Part 37: Oranos Town

Hello everyone and welcome back. Last time we arrived in a new town, so let's explore, shall we?

Oranos Town is pretty small. It's another of those stopover towns in the region.

We'll be tackling that next time! There's a pretty cool puzzle there and a new Delta to befriend.

Oh boy. Oranos is also the site of the Infernal Cult actually becoming plot relevant. I'm so sorry.

Check out my winged bat dragon!

Yeah... it's a good thing Red never made a name for himself.

Walking out and the director calls us for the last Broadcast Tower mission we can do in the normal game. He'll undoubtedly call us before the postgame starts, but he won't actually let us depart until then. To quote the wiki...
"The player receives a call for this mission after completing Mission 5 and then traveling a random number of steps. However, the director does not allow the player to embark on this mission until they have the ability to use Rock Climb."

Great job Amy. You stole a choice scarf from someone's HM slave.

That's my personal air transport!

While searching for the item hidden near the statue, I accidentally blunder into the next bit of plot.

Fuck me. The Infernal Cult is very, very dangerous. We're going to amply find that out in the next many updates.

Most of the people in the gathering say something similar.

Superman's disguise at work.

The Beedrill was the easy part, though. It was his Haunter that fucked my shit up.

I'm sure we'll put this to good use!

Mt. Rose is the Infernal Cult's main base.

This item that's a fair distance from the statue is what that one guy was talking about earlier.

Uh, no.

The line going into the vaccine center is pretty long.

Amy's 10.

Real helpful there, my dude. Anyway, we'll get to his request next time once the way forward is open.

As much as I hate to do it, Flamenco treads too much of the same ground as Dracolich. The closer we get to the endgame, the more vitally important it is to cover as many types as possible. So onto the bench he goes.

I think about it. I think about it awful hard...

In fact, there's an item we can only just recently get in the Vipik Dump.

Way back near where we rescued Damian so long ago, we can find a rip in spacetime.

Way back at the start of the thread, someone asked if we could use a Mega Beedrill. Well, we now have the option to do so.

However, this is Pokemon Insurgence. Beedrill has always been an early-game mon. In any other game I wouldn't have qualms with using it, and would even look forward to the idea. Here, his mega stone just comes too late to make him very useful, sorry.

However, there's been a long-standing request from the thread. In fact I would say it's the single most popular request you guys ever made. It was agreed upon damn near unanimously. Who am I to argue with the popular vote?

Who, indeed?

She two shot a level 80 Audino while herself being at level 44. So let's meet the team, yeah?

It's weird seeing everyone at level 70. That's the level Mewtwo originally was encountered at. Very few postgame challenges in mainline pokemon games ever reach this level.

Magnolia's moves haven't yet been fixed. Give it time.

Fancy has finally replaced Giga Impact with Echoed Voice. Otherwise she's the same lovable engine of destruction she's always been.

When mega evolved, Dracolich has close to 250 SpAtk!

There's far too much overlap between Beeisel and Magnolia, and I'm not sure it's the sort of problem that can easily be solved. I'm afraid one or the other is going to have to go on the bench, and it likely won't be the rocket bee.

Yes she's back. Not only is she back, but she's better than ever. Gateau is completely immune to dragon moves, can't be hurt by ghost moves, and actually has a powerful counter to one of Fairy's only weaknesses. She's also our designated boulder-mover thanks to Psychic. STAB Return is a powerful thing.

Before we deal with Zenith's new plan, let's get the Director some more footage.

Who gives a crap about Latios? Gimme dat dragon.

This map is reminiscent of the Dragon Ruins without actually being part of them properly.

Lernaean is a terrible nickname.

I think we're getting screwed on this deal. Station owner's gonna be so rich he could lose 99% of his wealth and still be set for life.

Seriously who gives a fuck about the stupid Latios? There are easier legendaries to get out there. I just caught a shiny psuedo-legendary hydra.

She's at least usable, which is more than I can say for the one I got in my last game.

We should probably investigate this whole vaccine nonsense. I can't imagine Zenith is up to anything above-board.

Oh that's real bad.

Zenith-Zachary walks up after the old man leaves.

Gonna go get my knees broken~

That Zachary is such a nice young man. He comes into our town and declares himself in charge and starts locking us up in a quarantine prison while telling us it's for our own good. Then he offers to let us out if we rat out our friends and neighbors. What? Fascism? What's that?

Like I said, the Infernal Cult is dangerous. Zenith has that "nice young man everyone knows" thing going for him and without anyone to contest his claims, he's declared himself in charge of the entire damn town and started laying down the law. And it gets worse.

So yeah. Zenith's little vaccinations give him an army of obedient drones. He literally mind controls them to do his bidding.

The fight itself isn't worth mentioning. Her pokemon are decently strong, but pretty much all of them are weak to Dracolich's dark beams.

At least beating them snaps them out of their stupor.

Let's also get out of here.

Zenith's little speech, plus Medium Williams' stalling tactics served to keep us busy until he'd finished here in town.

And that's enough for now.
Looking Ahead
Route 15
Empoleon (Surf) (5%)
Carracosta (Surf)
Clawitzer (Old Rod)
Route 15 Hidden Grotto
Route 15 Underground
Ferroseed (4%)
Ferrothorn (1%)
Satellite Corps
Delta Cyndaquil
Amphitrite City
Budew Egg ($2500)
Noibad (Trade Dark Type)
Delta Shuckle (Trade Bulbasaur)
Crystal Caves
Slowking (Surf)
NEXT TIME: Amphitrite City has the 7th badge!