The Let's Play Archive

Pokemon Crystal

by Crosspeice

Part 64: End of Kanto

Update 49: End of Kanto

Route 15

Well we're off to a great start in this update. Like I've done a couple times before, I'm gonna be skipping over most of the leftover routes. All that's really left are weak trainers, a couple of Pokemon to catch and a few items here and there. An hour's worth of footage for not much reward, honestly. But since this is an LP, gotta do it! And also cause I have to for the stronger trainers out there (they exist!)

Haven't beaten up a teacher in a while.

And that was a fun route.

This is the only interesting thing of Route 15, since it's otherwise a straight line with 8 trainers on it.

Now that I have all the screenshots, I notice everyone in the team levels up once during this trip. What a way to spend an hour.

We've found the last trade of the game and it's a real interesting one. Unless you trade from Gen 1, Aerodactyl is unobtainable in Gen 2 otherwise. But what about Chansey? That was only found in the Safari Zone, so where is it now?

HP: 250 | ATK: 5 | DEF: 5 | SP.ATK: 35 | SP.DEF: 105 | SPD: 50 | TOTAL: 450
#217: Chansey

Ooh, lucky (HEH). Since Chansey has beast special bulk, it means I can weaken it with my really strong Pokemon. But as to finding it? 1% chance on these three surrounding routes. And you need to catch 2 to complete your Pokedex.

You might be surprised to learn I used a code to encounter only Chansey. Cause fuck 1% chances.

Happiness evolutions still suck.

HP: 255 | ATK: 10 | DEF: 10 | SP.ATK: 75 | SP.DEF: 135 | SPD: 55 | TOTAL: 540
#218: Blissey


Trading time!


: How is that AERODACTYL I traded you doing? Your CHANSEY's so cute!

Ooh, nice haul.

Otherwise nothing too special.

And now we're on Route 13. Route 14 had the most to do on any of these routes, so it's pretty quick from here.

It's still an annoying maze, but since it's Gen 2, it's smaller and has slightly less trainers.

HP: 95 | ATK: 75 | DEF: 80 | SP.ATK: 100 | SP.DEF: 110 | SPD: 30 | TOTAL: 490
#082: Slowking

"PIKACHU gang?"


: Look! Right there, at the left side of the post.

Sooooooo, was that my left, or your left? Cause that wasn't really left.

We're nearly done with the routes of yawn.

Lots of secret goodies.

While it's a bit slow, at least I'm getting some benefit from fighting all these boring trainers.

Ah finally, something interesting.


: I can see that you like fishing. There's no doubt in my mind at all! So? I know I'm right.


: Yes, yes. Just as I thought! Here, fishing fan! Take this--it's a SUPER ROD.

: Try your hand at fishing wherever there is water. Remember--you can catch different POKéMON using different RODS.

How did this pier support that Snorlax anyway? Oh yeah, the Super Rod. Since it came so late in the game... it's actually not that useful. We've already gotten most of the Pokemon you can fish up with it, since they can be found in the wild elsewhere or by Surfing in the same area. Quite a few times, it's just the same Pokemon with the previous rods, but stronger, so there's really nothing that interesting about it. After the variety we got with the Old and Good Rods, this is kind of a shame. Oh well!

And that's about it for Route 12.

Oh yeah, we never actually explored Route 11. You have no real reason to, we could've done it after clearing the Snorlax, but I guess we'll do it now.

There's not much here, really.

But if we lurk around at night...

Try not to think about it too much.

Now the last area we have yet to go to in Kanto is the Cycling Road, so let's head to Celadon!

: It's been quite a while. Oh, by the way, MARINA. Have you caught the legendary POKéMON RAIKOU and ENTEI?

: Okay... If you catch even one, I hope that you'll inform me. I'm counting on you, MARINA!

That's an awful reminder that I'm running out of things to do to put off roaming legendaries. Regardless, Cycling Road time!

Route 16

I wonder what's back here now?

.......................why do you exist?

: It's all downhill, so it's totally exhilarating. It's a great sort of feeling that you can't get from a ship or a train.

Cycling Road is the same as before, it's easy going down, but slow going up. Just before we properly head down, we're going to get the only new Pokemon of the area.

Man, all the interesting stuff is hanging around Celadon. But alas, we're way too late to actually make use of this Pokemon. Not that it's particularly usable anyway...

Now let's finally explore Cycling Road!

And that was Cycling Road! Seriously, there's only 5 Bikers around, I only gained one level and there's only 1 item to find. But will Route 18 be more interesting???


Let's just fight the final Gym Leader already, we've done all the training we can.

Pokemon Gym

: How's it going? Looks like you're on a roll. The GYM LEADER is a guy who battled the CHAMPION three years ago. He's no pushover. Give it everything you've got!

He, uh, definitely likes his Lego?

: I wasn't in the mood at CINNABAR, but now I'm ready to battle you. ... You're telling me you conquered all the GYMS in JOHTO? Heh! JOHTO's GYMS must be pretty pathetic then. Hey, don't worry about it. I'll know if you are good or not by battling you right now. Ready, JOHTO CHAMP?

VS Gym Leader (Kanto) VS Gym Leader Blue

Shigeru was here, Satoshi is a loser

Probably the only challenging trainer in Kanto, which is why he's the only Kanto leader to get his own video. Blue can be pretty tough if you haven't been training, though we have gained eight levels per Pokemon in Kanto overall, so it's definitely worth fighting the hoards of awful, weak trainers.

Pidgeot doesn't have anything too dangerous in its arsenal, everything is about 5 levels lower than it was in Gen 1, but all the Pokemon he's using now are the ones he used in Red and Blue, minus the starter.

