Part 25: Sonata Hills

Hello everyone and welcome back. I really wish this update didn't have to come right after the latest one from Reborn but... what can you do? So without further ado, let's head off toward the hospital.

We get this far before our pokegear starts ringing.

Uh... can this wait?

Fine I'll be right over.

In a random urge, I send HenryDavid in and he comes back with a heart scale.

I don't believe I've shown this before. Everywhere highlighted with a yellow dot is somewhere that the pika taxi can take us... this includes the Whirl Islands. In this case, we're back off to Suntouched City to further our television career.

If you remember way back to just before we did the Suntouched Gym, we had two broadcast missions back to back. I warned then that it would be an incredibly long time before we returned. Well, we're back. Defeating Audrey at the Whirl Islands plus walking a random amount of steps were the triggers for the next part of the sidequest

No pressure, right?

The area is very linear. Just follow the path and at the end...

Oh. It's Latios.

Welp. This happens before we even get the chance to act.

Latios flies off immediately.

I'd complain that we're getting screwed in this deal, but we're also nearly a fifth of the way to this game's money cap even without their patronage. So I think it evens out.

And just like that we're done with the third Broadcast Tower mission. The next one will occur after we get our sixth gym badge.

Back in Sonata City, there's an exit to the north, right next to the pokepon machine.

We could have come here earlier, but there wasn't much to find besides an old lady that forgot to do her trash pickup duties. Amy doesn't want to step across discarded bottles and chip bags, so we're stuck in and around Sonata until we progress with the plot.

I'm not sure a combination hospital and rest home is a good idea...

We've seen a bunch of these golden statues around. We won't get the ability to do anything with them for a very long time, but the item that's back there with it is Zebstrikite.

Dear god what happened to you, Zebstrika? The Mega version is Electric/Fairy type and its BST shoots up from 497 to 597. Its Mega ability is Multiscale. (Reduced damage taken at full health) I can't help but think this was their inspiration.

Progress is down in the basement. But before we do, there's a lot of looting to be done on the upper floors.

Both the floors are large squares. So let's just work our way around.

Fair enough. It's just an Ultra Ball, a Paralyz Heal, and a Hyper Potion, so no big loss. (We could totally steal them, but that would be rude.)

I'm heading around this floor counter-clockwise. So this is the top right room. There's also nobody in here, so this is free game!

There's a few of these scattered around the floor.

Smart idea!

I don't even need this, but it was left behind so it's mine now.

Uh... mine now?

Look you're lecturing the wrong kid. It's Damian that makes all the noise, not me!

Anyway, that was all there was on the bottom floor. So let's go counter-clockwise again...

Hell yeah!

He might need that great ball. I've got enough Ultra Balls, so I'll just leave his stuff alone. Plus it's a massive dick move to steal someone's stuff from their hospital room while they're sleeping.

Not much else up here. This room will be important in a few minutes, so keep it in mind.

So let's get this over with and head down into the basement.

Nora, Damian, and Harmony are already here.

This is Harmony talking.

I don't believe we've run into NPCs that tell this yet, but Harmony, Reukra, Sylvan, and a future character named Anastasia all went to university together.

A beat later...

That's so much better.

Shut up, Nora.

Damian is pointedly not looking at Nora when he says this. Then he walks out.

Does she practice being this awful, or does being a jackass come naturally to her? Jesus Christ...

Anyway, let's head up to Malde's room. It's the one I pointed out earlier.

Hi Kim. I'm just passing by...

Oh good, we got here just in time for the show.

Gonna warn you now, this is gonna get incredibly stupid here in a minute.

Hey can I get a vial of that over here? Y'know, for science.

I had to include this screenshot because if I typed it out, you all would accuse me of making it up. No, it really says something as stupid as that. This is easily the dumbest line in all of Insurgence.

Poor kid.

Some sort of godawful screeching starts happening while the lights flicker.

Oh that's... really fucking not good.

You know what, I'll give her a pass this time because fucking hell.

Malde is standing on the same square as HenryDavid.

And now Malde and Damian are gone.

Did he just say that Damian is infected like Malde?

Harmony is good people. Even though she would be well within her rights to want to be by herself, she's going out of her way to be kind to a little girl who's probably freaking the fuck out.

No point in hanging around here...

Looking Ahead
Route 10
Route 10 Hidden Grotto
Malestrom 9
Floatzel (Surf)
Seaking (All Rods)
Kingdra (Dive)
Kepler City
Beldum (Trade a Fire/Electric type) (So a Microwave Rotom)
NEXT TIME: On to Kepler City
Also if you guys have a preference between Poliwrath and Politoed, let it be known now. We're going to be needing the services of one very, very soon.