linked arcana that represented the bonds between your teammates as the game progressed. When Fool ended, Judgement would step in and take its place. This was because Fool is the first card, 0, and Judgement was the twenty-first and last (not counting The World, which is another special arcana that doesnt get a corresponding Social Link/Confidant in any of the games, or Aeon, which is just Judgement from the Thoth deck stapled onto the end of the deck to make an excuse for another Social Link in the rereleases of 3 and 4). Persona 5, obviously, does not do that, with Fool going to Igor and Judgement going to Sae.
But, yep, weve got a Confidant with Sae. There sadly isnt a flash-forward for this one, heh. Also, you may have noticed that we didnt get an ability from this level. As you may have guessed, Saes Confidant, being Judgment, is a little special.
We still get the Arcana Burst experience when we fuse Judgement Personas, though
which is hilariously confusing. You know how The Flash time-travels into Batmans dream in Batman v Superman? Well, first, you shouldnt, that movies terrible. But anyway, its kinda like that but slightly less nonsensical. We do not, in fact, get Arcana Burst experience yet, which is honestly pretty annoying.
Music: Interrogation Room

...I stand corrected. It was they who targeted your group first, wasnt it?
...Medjed? Whats that one dumb Egyptian god who looks like a sheet ghost got to do with this?

We have no pictures. Even their names and identities are unknown. If what you told me is true, then this Nav thing youve mentioned wouldnt have worked in this case. How did you target them? Tell me everything.
Anon: thx admin!!!
Anon: cmon, next target plz
Anon: i wanna know more bout em
Anon: Oh god, Akechi lol

Seriously!? The Phantom Thieves are amazing!

Isnt it so cool how they steal peoples hearts?

How do they make them repent?

Im really curious
Who are they?
Anon: Theyre surely in the right.
Anon: YES! take em down a notch
Anon: YES!!! fan club plz
Anon: think they got chicks?
Music: Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Version)

Huh? Its not right? ...Not cute? That was the one the staff recommended to me though
Wont that printer do? Huh? Itll do, but its not it? ...OK, Ill be right over.
Sojiro hangs up the phone and sighs.

Lock up for me if I dont come back.

Something like that
Sheesh, what a handful...

This case is said to be a result of the Phantom Thieves actions, but what do you think?

This dangerous group tampers with peoples hearts. Its no different from brainwashing.

I see. Youre absolutely correct.

Who was it again? You know, that famous artist...

Ah, Madarame, was it?

They punished those awful people, didnt they? The Phantom Thieves arent at fault then.

That may be true, but...
(to Maaku) Dont you think so too, deary? The Phantom Thieves arent doing anything wrong, are they?

See? Even he says that theyre doing good. Oh my, look at the time. We should probably head home.

Ah, youre right. Thanks for the drink.
Music: Disquiet

But to think the Phantom Thieves would honestly attempt an absurd idea like social reform
...Youre absolutely right. Im not pleased about the general publics support of them either. Theres also the danger of the Metaverse being exposed with their continued actions
..WHAT!? These chucklefucks know about the Metaverse?

...Actually, there is one countermeasure he brought in that seems usable. It involves having the Phantom Thieves destroy themselves without our direct intervention...

...Ah I thought as much. I had a feeling that it was too brutal for it to be his own idea. Still, to think youd go through such elaborate detail to crush them
Their actions must be that much of an eyesore for you. I sympathize with what youre going through. Well then, well clean this up quickly and put it behind us. Yes. A grand undertaking like social reform is beyond a group such as the Phantom Thieves. Only a few people are entitled to change the world
like you, future Prime Minister. *sinister chuckling*
Uh-oh. Looks like this goes way bigger than we possibly could have imagined...
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Pfft! Dont be such an ass! I bet youre at home, right? Were gonna come over right now about the you-know-what. Seeya!
I dont know what, for the record.
Music: Alright

Thats not why were here! We need to study for finals!

*sigh* Why am I here too

Youre one of us now, so of course you gotta help us. Were in trouble if you dont teach us, you know?

Ohoho, oh, Ill hold you to that! Wanna see who gets the higher test scores?

Lets leave those guys be...

*sigh* I couldnt ask the last time I was here
But what is this place? The storekeeper doesnt seem to be around...

