Part 70: Legendary Wrap-Up

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update is gonna be a tad unfocused, because it's running around the game world clearing up dangling threads. So just bear with me as we take a trip around Torren to meet some new legendary friends (and then capture none of them).

First of all, I checked the town map. After we subjugated Arceus and consolidated our power, the game set the Gen 2 roamers loose on the map. I was hoping that they'd show up here, but no dice.
The chances of finding Entei, Raikou, or Suicune are slim to none. So then, too, are our chances of ever seeing Ho-Oh. You need all three roamers in your party before the game will let you go meet the phoenix.

There's another legendary with similar requirements. Thankfully, we've already captured both Groudon and Kyogre. So I can show this off.

We need to return to the Jade Tower.

Back up to the roof we return!

The combined might of Kyogre and Groudon cause a mysterious stairway to heaven to appear.

Rayquaza is up here in the clouds.

And it's one of the only legendaries we'll catch for the rest of the LP. The rest of these fuckers need to have their catch rates boosted.

This actually stumped me and forced me to look up the answer online. These stairs aren't exit enabled. Instead you need to stand exactly where Amy is now and hit the "use" key.

I wish I could say that would be the last awful design decision in this update, but I'd be lying.

For my next trick, Glory goes onto the bench.

Then we pull a creator deity out to take his place. Arceus here already has its crystal piece, so any battle we send it out in, it will instantly Primal Revert to Primal Arceus. Even better, because it's a Primal Reversion, we can also mega evolve something in the same battle.

Outrage and Judgment are fitting moves for a god. All the fans love to act like Arceus is like the Christian god when it's more like a Shinto god. So more akin to Amaterasu instead of YHVH.
The point being that Arceus now has two extremely powerful moves it can spam and get STAB on. While by definition it can't get supereffective bonuses, it doesn't need them.

Next we take our little creator up to level 110. Here are its stats.

Then we rename it to Kami.

This is nice and all, but something's missing. In the next update, we're going to tackle the Elite Four Rematches, so why don't we go all out? There was one Delta I covered a while back and remarked how broken it could potentially get.

This is over 2 hours later. Nessie is a Delta Aurorus. You might recall I mentioned this pokemon could potentially turn into an impenetrable wall that can theoretically PP stall damn near anything.
Let's take a closer look at the whole team for the last time.

Charsi has a frankly absurd amount of physical defense. As long as she's not hit with a water, fighting, or ground attack, she'll shrug off most anything else. She's like the bigger, meaner, nastier version of Beeisel.

ScubaSteve was put on the bench in favor of Nessie, so I had to redistribute his coverage elsewhere. To that end, Ramses got a fighting move. He'll probably never need to use it, because when you have priority item-less Acrobatics, why ever hit anything else?

Cirno easily turned into this team's MVP. It's honestly a pity that I accidentally evolved Noel before he got Moonblast, because he could have been with us for the vast majority of the LP. This lady here kicks unbelievable amounts of ass and is a surprisingly sturdy Special Wall.

Hard to believe it, but Aragog is actually the pokemon on our team with the most senority. His moveset hasn't changed since we picked him up because it doesn't need to. He's still a certified shitwrecker, and is our first pick whenever we need to really fuck someone's day up.

Just looking at Nessie's move set, you can guess what her job is. Sunny Day supercharges both Phototroph and Synthesis. Combine those with leftovers and she'll sit back and laugh as all the damage done to her is regenerated away. Then she can drop instant charge STAB Solar Beams backed up by nearly as much SpAtk as Cirno.

Then finally we have Kami. Judgement is 100 base power, and gets STAB. So Kami can spam 150 effective power nukes on anything that moves. Anything. Remember, Primal Arceus' ability means that it ignores type calculations to always hit for neutral damage. And it can recover 50% max HP on a whim.
Anyway, that's the team for the remainder of the LP. Now onto the actual meat and potatoes of this update, wandering around semi-aimlessly and doing stupid puzzles to access legendaries with 3/255 catch rates.

The first stop is one request so many of you asked for after the previous update.

You know, there was actually a point where I was seriously considering completing the pokedex for this LP. It's theoretically doable, just tedious as fuck. I'm glad I chose not to. It's one thing to catch 151, 251, or in one case 493 pokemon. It's a whole 'nother story to track down and catch 920 of the fuckers.

Every non Gen 7 pokemon is in this game. So naturally every legendary from Articuno all the way on down to Volcanion is too. That's, frankly, far too many to bother with. A better person than I am can do it.

If you are mad enough to set out on the path of completion, then do yourself a favor and hack in hundreds of master balls. You can use the method I described much, much earlier in the LP, and you'll also need this pastebin. Yes, I'm advocating that you cheat to accomplish this goal because otherwise you'd never get it done.
Also the scientist that introduced us to NATHAN is cowering beside the tower.

And the trade sequence comes to an end.

This gate can now be opened.

Down five, I wish I was kidding, sets of stairs.

Genesect appears with no fanfare.

With Genesect out of the way, let's move on to yet another legendary we'll never catch.

With Reukra having fled the region, the police have decided that's a capital time to raid his base.

You guys are fucking terrible at your job.

The item that's been teasing us since before the third gym turns out to be Delta Volcarona Amror. There's also five journals, so let's take a look at those... Warning, there's a lot of lore and backstory here. So if you don't care about that, just skip over the walls of text.

If you remember, a very very long time ago we stumbled across a locked building behind Metchi Town. It was so far back that duranduran was still in our party.

This lets us access the abandoned Perfection Laboratory in order to get our own Delta Larvesta. None of these doors are open until this point in the story. This is the absolute earliest we could be doing this. There's only one more Delta that becomes available later than this, and it's another Delta Legendary.

Is it the Augur's job to direct the police? Because I don't want to have accdientally been ignoring Amy's job.

