Part 89: 8/14-8/16: I Already Used That Bill & Ted Reference
Part 87: 8/14-8/16: I Already Used That Bill & Ted Reference
Back to work, for hopefully the last time.
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

Hamiru-kun, after youre done over there, come and give me a hand over here!

I can tell youre tired just by looking at you. And Im looking at you from behind

I saw a cat in the road a little while back
It was injured badly. When I got close, it got scared and ran off, dragging its leg
Anyway, I just overheard some college-aged people in our store talking
They said there was a college student living nearby who abuses animals to relieve his stress
And then I remembered that injured cat I saw. Im thinking maybe he was the one who hurt that cat

I brought it up to the police, but without proof, they cant really do anything. Ive been thinking about that cat ever since. Its hard to keep smiling. You know
The police cant do it, but do you think those Phantom Thieves could help?

Huh? Oh, yeah
I think the guys name is
Kazuo Tsuboi...

I couldnt stand it if he kept hurting animals like this. Someone needs to stop him
Oh, Im sorry. Its almost the end of your shift, right? Good work!

You remember what we talked about earlier today, right?

Yeah! We cant allow this guy to abuse animals. And hes doing it only for stress relief
Is there some hypothetical good reason he could be abusing animals?

Hes exactly the type of man we should punish. Theres no way Im just letting this go.
Kazuo Tsuboi, was it
? Lets steal this creeps desires before he can harm any more innocent animals!

All right! Lets get our pay, and then begin the operation!
Maaku gets 2800 yen, and we get to never set foot in this convenience store again.
Music: Beneath the Mask

Heres what weve got for you today! 30 cans of
Second Maid! Its summer, and that means its festival time! This flavors really addicting!
Sure, why not?
Aojiru, you can too! Maaku gains
Guts +1.
Next, a visit to the Velvet Room to pick up a Persona we need.
Music: Aria of the Soul
But whats this?

Our master admires the progress of your rehabilitation, and hence has given you use of a special ritual.

Its the
Electric Chair, used to sacrifice Personas and transmutate them into high-level items!

Any further questions regarding this ritual can be directed toward our master himself.

Hes apparently gonna consider making even more rituals if your rehabilitation goes as planned. Work hard for it, Inmate!4
So, our new option here is to Itemize Personas, similar to a system from Persona 3 FES.
These are our available options.
The only really appealing option is turning Principality into Tetraja, because we need that skill card for our next Strength request. However, I prefer to do these the old-fashioned way, so we wont be doing that. If we did, it would consume both Principality and the Blank Card.
Same for this weapon for Morgana. We cant actually make it though, because we dont have a base gun to fuse the Persona into. For a while now weve been picking up Black Kotaganas, daggers for Joker that are far inferior to any other weapon. Those are the base weapons for fusion. We wont be mucking around with this too much, but its my understanding that, like in Persona 3, you can make some gnarly shit here. Well eventually get around to showing this off, dont worry. I just dont have anything for which the reward offsets the minor annoyance of the cost.
Music: Layer Cake

If its too cold for you, put on a jacket, kid. So, whaddya want today?
Persona in hand, we visit Iwai.

Theres a job I need you to do. Dont worry ,it aint that difficult. Im sure you can handle it.

>Hang out with him

Im gonna meet with a guy at the diner after this. I need you to sit close-by. When I give you the signal, call me. The signal is when I cough, got it? OK, lets go.
Music: Whats Going On?
Wait, so that weird thing chained up in the diner is, in fact, a motorbike? What?

Youve really changed, Mune-san.

Hey, dont knock this place. Its pretty decent, and cheap too.

Ha, this comin from the guy who beat the crap outta fifty rival gang members!
Wait, what?

You dont need to exaggerate.

Anyways, whatd you wanna talk about?

Oh, right. Hows Tsuda-san doin?

Same as always. Why, whats up?

Oh, nothing. Just saw him round the other day.

Hold up, didnt you two cut ties when you left the family?
Family? What?

Whyre you askin about him now?

I mean, we were both young
I just figured its about time we bury the hatchet. I cant just go up n talk to him though

Ohhh, I getcha. Youre still tryin to uphold the ol code of honor, huh? OK, Ill tell him you wanna meet up!

No, you fool. I just wanna end up in the same place at the same time. Its gotta look like a coincidence.

In that case, Shibaura might work
Yknow were talkin about redevelopin it.

Hold on! No! That settles it! Not only does he seem to be an ex-yakuza member who apparently beat up fifty dudes, hes getting involved in some shady land deal? Is Iwai secretly Kazuma Kiryu?

*cough* *cough*

Nah, its just a cold.

What? Your orders all wrong? My bad, Ill get back and take care of that straight away.

Mm, seeya.
Music: Suspicion

Masas still on the phone, right? Just stay quiet so I can hear what hes sayin.

