Part 48: Void Gauntlet

60 hours and we're at the end of the story. Let's see this sucker through.

Before we start...

Gateau is given something to make her Play Roughs hit just a little more often. Now she has only a 1% miss chance instead of a 10%.

The Void Gauntlet is aptly named. It's an extremely long section with no chance to heal or rest until you get to the end. Insurgence, I should add, is not a game that particularly likes you to have PP restoratives. Ethers are extremely rare. And this is just training for Victory Road, which is even worse.

At least there are some cool visuals in here.

The two halves don't come together quite right.

These guys are all called mysterious grunt. I probably won't be showing this battle pose again.

These guys also fuckin' love to use Destiny Bond. They like to spam it.

What are you talking about?

Thinking about it, there's nothing preventing you from walking back out of the Void Gauntlet to a pokecenter if you need it. Though it is a gigantic pain in the ass to get back here.

Pokemon Red/Blue - Pokemon Mansion
The gimmick of the Void Gauntlet is that it's a mashup of a bunch of important places from all over the pokemon games.

The encounter tables reflect what you could originally find there.

Though not all of it can be accessed.

Gotta Heart Swap past the shutter.

Uh, sure.

The exit from each area is a bright pulsing thing of light.

Nagarex Forest is apparently from Zeta-Omicron.

Pokemon Red/Blue - Viridian Forest
There's no Nagarex Forest music on youtube that I can find with a cursory search. Most of the let's plays that come up when I search "Nagarex Forest music" are on episode 2 so I guess this was super early game.
Anyway, we're in the upper left.

Hidden berry in this tree.

You apper to be disintegrating anyway.

Jackpot! This is the only other Ancient Ball available before the postgame. So now if we find a legendary pokemon we can catch it marginally easier.

There's a bottom half of this route, but there's nothing down there that I could find except for a wild Pineco in the grass.

Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire - Cave of Origin
This screen and the next one are both straight shots, so no map needed.

Yeah, I gathered.

There's a Meloetta tile puzzle, except it's blocked by Rock Climb. So guess what we get to come back and do.

Like I said, a straight shot.

Pokemon X/Y - Pokemon Village
Is it just me or does this sound like a town theme from one of the Paper Mario games?

I really wish the game gave you access to this earlier.

How long has it been since we've seen a Zoroark trainer?

Random place for the fairy type plate, but sure.

Another straight shot. The Insurgence wiki says it's based on Gen 6's Unknown Dungeon but...
Pokemon Red/Blue - Cerulean Cave
The RBY theme is better.

Also the cave is like 20 feet long.

Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green - Pokemon Tower

No kindness here. What used to be a healing zone is just a floor tile.

I honestly can't remember anymore, is this the earliest we could have found this?

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's where Marowak's ghost should be.

Citadark Isle Theme - Pokemon XD
Never played Pokemon XD. I tried to rent it from a local store once but the disc was scratched to hell. I'm pretty sure it was the last game I ever rented from a video store.

I don't actually know what those sliding doors are.

Moltres is behind this Relic Song Wall.

Does what?

Pokemon Black/White - Giant Chasm
We're nearly done.

That's DNA Splicers in the middle of the pit.

These are always useful.

You know, the longer I go on in the game, the less I find myself needing dragon moves. Being neutral against most types is nice and all, but I also have Return if I want to do that.

Just a few more screens.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - Spear Pillar


Mega Meganium gets Magic Bounce (Reflects status moves) as an ability. Both its defenses shoot up to 140 base, and its speed becomes 100 base. Not bad if you need a good wall and don't mind sacrificing your mega slot.

The Rock Climb wall in the back is where Dialga can be found after the Elite Four rematches.

The Hall of Legends is another location from Zeta/Omicron. Palkia can be found here after the Elite Four rematches.

That's the final portal ahead.

No map because it's a straight line.

This area is cool as all hell, though.

Mewtwonite X and Y are hidden on either side of the palace. I didn't pick them up.

Suppressing the urge to make a Warframe joke.

Starting to really dislike smug Giratina-lady.

Bullshit. She's just taking credit for Amy's actions post-facto.

I know this is wrong, but I don't have enough knowledge of theoretical (or regular) physics to say why. My inclination is to say that the definition of antimatter is wrong because the ways in which it's the opposite isn't clearly defined. Is antimatter made of nothing but neutrons? Is what it's made of larger than a subatomic particle? Is this just bullshit JRPG pseudoscientific wankery?
(Yes to the last one.)

Yeah I'ma need to see some evidence on that one. So far all this has done is push forward the Arceus is God and Giratina is the Devil fan theory, but inverted it.

So after all of that stupid preamble, here's the whole reason for the game's plot happening. Here's ultimately the reason why Amy lost her memories and had her dad shoved in her dreams.

Nyx disrobes and shows off her true form. She's a white energy being... like a Novakid from Starbound.

The game tries its damnedest to paint Nyx as a sympathetic villain. However at the end of the day, she's just another cultist with dreams of world domination. Except instead of ruling over a region of the world, she wants to doom an entire dimension for no particularly good reason.

Nora will heal us.

Before we

NATHAN is both extremely fast and extremely powerful. The Scope Lens will help him crit more often, hopefully letting him sweep.

Aragog is a worthy successor to Fancy. I have yet to see Poison Touch actually take effect, but not very many things in the endgame will poison you either. Otherwise, he's an absolute beast.

