Part 96: 8/29: And While Youre At It, This One Too
Part 94: 8/29: And While Youre At It, This One Too
Music: Break it Down

Theres a lot of people here
Are you OK, Futaba?
(nervously) Im fine. You guys are here.

Its almost lunchtime.

Why dont we eat lunch too?

Ill go get some stuff for us then.

My staple food.
Music: New Beginning

Whats up Makoto? You aint eatin much.

Oh, um

Not feelin well or something?

You just dont get it, do you, Ryuji? When a girls in a swimsuit, she wants to look as slim as possible. Still, youre worrying too much. Did you make sure to eat breakfast?

Mona lacks tact.

So, whadda we do now? Should we play some beach volleyball?

Oh, sorry. Us girls already made plans to ride a banana boat.

We could only rent a three-person one. Sorry.

Then what about us?

Keep an eye on our stuff.

Hell no! Why you gotta treat us like that!? Were celebrities makin headlines! You should treat us better!
Uh, theyre also celebrities makin headlines, Ryuji. I dont think they owe you anything.

I do think theyre not bad in the Metaverse, but in reality
Strange, isnt it?

They can steal treasures, but they dont seem like they can steal a girls heart at all.
Please dont lump me in with Ryuji.

Lady Ann

Oh, sorry. Well go now.

Banana! Banana! Ugh! The sea is hot!

Wait up! Its dangerous if you run around like that!

Here comes a good wave!

We risk our lives bein Phantom Thieves. Theres no way were the same as other guys around here.
Shut up, dude! How many times do we have to fucking tell you?

Shouldnt we be havin more good times in reality too!?

Were special, man. Dont you agree, Yusuke?

if you put it that way, you may be right.

Ann and the others dont get it cause theyre always around us.

Hey, how do we get Lady Ann to notice how amazing we are as Phantom Thieves?

Well, we gotta steal
you-know what.

You moron, thats a crime. What were gonna steal in reality are
girls hearts.

I see. I just need to prove my skills in reality as well...

Lets steal all the hearts with the skills weve honed as Phantom Thieves! Im sure girls will be all over us, considering the vibes we give off!

Very well, lets do this. Pulling off our work in reality doesnt sound bad.

Its settled then. So
Mona, youre in charge of watching over our stuff, OK?


All right, lets hurry up and go.
All right, Operation Babe Hunt 3.0, lets do this!
The approach...
...and denied!
This one seems receptive!
Suddenly, a wild boyfriend!
Back off before he kicks our ass!
Oh yeah, corner her by the water, thisll go great.
Welp, we suck.
Music: Alleycat

I dunno
The ocean just looks kinda bland to me

Cmon, it aint over yet! Im goin for a miracle comeback!

Ive sensed a presence staring at us for some time now. Are we being followed?
Yusuke can read further down the page and wants nothing to do with the next scene. What a smart boy.
Music: Everyday Days

Whatre you doin here!?

Oh my! I cant believe weve been reunited in such a stunning place!

Smells like destiny to me!

So, which of us do you think is more manly?

Wh-Whatre you talkin about

Oh dear, your time is up! Sorry, but it was a trick question. The correct answer is
Were both lovely!
Music: High Pressure

You interfered with our duties by not answering the question! I sentence you to
stripping! Oooh, my fashionista skills would be perfect for this! Hands behind your head!

The suspects are escaping! Catch them!
Goddammit, Hashino. Well, at least thats the last time we ever see those two in the main story!

By the way, wheres Yusuke?
Music: My Homie
Oh hello. Lobsters. Of course.

While you were busy with your interrogation, I found these beautiful specimens on sale. And so, I decided to spend the last of my money on them.

Man, youre real hopeless when it comes to cash
Wait, you were watchin us!? Why didnt you help!?

Apologies, but I was entranced. The moment I set eyes on this distinct shape, I was in love. I havent had my core shaken as vigorously as this since the first time Ann entered my gaze.

Good for you

Cmon, dont lie to us, baby. How about you come for a nice cruise on our boat?

Theres going to be a party too. Tons of celebrities and industry people will be coming along.

Are you even listening to us!?

Huh, so you were serious about being here with friends.

Thats what weve been saying from the start!

Dont you find it boring spending your time with kids like them?

Its far more interesting than anything involving you two.

What was that?

Hey, lets just let the children have fun with fellow children. Well be going now!

Thanks for coming in like that. Those guys just wouldnt stop pestering us.

To be honest, I was nearly at my wits [sic] end.

By the way, where are Futaba and Morgana?