Anyways, Iwai prolly heard about that deal of yours and now hes tryin to squeeze some cash outta you
O-Oh, sorry! No, its
Yes. Sorry
Yes. I understand.

...Sounds like theres some weird stuff goin down.

Yknow I was actin, right? ...At any rate, I honestly wasnt expectin too much outta you. But it looks like youre gonna actually be some use to me. Ill be countin on you, kid.
I feel like my bond with Iwai is growing deeper

Good work today. Order yourself somethin nice as a reward. Oh, and bring me the receipt so I can pay you back for it. Well, later.
I feel like helping Iwai with his work has honed my Proficiency
Maaku gains
Proficiency +2.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Im going to Book Town in Jinbocho. Can you make some time since its summer vacation? Id like you to help me look for it.

Makotos inviting you out, huh? So, whats it going to be? Do you want to go to
Book Town?
I choose to respond later because Id like to see what my options are for the next day first.
Music: Tokyo Emergency
However, it turns out that my options are rather negligible, so Book Town it is!

Im actually thinking about looking into cognitive psience. Ill give you the details later. Lets meet up.

Futabas mothers research, huh? We shouldnt make Makoto wait. Lets head out.
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

I doubt we will find any public information, but maybe an older academic journal may mention it...

I want to learn more about cognitive psience while we wait for Futaba to regain her strength. If only we could understand it more in depth. Maybe we could solve the mystery of the Metaverse. It would make traversing it easier for us, too.

Um, hello. Um

Was there something you wanted to say to him?

Oh no, nothing in particular
I was just surprised to see him here. I didnt mean to intrude between you two

No need to be so considerate. Hes just carrying my books for me.
Makoto, you wound me! So cold!

...Is she a friend of yours?

Masters a bit of an overstatement
We just play shogi together

Is she the professional shogi player you had mentioned before? The master strategist? I admit I only know the rules, but Im intrigued to learn how a professional shogi player thinks. Is that
a book on shogi tactics?

Oh, yes. I come here to purchase old shogi strategy books from time to time

Pardon me for asking
Could you teach me some strategies? I believe this knowledge would benefit me greatly in the future.

Oh? Sure, if youd like. Well, if it is about shogi, then
To attack, you will need to be creative with your approach, and sacrifice pieces with no remorse

So, plan on enticing your opponent to focus on your sacrificial pieces so you can advance a counter attack?

You seem to have a talent for this. Another strategy I enjoy is to use bait pieces to draw your opponent to your side of the board.

Hmm, I see. That way you can surround them and

Ill catch up with you later. Could you look for the book we had discussed earlier?

I think we should go home for today.
Id say that was a productive day, but we didnt accomplish anything (and we didnt even actually need any Confidant points with Hifumi or Makoto towards the next rank, whoops).

I wonder whats going to happen

Didnt they say they would confiscate our possessions?

We have nothing to do with this! Why is this happening to us!?

How will the Phantom Thieves take responsibility for this?
Music: Beneath the Mask

Hey, you see the forum?

Yeah. People have been telling us to hurry up and protect the civilians

Theyre just saying whatever they want with no regard for the consequences.

God, I seriously cant believe theyre going on about all that.

By the way, hows Futaba

At this point, we are desperate for her assistance.

She definitely mentioned Medjed back in the Palace. Id like to believe shes planning something

Even Makotos gone over to the wait and see dark side.

We dont have much time left. I know its frustrating, but theres not much we can do.
Second Maids restore HP by 10, and cannot be used in battle.

People on the internet have high hopes in these phantom thieves. What are your thoughts on this?

I cant really condone it. Though, I may be somewhat responsible for that myself. Perhaps my remarks about the Phantom Thieves may have magnified their notoriety.

Hmph. Look at him, trying to act cool
Just you watch.
Music: Crossroads

Sorry, but lets go somewhere else. You can give me the info later. We gotta get outta here quickly. Someone problematic mightve found out about us...

This is really annoying
Where is that idiot?
Music: Suspicion


What do you think youre doing, making me look all over the place for you!?

Thats my line. Why isnt your phone on? Are you doing something you dont want me to find out about?

N-No, not at all! Ohhh, it looks like my battery ran out. Ive been busy covering the Phantom Thieves, so

You sure about that? I got a complaint from the higher-ups the other day. Apparently people have seen you snooping around recently
in places unrelated to the Phantom Thieves.

Who told them that

It doesnt matter who! The boards coming down hard on me for this. Now dont make me ask you again, why are you sneaking around behind the companys back!?

Im honestly not. I just

All right, Ill tell you. Just promise me youll keep it a secret, OK?

Yup. Thats why Im being so discreet about it. Who knows what laws we might be breaking. I guess keeping our tryst a secret is tougher than I expected. Maybe someone saw us out somewhere.

...For someone who specializes in fabricating articles, Id expect you to be a better liar.
...Did he just imply she makes her stories up? Are we not going to address this?