Gateau has come a long way since we first got her. I never would have thought she'd be one of the pokemon I took to save the world, but here we are.

Dracolich is still just as strong as ever, but his effectiveness has started to taper now that we're saving mega evolution for Aragog.

What's not to love about Centaurion? He doesn't have an item because he doesn't need one.

Good old Beeisel. Though like Dracolich, I fear her effectiveness has started to taper as well. Aragog has higher physical defense with an attack stat to match. Though it is pretty hard to beat resisting 10 different types of damage!

This is about to suck...


The mismatched sides still bother me.

Nyx mentioned it lowkey and then came right out and said it. This is an Inverse Battle. Typings work opposite here, and her team is diverse enough that they can hit pretty much every new weakness my team has.
Let's just skip past the failures because this is one of the hardest fights in the game, and this update is already long enough as it is.

Crest sauropod vs cake hermit crab.

Ouch. A normal hit shaved off just shy of half of Gateau's HP.

She buffs herself up in the hope she's now faster.

She is, and Return one shots the Aurorus.

Return is a pretty good thing to have in an Inverse Battle. I'm pretty sure nothing resists it.

Two down!

Here's where the problems start.

This is a Mega Kangaskhan too.

Power-up Punch doesn't KO Gateau, but it does leave her hurting.

She can't take another hit like that. Mega Kangaskhan is even stronger than before, and a boosted Return didn't even take off half its health.

I slam a Full Restore into her, but...

Yeah. Gateau is screwed in short order.

Power-up Punch leaves her barely hanging on.

And her own Return didn't do the necessary damage. I could use another Full Restore, but it would be a losing game.

I should have used Shell Smash to power her up even more. Instead...

I wasn't thinking straight because this was my third attempt at the fight. I was frustrated and angry and ready for this bullshit to be over.

So instead I delayed the inevitable and let the Kangaskhan power up even more.

And because it's faster than Gateau, it got to use Power-up Punch twice in a row.

I keep healing her, but it's just a stalling game with no ticking damage in place.

The Kangaskhan also finally got powerful enough to one shot Gateau, from full health, with Return.

So let's play The Asshole Card.

Aragog is now weak to Fighting.

Earthquake did barely any damage.

More holding patterns. Also Mega Kangaskhan is in full restore range for the AI, so Nyx heals it back to full, completely undoing all that hard work.

So with Nyx presumably out of healing items, let's play a stalling game.

Or not. Return one shots Aragog from full health.

NATHAN comes out to try and salvage this.

He's the first thing we have faster than Mega Kangaskhan.

Get fucked.

Normal is apparently now super effective against Steel. Sure, whatever.

I can't even pretend to remember what the fuck the new weaknesses and resistances are anymore. At this point I'm throwing warm bodies into the fray to try and do something against this demon.

Centaurion goes down in one shot from Earthquake.

We're being swept.

Dracolich walks out and Kangaskhan finally goes down to a poison tick.

We're so behind the ball that I'm willing to sacrifice Dracolich to get someone else up.

Fire Blast misses.

May as well do some damage before Dracolich goes down.


Feels good to be able to shock a Ground type.

Hey kids guess what time it is! That's right it's time for yet a-fucking-nother Protean Greninja.

As before, may as well do a little damage while we can.

And in the next turn, NATHAN gets fully healed.

Then it uses Ice Beam and takes NATHAN out.

Fuck me.

Time to play Revive Tag.

Beeisel gets one shot by Ice Beam due to 4x weakness.

Aragog comes out and I revive Centaurion. I'm officially in "need warm bodies" mode again. I have more than enough revives, and the Greninja is slowly whittling itself down with its Life Orb.

Being Bug/Ground actually saved Aragog here.

The follow-up Dark Pulse takes him out, but leaves it in critical health.

Centaurion is gonna go down, but the Greninja will too.

Gonna hope that Beeisel is tanky enough to let me get ahead of the revives.

Bullet Seed KOs NATHAN.

If need be, I can just outlast this asshole too.

I'd say I'm not proud of doing it, but I hope this is also adequately communicating how completely horseshit this fight is.

It turns out Beeisel is not tanky enough to take an inverted Bullet Seed.

I'm taking a huge gamble here. If Breloom one shots Aragog, then I lose.

The damage has been done. It's got Toxic and a Life Orb slowly whittling it down now.

Centaurion gets back up.

Mach Punch takes out Aragog.

Revive Tag is a fucking boring way to play, and I'm sure read, but it is effective.

Centaurion, amazingly, isn't one shot by Bullet Seed.

And FINALLY I win through sheer attrition.

Go fuck yourself, Nyx.

Nyx keeps shouting IMPOSSIBLE at the heavens while she slowly fades out of existence. Good fucking riddance.

Given the way we just won, it's hard to not read that as dumbfounded shock that we just threw like 30 revives at the problem until we won.


Amy. Amy! Please don't strip down to your undies for the cutscene. That's weird.


Thaaat's 10 pounds of nope in a 5 pound bag.

This is as good a reason to use this as any other!

...hahahaha. That's the best bit of unintentional comedy in this entire LP. PokeSatan gets stored in the box with FireWooper and Ghost Monkey.

Yeah, kinda anticlimactic if you ask me.

After 47 updates, we've finally finished the Pokemon Insurgence main story. All that's left is the championship.

NEXT TIME: Victory Road, here we come!