Part 21: Utira Library

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update is kinda weird. It's content lite, but is fairly long just because of all the goofy books in the library. If you hate puns you probably won't like this update. You also probably hate fun.

The library has a bunch of screens, but there's really no need to post the maps. It's just a bunch of bookshelves.

It begins... the great punnening. There are a lot of them. A lot.

We'll come back to Zac here in a while. First, we're in a library and there's a bunch of books to look at!

I have no idea when Insurgence is supposed to be set. It's nowhere near the mainline games, though. It's a good few decades in the future of those.

I'm not gonna comment on each pun or we'd be here all day.

About half of the books have this text.

Damn right I do!

The book ends there. The timing on that joke is amazing.

Excuse me? The cults can bypass all known laws due to religious reasons?

I'm skipping most of this one. It's just a list of professors from the first 6 generations.

I guess Insurgence happens in the manga universe where Red is the legendary best?


The game namedrops several members of the Elite Four with books written by them about their preferred strategies. I'd say it's foreshadowing, but we're still a good... 50? 60 hours? away from meeting any of them. So all you know right here is that some jerk named London knows about Trick Room.

This move tutor teaches the following moves:
Super Fang
Last Resort
Role Play
Gastro Acid
Worry Seed
After You
Helping Hand
Double Edge
Baton Pass
Like many other things in Insurgence, someone who knows what they're doing could make use of a few of these moves. I don't have the patience to set up something like Baton Pass.

I have no idea what the Infinity Ball even is. Ancient Balls are sadly postgame only items. But given we will have basically zero need of them until then, I guess it works out. There's only a single one available before the postgame, and it's in one of the last routes you visit.
I did some googling for the Infinity Ball and all that came back were ancient reddit posts and some very sketchy sites that I didn't even bother to click on.

Did you play Platinum? Congratulations, then you know what this book says. It's just the story of how Giratina was banished to the Distortion World.

What? I have no idea what the fuck this book is talking about.

This is the book the old woman was looking for. So if we return to her, we can get paid!

Agatha? Really?

This means that

I guess that's a more polite way to ask us to keep quiet. At least Lori Beth Denberg isn't in here.

That's the first room down. Just four more to go! What, you thought I was kidding when I said there were a lot?

There's a bunch of paintings of Jaern on the wall. They all have Scooby Doo painting eyes.

Despite what I said earlier, Cindy actually isn't a member of the Elite Four. She's just some rando who knows about entry hazards.

Nope. I'd make a joke, but it's too easy.

Who the fuck is Tobias?

I think I get different things out of these games than other people do. I'm just not interested in competitive battling.

I find it interesting that many of these books were written in the past year.

More Elite Four members!

The strategy of "use diverse types with a wide variety of moves" is a well guarded secret.

The weird draw of TVTropes before... well...

This isn't mentioned anywhere, but you can walk up this ladder!

This is the edgy section.

I appreciate the forbearance of the writers for not going into details.

It's a textbook for learning latin.

I think we know where Nora's been spending her time!

No, she's got the summoning down pat. She's just so worthless that Darkrai doesn't care.

This whole section is sick.

Let's get outta here.

Two down... by the way, we're at the point where I'd normally be wrapping up things.

My mother used to facilitate my fascination with video games. She'd buy me all sorts of guides with titles like this. I actually think I used to own one called this.

Yeah, that was about the quality of those tips in the guides too.

The third Elite Four member!

Someone must have written this after playing GTA5, because the "tip" inside is to invest in pokeballs before buying a shitload of them.

I also skipped like 7 text boxes.

The black belt in town wanted this. So we can get that Cacturnite!

Fuck yeah!

This is Delta Budew and it's Dark/Fairy type. I plugged that information into my handy dandy calculator here and...

This is a pretty fucking dangerous pokemon. Look at that list of resistances and immunities. To quote the wiki... It evolves into Delta Roselia when leveled up with high friendship during the night, which evolves into Delta Roserade when exposed to a Dusk Stone. Its abilities are Shadow Dance (speed doubles during New Moon, Heliophobia (loses 1/8 HP per turn in harsh sunlight, restores 1/8 during New Moon), and Inner Focus (Hidden; Can't flinch). Meanwhile Roselia and Roserade get Limber (Hidden; No paralysis.
This line is another fairy-based special attacker. It not only has the stats to make it work, but its move set complements its stats. It appears to be pretty fucking good. I didn't use it in my first run, but I'm giving it serious thought now.

I don't have a good nickname, so I didn't bother. But soon...

Before we continue to the last room and get on with the waiting story, let's get paid for our detective work.

Mega Cacturne gets Sand Rush. (Boost's speed in a sandstorm) Its BST also goes up by 100. Both attacks go up by 30 points each, both defenses up by 10 each, and speed by 20.

Kind of a desert bandit look. I like it!

Money is always appreciated. This buys a couple rounds with the level 50 Audinos we unlocked with the third badge.

Anyway... here's the last pun room.

There's some good jokes in here.

Shit. If only. Also fuck anti-vaxxers.

This is the last Elite Four book, but the author isn't mentioned.

That's all of the puns! We're done! To continue with the story, we need to investigate the door we can't walk through. By the way we can't walk through the door on the right there.

I think this is Nora? That's what I'm running with.

I'm using the temporary portrait for this guy because he features pretty prominently in the upcoming section. This is the librarian from up front. Zachary, remember?

There's wild ghost pokemon back here, a couple trainers, and nothing else. So please excuse me while I give you the dime tour.

This old lady is the last trainer back here.

I had a request to pick up a Banette, so...

Fuck. These things really like to spitefully curse-suicide against my attempts to catch them.

Several tries later...

Kenny Rogers songs aside, it's a good name for a haunted plush doll.

This is the final room of the library.

This marks a rare occasion where Nora and Damian both are just hanging around in the game world.

Zachary here acts very much like a teenager. He's trying to act cool for a bunch of kids.

The Oracle's sprite has some dirty edits and it's bothering me. If you don't know they're there, you can't see them. But when you know what to look for, it's all you can see.

By the way... all of the Oracle's team is weak to ghost type moves.

Dracolich is about to mega evolve and blacken the sky with Noctem and then sweep through his team with power-boosted Shadow Balls.

And mega evolved, he has just disgusting stats. Look at that SpAtk!

Credit where it's due, it very nearly one shot Dracolich. But Mega Delta Chardizard is very much a "you better pray you knock him out in one" type of pokemon. You won't get a second chance to try.

A pity.

The sky brightening means that Dracolich now "only" two shots the Aegislash instead of steamrolling straight over it.

I didn't use mega evolution nearly enough in my first run. In fact, I don't believe I ever used it outside of looking once to see what Mega Delta Pidgeot looked like.


Damian is talking a lot of sense. Unfortunately Nora is freaking out.

Nora: *says things deliberately designed to hurt someone's feelings*
Also Nora: "I hope I didn't hurt him..."

That's enough for right now.
Looking Ahead
Route 8
Route 8 Hidden Grotto
Delta Munchlax
Miara Town
Machoke (Trade Beedrill)
Haunter (Trade Vigoroth)
Sunkern (Look at flowers)
Slugma (Trade literally anything)
Tropius (Trade Vibrava)
Delta Koffing (Trade Pseudo Legendary)
Delta Axew (Sidequest)
NEXT TIME: On to Miara Town!