I was wondering about that myself.

We did tons of stuff today. All in all, I guess comin to the beach was pretty worth it.
Yeah, we got shot down repeatedly, almost got sexually assaulted, and chased off some creepy older dudes harassing our friends. What a great day.
Music: Alright (Elp Version)

Agreed. Lets pack up.

Futaba seemed fine in the crowd too, so it looks like shes overcome her last exercise.

Hey, Futaba. Were goin home. Stop standin around and help us.
Music: Alleycat

All this time, I thought that it was my fault that my mom died.


Its because everyone said that I killed her. Everyone looked at me thinking I was a murderer. I ended up hating this world. Thats why I shut myself in and covered my ears. I wished
I wished my mom would come back to life. Sometimes, Id wake up and think it was all a dream. But nothing had changed in the world. Thats why Id sleep again. Itd be a repeat of that


How shed work late into the night. How shed wake up early and make me a boxed lunch every day. How shed do her best to further her research. How shed scold me for peeking at her notes.

It was cognitive psience, wasnt it?

The cognitive world can become distorted through desires. If it becomes distorted, a person begins exhibiting problematic behavior in reality. That cognitive world disappears when you remove its core, and further problematic actions stop.

Isnt that about Palaces

Thats the Metaverse! She knew about that?

It made no sense back then, but now I understand, after it actually happened to me. All I thought about was my mom. I was trapped in a cognitive labyrinth. I couldnt get out of it. There was nothing I could do by myself.

Thats why you asked us to steal your heart? Thats a huge jump in logic in so many ways!

At first, I didnt believe the rumors about the Phantom Thieves
That they steal hearts. But I overheard you accidentally. I learned that you were near me.

Overheard? Ah, the bug
So why were you listening in on Leblanc in the first place?

I had to keep an eye on Sojiro. Make sure he was actually working.
Thats a really dumb reason!

Talk about an awful hobby

I thought, maybe the Phantom Thieves could cure my heart.

You couldve just told us from the start

You mightve been wary of me if I asked out of nowhere. And besides, you couldve been bad guys. Thats why I cautiously got in contact with you. I checked many times to see how youd react.

Yes, you had us twisted around your little finger.

But, Futaba, you didnt talk to anyone besides Boss for a long time, right? You mustve needed a lot of courage to contact the Phantom Thieves.

...There were two reasons for it. One was Medjeds taunt. The Phantom Thieves were so pitiful, it frustrated me. I wouldve been in trouble if they got disbanded too

Indeed. You were our only hope.

The other was what I heard through wiretapping Leblanc. Sojiro was being blamed with lies, like abusing me
He was being threatened to spill everything about my mom

Talk about makin shit up.
Man, I wish I could find whoever did that and kill their whole family Ryuji, probably

It made me dad, and it hurt. I thought, I have to save Sojiro. I gotta do something.

So thats why

I didnt think you guys would be taking such risks for me. I didnt think youd worry about me so much. Im sorry that I acted like I doubted you guys.

Do you believe in us now?

Yeah. I can tell. You arent bad guys. That's why I have a request. Let me join your team.

Theres nothin to join. Youre already one of us.

Ill be honest. Changing peoples hearts isnt my goal. I want to learn what happened to my mom
The reason why she was killed.


It was written in her notes. Should the self in the cognitive world die, the self in the real world would lose consciousness

Is this about mental shutdowns?

Then, the criminal that Kaneshiro mentioned

Yes, that could be the case. I dont like pursuing this line of thought, but perhaps your mothers Shadow was

I dont know for sure
But, right before my mom died, she didnt seem right.

In what way?

No matter how much I talked to her, she wouldnt answer back. And she didnt jump into the road. It was more like she collapsed and fell in
Thats why I thought what was written in the notes was real and looked into it. I read books, checked theses that were released online
I even snuck into the networks of various research labs to look at their classified data.

Thats why youre good at hacking. ...What kind of brain do you have?

But, I didnt figure anything out. My moms research was nowhere to be found.

I bet its them
Those adults in the black suits who read the fake suicide note.


If I stay with you guys, I think I can find out more about that world. Then eventually, it might even lead to those men in black. Its a super-personal reason why I wanna join you
Is that OK? Or would I just be dead weight?

If anything, youre dependable. Aint that right, Mona?

Why are you looking at me? Are you trying to say Im inadequate!?

Well, she was more useful than you, as a matter of fact.

Hey, thats inexcusable!

This is what our Phantom Thieves are like, but I hope we get along, Futaba.

