Part 64: Nightmare Badlands

Hello everyone and welcome back. We've got a new friend.

I had a hard time deciding between Autotomize and Acid Armor/Iron Defense. (Delta Aggron learns all three by level up). On the one hand, she vastly improves one of her worst stat and reduces her vulnerability to Low Kick with each usage. But on the other, she could take her already ironclad defense and boost it to staggering levels (up to a theoretical maximum of 1,852). There's really not a wrong choice, it's just down to preferences.

Charsi replaces Virulence on the team. I love Delta Camerupt, but he was the most easily replaced.

Let's return to the Dream Realm.

Adam's waiting for us?

Oh dear... It may be a bit hard to tell, but all these cultists have been Deoxyfied. Check it out:

This is an unused battle sprite in the game's raws.

We're way back where we first landed in the Dream Realm. In fact, we even have briefly visited the Nightmare Badlands but we couldn't make any progress.

Like a lot of postgame maps, the Badlands look a lot more daunting than it really is

Also it's full of Darkrai cultists. Wait, what?

Heh. Zoroark trainer doesn't have anyone else.

Her? Oh wait does this mean what I think it means?


Yes this means exactly what I think it means. We get to fight Persephone again!

Then why did you join the Cult of Darkrai?

Oh if only.

The path forward is actually here, but let's continue exploring. There's more to see here.

You had a Tyranitar and a Spiritomb. My frost spirit is 18 levels higher than either of them.

Good old Lunar Cannon!

We can catch our own Deoxys in this Relic Song wall once we beat the Elite Four rematch. We can also catch our own Hoopa on this route, but it requires entering from another location. I'll show that off in the next update.

Let's just heal everyone to full.

The funny thing is we could even work together in this. We both want her group uncorrupted and out of Amy's dream realm. It's the world's easiest alliance of convenience. However, Persephone is a moron, so...

To put it bluntly, if you could beat Professor Maple, then you can easily beat Persephone. Also the Spiritomb isn't level 80, it's 93.

Even sadder, most of Persephone's team is really weak to Cirno's special brand of bullshit.

15 level difference, supereffective hit.

Battle of the Metagrosses!

There's a slight difference between the last fight with Persephone and this one.

That difference being that we're not so much winning the battle as we are utterly humiliating Persephone.

Nothing she has can even so much as move before it's swatted like a fly.

In fact, the first move she gets is a Shadow Ball from her Alakazam.

She should have tried a little harder. 80 base power + 50% from mega launcher x 2 (supereffective). Then add another 35% on top of that thanks to Noctem. Compound all that against how fragile Alakazam is.

A pity for Alakazam that it won't survive a second Dark Pulse.

ScubaSteve moves first the second time.

To Gengar's credit, it very nearly one shots Ramses.

But "almost" and "nearly" don't count here. Ramses may have only 5% life, but anything more than 0 means he's good to go. Also it strikes me that if I had used Acrobatics, he wouldn't have been hurt at all thanks to Gale Wings.

Good effort. Execution needs a little work.

You got whacked 'cuz you're weak.

Keep moving.

Darkrai's place is just back here. I'd post a shot of REM Village, but it's a single house and some wilderness around it.

REM Village and the Nightmare Badlands are the only two places in the game that you can find wild Zoroarks. Same with wild Reuinclus.

I'm about to make a mistake.

And there it is. I caught Darkrai.

The wiki warns to heal up before you leave the house, because once you do, you're forced into another boss fight. So I did just that...

Also Adam's technically been immortal. It's what got him and everyone else into this mess in the first place.

Hell yeah we'll help!

Boss fight was supposed to go here.

In fact here's what it was supposed to look like. But remember that I fucked up. If you catch Darkrai, the game skips the boss fight.

Damian is cured!

And just like that, the crisis is over.

But before we end this update, we still have some unfinished business.

That chef did say we'd find a badge collector "in our dreams". He didn't realize just how literally true it was.

The trading sequence is very nearly finished. The scientist gives us our ultimate reward, so we'll drop by the next time we're in the area.

And that's enough of that for now!
Defeat the Timeless
Explore the Holon Region
- The Hunt for Taen
Relic Song
- Deyraan Town
Cured Damian
- The Parcel
- "One of you is close to someone who needs help. Find this person fast."
- The Finale
We've finished half of the postgame sidequests! Unless anyone has any objections, then next time we're going to be continuing the Hunt for Taen in No Man's Land, the liminal space between regions. Then after that will be helping the kid in Deyraan Town.