The Let's Play Archive

Pikmin 3

by zfleeman

Part 21: Day 22 -- Dune was a book.

Day 22 -- Dune was a book.

We spend waste more time laying down the groundwork to clear paths and build the blue pot. It's staggering how much more we get done when we go into the day with a game plan. Maybe we should do that more often? idk.

Don't even start with me about throwing away the rock pikmin. He would have died anyway because of my apparent short-term memory loss issues!!

Also, hang tight, because after this video, shit goes off the rails REAL QUICK. We open a bottle of sake, and my house kind of gets broken into during recording. I even forgot to stop recording Day 23 before Day 24 started, so I need to cut the video real quick before I upload them later this week.

Video of us dissecting a persimmon (Portable Sunset)/Grant destroying my lamp:

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