Part 17: Day 18 -- THIS. IS. PRODUCTIVITY.

Heads up: there is a strange, crackling audio issue. I don't think it should be a huge deal. Also, I have to go into each file and remove the audio delay. This is frustrating.
This was a pretty laid back, hyper-productive day. We advanced the plot, collected most (if not all) of the above-ground fruit, and had time to eat pears.
This is the first of four videos I recorded with Grant. They are all a little messed up in the audio department. It sounded fine coming through the mixer, but something must have screwed with the software or USB codec. We did three days, and then tried out the Bingo Mode.
I also updated the OP with better formatting.
You are the greatest man. Also, a tumblr link? We should be tumbros, or whatever. But seriously, I love this .gif.
El Tortango posted:
Zach and I recorded some more videos today, I really like this game's soundtrack. I might cover a song or two, they're just so nice and relaxing.
TwoPair posted:
When there's no more room in hell, the Pikmin will walk the earth.