Part 27: Day 28 -- Frustration exclamation.
Day 28 -- Frustration exclamation.

Wow, I cant believe we actually were able to-- WAIT, WHATS THIS?!

It's time to have a serious discussion, fellas. I know I was crapping all over this last segment while we were recording, but it really wasn't that bad. I played that boss really poorly, but I also had my bros yelling at me. That wasn't fun. With Smash Bros. out, I know almost all of my attention will be focused on it, but that also means I'll probably have Grant and Sean in my house just as frequently. If we're feeling frisky, we'll record another fruit-gathering episode.
What I would like to do is simply hook up my Elgato into my laptop with a headset and record quick fruit-pickin' days by myself to round this massive amount of work out. I don't know, though. I'm sure you have an opinion. Let me know it.
If you liked what my buddies and I were able to accomplish, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and maybe follow me on Twitter. Ive grown used to you people making fun of me. We really liked doing this, and it'd be cool to do more. Given that I have some more time off work for Thanksgiving, I'll probably slap a microphone in front of my face and record some more.