I expect your resignation letter on my desk next week. If it doesnt come, Ill handle matters myself.

So what, you decide Im lying and thats that?

Give it a rest already. Im annoyed enough as is for having to come track you down out here.

Were totally dating, arent we, sweetie?
Why is this the first thing she thought of? In what reality would she be in
less trouble for dating a minor? None of this makes any sense!
*sigh* ...Fine, Ohya. But you owe me.

Are you blackmailing him?
Her? No. At least, not yet.

I mean, lets be honest. You dont have the physique to be attracting high school kids.
Whoa, way outta line there, buddy!

H-Hey, thats sexual harassment! And besides, our love is something that defies both age and logic.
Im gonna vom.

...Whatever. Just make sure you dont miss any deadlines, OK?

Of course. So
can we go now?

Just one more question. I couldve sworn the reason you were sneaking around was so you could follow up on your old partners case.

Well, Ohya

...Is that so?

You lost all credibility when you started sneaking around like this
but fine. Ill back off. But dont go pulling any funny stuff, OK? The board wants me to keep a close eye on you. ...Youve been warned.
Music: My Homie

Thanks. That guy is one of the execs over at my job. Arrogant bastard, aint he? Hes the kind of guy all the girls at a bar would instantly turn down. Anyway
that was a real surprise.

Not only are you a good source of info, youre not half bad as an actor either. Youre honestly the type of guy Id wanna grab drinks with after work
Too bad youre underage.
I feel like my bond with Ohya is growing deeper...
Im gonna go ahead and spoil Ohyas rewards, because its pointless: There aint no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Its all upgrades to her base skill, reducing the security level increase when were spotted, and making it go down more when we leave. Even her max rank skill is only a minor variation on the theme. Its pretty trash.

Well, I guess thats it for today. Dont stop in any weird shops on your way home, OK?
I feel like pretending to be lovers with Ohya increased my Charm
Maaku gains
Charm +3.

See ya later.
Music: Beneath the Mask -Rain (Instrumental Version)
Nah, lets build up a few more requests first.
Were actually about to completely run out of Silk Yarns, which we need to craft Lockpicks, so we go down to the second-hand store in Yongen-Jaya and buy as many as theyll sell us (3. Theyll sell us 3.).
Maaku gains
Kindness +1 and
Knowledge +3.
Music: Beneath the Mask
Listen, man. Youve gotta stop being so passive-aggressive about this heat. I know Im the one with all the money in this house, but were not buying a fan. Someone upthread posted about that fan death thing in Korea and it got me spooked, I tells ya!

Airports and bus stations are teeming with people carrying souvenirs

Wow, look at how packed it is. Everyones so busy.
Music: Time to Repent

...Im sorry. Im not in the mood to teach shogi today
Um, could you join me for a walk?

Thank you. I was thinking of going to the area around Sky Tower today
Lets head on over.

The digital version of the weekly magazine.
Music: Suspicion

My fathers deteriorating health, and that hes bedridden
The fact that my mother primarily supports us
They even reported that my mother works at a night club

Which is
not untrue
But was it really necessary for them to write about all this? Capitalizing on a familys private matters is just cruel
My familys troubles have nothing to do with my skills as a shogi player
My mother was furious when she read the article
She said itll hurt her career, and that shell never forgive whoever wrote it. My father didnt say anything
He just sat there listening to her
But he looked troubled
My mother told me that
Wed be able to easily quell these rumors if I were to become more famous. So now shes even more insistent on having me do more TV and magazine interviews than before

Although I cant express that to my mother
Shes so happy for me. I always believed that if I worked hard as a shogi player, Id be able to support us
But I never expected such a destructive article would be written about me and my family
Honestly, nothing good will come from being treated like an idol. People say Im all looks and no skills. Theyre annoyed that Im in the press all the time. Terrible things have been said about me, suggesting I would do anything to become popular
Im even starting to be shunned in the shogi world. Thats why my senior acted that way toward me. The real reason I practice in the church is that no one wants to play with me. My father used to practice with me from his sickbed, but his illness has made that impossible. Maybe I should stop playing shogi and just get a job
That way, my family wont get hurt again
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

I love shogi
I dont want to quit.

At the end of the day, I love shogi. Id never be able to give it up. I was just confused because of that article and how my senior treated me
However, I think I can see my next move
thanks to you. ...Youre helping me realize a lot about myself, outside of shogi.
I can sense a deep bond of trust from Hifumi

...Lets return to the church and play a match. That article has left me somewhat irritated. Im going to use my secret move: The Eternal Abyss Yagura Gate, and turn the board into hell
...Well? Would you care to face me in a match?
Never change, Hifumi.
I feel like playing shogi with Hifumi has helped sharpen my Knowledge
Maaku gains
Knowledge +1.

Thank you for joining me. Until next time