Music: New Beginning

Lets leave those two be
Why dont we lose no time and decide on Futabas code name?
Um, did you hit your head? Youve already referred to Makoto as Queen in a text chat.

Its not cool if we called [sic] each other by our real names.

Joker, Skull, Mona, Panther, Queen
And Im Fox.

In Futabas case
Hacker wouldnt be right, would it?




Why dont we go literal and call her Goggles?

Super lame. Youve got no taste, kitty.

Haha, in your face!
(to Maaku) Do you have any good ideas for Futabas code name?

Thats you.

What would you want it to be, Futaba?

Oracle. With my vision, Ill guide you all to victory.
In the original Japanese her name was Navi, but I guess Nintendos got the copyright locked down on their own annoying helper character names (do not @ me I know thats not the actual reason).

Sounds great.

Then, Futaball be Oracle.

But man, I never even dreamed that the rumored Phantom Thieves would be so close!

Same goes to you. To think youd be the daughter of a Metaverse researcher
Talk about a mysterious fate.

Should we get going then?

Yup! Lets go home!
Music: Desire

This should spur the Phantom Thieves support even more now.
I agree. There are effective ways to use the Phantom Thieves
Now would be the best time to dispose of unnecessary trash
.whether theyre connected to us or not.
Music: Beneath the Mask

I hear youve been keeping her company for the past few days. I appreciate it.

This is no longer a matter we can ignore.

Especially cause they might be the one who killed Futabas mom.

To be honest, I had considered the idea that they might be behind only the rumored psychotic breakdowns
But now it appears as though this person is killing people as well.

Technically, theyre making people have mental shutdowns, which then cause them to die.

Thats what happens when you kill someones Shadow, yeah?

Mm-hm? We were worried about it back with Kamoshida and Madarame, remember?

Psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns
It would make sense if the same person was behind them. The news never talks about the victims dying, so people only know about the breakdowns.

So this shits seriously a case! If thats for real, whoevers doing it is some kinda assassin!

Im gonna beat the crap outta them

I would suggest we be more cautious going forward as well. We still dont know much, even about our Metaverse Nav.
Fuck, lets just tell them about Igor.

A dream? You still half asleep, dude?
Fuckin Ryuji!

I wonder if that criminal is using the app too

Futaba, this seems like your area of expertise. Do you know anything about it?

No, Id never even heard of it before. I mean, its not really even an app. Its more like
a mysterious app-like thing.

I see

Its OK though. I might not know much about the Nav, but I can still navigate you guys on the path to victory! Ill guide you to whatever criminal youre looking for. Mwehehe
You can rely on me!

Awesome, dude! Youre way more reliable than Mona!

Dammit, Ryuji
You always find the worst possible thing to say!
I feel kind of bad for this fucking cat, constantly getting shit on by Ryuji.

#Millennialss popularity is still going strong. Merchandise of them has even been produced, and sales have been very good due to their appeal. With their popularity still rising, this Phantom Thieves boom will continue for a while yet.

Theyre calling it a phantom thief boom! Im so proud of us!
I dont feel like my bond with Sojiro will deepen just yet...

Put your stuff down, and grab an apron. Dont forget to wash your hands.
Music: Whats Going On?
I did just as he told me...
I feel like my bond with Sojiro will grow stronger soon...

Hey, thanks for helping out.
Music: Desire

That black thing was
me? ...That cant be true. Im supposed to be human
I should be
If we get rid of the distortion in the depths of Mementos, Im sure-- Im sure itll all be fine
Music: Break it Down (Elp Version)

Oh, um
...My sunburns were hurting, and that woke me up! I was absorbing all the sunlight because Im black. Dont you get it?

Youre thinking that my entire bodys covered in fur, arent you? Ive got none on my pads! By the way, its not like Im bothered by this or anything
But hypothetically speaking, OK? What would you do if I turned out to be some weird

If what I saw from earlier is true, is it OK for me to stay with the Phantom Thieves
? And even if Im with the team, Im useless at the moment
Its nothing. Well, Ive gotten pretty used to my life as a cat too. And to be frank, this storage room isnt bad either. Then again, I cant wait to turn back to being a human so I can move out. Maybe Ill live a life of luxury in a suite on the highest floor
But rather than becoming some weird thing, maybe staying as a cat isnt so bad either
You and me made a deal, yeah? That means I can stay here
Isnt that right?

Thought so
Dont forget what you just said, OK?
I feel like my bond with Morgana is growing deeper...

Poor kitty.;