Hes got complicated circumstances
We can tell her about it, right? Actually, tell her yourself.

Ann, Yusuke, and me are pretty much the same too. I mean, its not as bad as this guys though. Theres just something we cant ever put up with. Thats why we all became Phantom Thieves.

Hey, dont forget me.

I know, I know. Were all part of the team. By the way, Makoto, aint there someone you cant forgive either? Like, a heart you wanna change?

...Thats a secret.

Ooh, theres someone like that? You could just tell us, you know. You dont gotta be so cold.

That aside, do you have any intention of studying for the exam?

Not really

Its fine if I leave then?

N-No, Im just joking! Please teach us...

I think its a fear of open spaces. You dont hear it that often, though.

Leave vocabulary and long sentences to me. I suck at proper grammar, though...

Even if we study English, its not like Im gonna use it in the future.

When it comes to you, your Japanese is questionable too.

Aw shuddup!

Explain the writers feelings
? What point is there in that?

...Why dont we take a break?

This case is said to be the result of the Phantom Thieves actions, but in actuality, is this true?

The question is what the Phantom Thieves actually did. If they tampered with a suspects heart, it casts doubt on the authenticity of any confession.

So then, by tampering with hearts, the Phantom Thieves are fabricating crimes that may not exist?

We cant deny the possibility. Theres no doubt that the Phantom Thieves are exposing hidden injustices in society. However, if this is done by sidestepping the law, their way of thinking is very dangerous.

So in a way, theyre outlaws.

Yes. Theyre no different than the criminals they target. This cannot be overlooked.

I see.
Music: Break it Down

Just let them say whatever they want. More people are starting to understand that what were doing is right, after all.

When Im walkin around in town, I hear a lot more people talkin about us too. And the forums been full of hype! Do you think we made it big time?

Dont get pompous over dealing with some street thug. Save it for after we deal with a bigger target.

We just gotta take down a bigger one, yeah? That was the plan from the start, anyways!

True, it may be best if we start thinking about it.

I bet well find one in no time. The winds blowin in our direction and everything! I feel like we wont lose to anything right now.

Well, well decide on that eventually. We need to overcome our exams first. Now then, break times over! Lets get back to--

That reminds methe celebration party. Werent we gonna do it after exams?

Yes, I believe so.

Where should we go? I feel like Ill study better if I got something to look forward to.

The last one was a buffet at a hotel. We havent gone anywhere since.

...Hm!? A buffet!?
Oh, Yusukes here. I didnt notice him because hes been completely silent for the entire scene, popping up only for his requisite starving artist gag.

Where would be good

Hey, what about fireworks!? A fireworks festival!

Oh yeah, its that season, huh!

That sounds good to me.

Its hard to ignore a buffet, but Ill take the beauties of summer. Still, I demand that we feast during the festival as well.

Do you guys own a yukata? Will you wear a yukata!?

Doesnt a fireworks festival sound good? You think so too, right?

All right, fireworks festival, it is! Lets look for a good one!

Study comes first, though. I wont let you off if you fail any of them. Are we clear?

Y-Yes, maam...
Somewhere else, someone is listening to our conversation...

Study comes first, though. I wont let you off if you fail any of them. Are we clear?

Y-Yes, maam...
The girl chuckles.
Music: Beneath the Mask

Yeah, it seems like shell do something real bad someday, right? And, it gets even worse. As it turns out, shes a Shujin student. You know a girl named Yumeko Mogami? Shes always up near the classrooms on the second floor
Please, you have to do something before things get worse!

Heheh! This is a good opportunity for us! Kaneshiros change of heart has probably opened up some deeper parts of Mementos. Lets make some time and talk about it at the hideout.

Just before his arrest, calling cards with the suspects name were posted all over the area. Pictures of these were spread on the internet. Some claim these are proof the Phantom Thieves exist.

Putting calling cards up all over town was really effective. Getting famous might keep us pretty busy.

Are they just choosing bad people to steal hearts from?

Maybe someones asking them to do it.

Oh yeah, dont they have a forum or something?

What if you make a request on there and they follow through?
Anon: jokes on the cops! rofl
Anon: i wanna know more bout em