Well I didn't expect to see a Pidgeot do THAT today.

Okay, he's starting off strong. While Alakazam only really has Psychic...

That's all it needs, cause this is not a damage race we can win.

Unless Jeremiah is a fuckin beast and clutches victory.

Unlike Gen 1, Exeggutor actually has four moves and one of them is even STAB! Crazy.

Egg Bomb does a lot of damage, but the main reason to take out Exeggutor quickly is because of Sunny Day. Blue's team uses every weather effect, but only Sunny Day helps out more than one team member.

Oh I know exactly who can take care of this guy.

Surf VS Earthquake, I only win because I'm faster, since opposing Pokemon don't have Stat Exp.

Gen 5.txt. Thankfully Gyarados isn't too dangerous since even with the rain up, it still has bad Special Attack.

With the sun up, it barely does less than half. I can beat it easy.

Oh. Never mind then.

I think Mothra will be fine, the sun is still around.

Orrrrrrr maybe not.

HP: 90 | ATK: 110 | DEF: 80 | SP.ATK: 100 | SP.DEF: 80 | SPD: 95 | TOTAL: 555
#128: Arcanine

Hmm, this final Pokemon is a real doozy. A Sunny Day boosted Flamethrower from this guy will hurt a lot. But its moveset is completely walled by Rock types, so we have a backup in case Kakarott can't do the job. Though it's looking like we won't be winning the damage race. Not too surprising, Extremespeed has a higher BP and Arcanine is nearly 10 levels higher than me.

That helps.

That doesn't.

It's easier to just let ...Kamina? take the win than trying to whittle it down with Kakarott.

: How the heck did I lose to you? ... Tch, all right... Here, take this--it's EARTHBADGE.

Pokemon Gym

: All right, I was wrong. You're the real deal. You are a good trainer. But I'm going to beat you someday. Don't you forget it! Listen, you. You'd better not lose until I beat you. Got it?

: That was one heck of an inspirational battle. It brought tears to my eyes.

While we can never check our Kanto badges, we've finally got all 16, the most any game has ever had. Man, I'm gonna miss Jim Gui, but with all the Kanto badges, it's time to get some rewards!

Professor Oak's Lab

First up is the Prof.

"KANTO. Well done!"

: I was right in my assessment of you. Tell you what, MARINA. I'll make arrangements so that you can go to MT.SILVER. MT. SILVER is a big mountain that is home to many wild POKéMON. It's too dangerous for your average trainer, so it's off limits. But we can make an exception in your case, MARINA. Go up to INDIGO PLATEAU. You can reach MT.SILVER from there.

Finally, the last area of the game is open to us and we're getting really close to completing our Pokedex.

Vermillion City

Our second and last reward for getting all the Kanto badges is right where we started in this region.

: You got all the KANTO GYM BADGES. I've got a reward for your efforts.

: Having a variety of POKéMON types should give you an edge in battle. I'm sure the KANTO GYM BADGES will help you.

Uh, sure. Just before we head over to Mt. Silver, since this update ain't done just yet, it's time to evolve some more Pokemon, yaaaaaaaaay. Over here

This is the only time you'll be going through Route 22, since it's the easiest way to get to the new area.

Route 28

What crazy adventures await us on Route 28?

Uh... hmmm... there's nothing here.

Like, REALLY nothing here.

Okay at least there's an item.

And something that makes Route 28 not completely empty.

: Please don't tell anyone about me. I'll give you this keeping my secret. Please?

: Everywhere I go, people chase me. I just want to be left alone...

And that's about it for everything before Mt. Silver. With that, we're also done with literally everything in Kanto, bar one (Eusine, obviously). Aside from that, we'll be spending the rest of the LP in Johto. Also, that was the second Steel Wing TM we just got. I assume this girl is the same one that's above Cycling Road in Gen 1, but I dunno. Anyway, Steel Wing is an alright move, so I can't complain.

Let's explore the final dungeon (not counting Tin Tower).

Silver Cave

Like with Unknown Dungeon, this place is filled with nothing but Pokemon and items. Which isn't very interesting for an SSLP, alas.

Maybe we'll use all these good items, unlike in the last LP.

That's everything in this area, so let's enter the next cave.

Ooh, we don't need Flash anymore (thank god) and we've got some water. One cool thing about Mt. Silver is how each of its three areas look different. It's the little things, y'know?


Got even more caves within caves within caves. Crazy.

Also, unlike Unknown Dungeon, there's more than just the one Pokemon to catch deep in the cave with a dumb 5% encounter rate. This area has 2 of those! And a few others.

I feel like we broke the 200 mark a while ago.

And another one.

Hey, saves me having to hack in endless Rare Candies if I can just catch the damn things instead of evolving them.

We're not done with the water just yet.

There are only two sides caves with two items between them, but that's not all.

HP: 60 | ATK: 60 | DEF: 60 | SP.ATK: 85 | SP.DEF: 85 | SPD: 85 | TOTAL: 435
#214: Misdreavus

Well this shitty Pokemon is never leaving the box.

We can get also get Machoke. Man, there's actually a few things to catch here!

Now all that's left to do is to catch, er, I mean, TRADE for these evolutions. Yeahhhhhh.

Ooh, the final area. Looks pretty bright.

And what's at the end of this long cave?

Ah. The final challenge of the game. Are we ready to face this?

FUCK NO. Let's catch a new Pokemon instead.

HP: 50 | ATK: 64 | DEF: 50 | SP.ATK: 45 | SP.DEF: 50 | SPD: 41 | TOTAL: 435
#244: Larvitar

And that's it for this update, we're gonna run really far away from that trainer until the end of the LP, basically. Until then, it's time for some Battle Tower - Level 70. Heck yeah!