This new passage brings us to the back rooms of the Perfection Base.

Two boulders, two switches, and locked doors. YEP! It's old fashioned pokemon boulder puzzles.

This takes many attempts, because the game's controls can be floaty if you're trying to do precise stuff. Sometimes, Amy pushes a boulder two spaces and there's nothing you can do about it if it happens.

Two more switches past the first set.

However, there are 3 boulders. The bottom boulder is a red herring, so just ignore it.

Not exactly hard, but the aforementioned floaty controls make it annoying at times.

Four boulders this time, and we need to place 3. And, as you can see, two of them can't be utilized at all.

However, there's a heart swap statue over to the left. This is actually a fairly clever puzzle.

First, I put two boulders in on their switches...

Then I swap the statue over into the room.

On the way back in, notice that there are three wires leading to the pink door and three pink switches. We only need 2 to hold the door open, however. So...

The Manaphy statue can hold one switch down, letting us borrow one of the boulders from before.

And finally as a follow-up, the green gate needs 1 switch held down. So...

Even if it is a boulder pushing puzzle, I really like this one. It's clever and requires some lateral thinking.


We have to do another one of these puzzles, except it's a lot harder. You click on a tile to change the way it's facing. Except when it changes directions, all the tiles touching it spin once too.

The easiest way to do it is just go line-by-line. Set up the top, then the second row, then the third...

It takes a few minutes, but eventually we get there!

Finishing the puzzle summons Mewtwo.

I tried. Lord help me, I tried. But in the end, Mewtwo just wouldn't stay in its ball and after wasting a fuckton of money trying to catch Suicune, I wasn't in a charitable mood for Legendary Bullshit.

So after several resets, I just said "fuck it" and left.

Something we can catch, however, is Delta Larvesta. So let's go investigate that locked laboratory.

This is another cool puzzle area.

Our eventual goal is back through this door. But it's password protected. So we need to work our way around the area getting clues.

This is the first puzzle we have to solve. So let's see if we can't find a hint...

Oh, nice.

We passed this door on the way in.


It's a researcher walking up to that gate we saw earlier and clicking the buttons in the following order: 2-4-3

If we repeat the procedure, the gates drop!

Just in case you all though that the Perfection Cult weren't evil as fuck.

Anyway, we need to bring this Manaphy statue over to the middle of the lab.

This drops purple barriers elsewhere in the lab.

This room is below where the statue used to be.

Why put the Bulldoze TM at the very end of the postgame?

We now have enough information to solve the password. The pattern is numbered passwords and elements, with each set alternating between anti and normal. The element passwords are all lowercase, while the numbered passwords are in CamelCase. The last password was AntiPassThree, so the next should be...

Lithium is the third element.

How'd this get back here?

Anyway, here's Delta Larvesta.

Armored Delta Volcarona

Shiny Armored Delta Volcarona
We've seen it twice before. It's Dark/Poison. Delta Larvesta's abilities are Defiant (Boosts the Pokemon's Attack stat when its stats are lowered) and Absolution (Hidden Boosts the Special Attack stat when the New Moon is active). And Delta Volcarona has Levitate and Absolution (Hidden) for abilities.
This pokemon is the whole reason that Aragog was brought onto the team. It's the whole reason I was adamant that we use Fancy. Oh, and when you give it armor, its stats...

Yeah. It gains 25 base to both of its defensive stats. And if you leave it with its normal ability, it doesn't have a weakness. There's a reason this thing isn't available until now. Check this shit out.

Delta Volcarona is broken as fuck. And, yes, you read that right. It fucking learns Spacial Rend.


Anyway, we're not done yet. This update is going into overtime.

I tried to go see if I could find Ho-Oh, but this is around the point where I realized that the path will only show itself if you have the Legendary Beasts in your party. So we sadly won't be meeting the phoenix pokemon.

Our next stop is the Broadcast Tower. There are two missions available in the postgame, and we're gonna power through them.

The cameraman is a pokemon lover.

Sadly, heart swap puzzles seem to be the order of the day. So here we go again...

This looks suspicious.

That'll let us get back up here in the future.

If we move the heart swap statue down here near the ledge...

Then we can swap up, and then climb up to the other ledge.

Sunglasses guy is the Director. South Park head is the cameraman.

I don't want this asshole's money.

That's the Director's daughter... what's she doing here?

Setting Latios free, it seems.

We can finish this up real quick, so...

This is mostly a cutscene.

I'm not sure what the Director THINKS is gonna happen, but I'm picturing this.

Man, Latios is looking good.

The Director's inability to hear sarcasm is great.

I'm sorry, but you want me to fight the Lati@s twins because of some nebulous duty?

Latias flew away.

You know what?

Fuck this supposed duty.


I wonder if Amy can use her position as Augur to lean on the President for a larger cut of his dirty money. Or, I suppose, do the right thing and shut him down and fine him into poverty.

The last thing we're going to do in this update is track down the Forces of Nature.

Two of them are in the Safari Zone.

This is pretty much the far northeastern corner. We could have done this a very long time ago.

Yet more puzzles. I honestly don't know if the Safari Timer is still running or not.

This rift returns us to the present.

This was obviously meant to be done after the first visit to the dragon ruins, because it's a huge puzzle involving all the ways you can use Tesseract.

We gotta push the boulder all the way up into that slot.

Then back in the past, we have to recall the boulder...

And then push it into the pit. Why?

So we can jump across it back in the present.

It starts thunderstorming...

And after all that effort, we find Thundurus. I don't catch him either. Fucking legendary catch rates...

Back in the present, way back where we started, we can now chase down and similarly fail to catch Tornadus!

I say "chase down" because Tornadus thinks it's the height of comedy to repeatedly run away.

This is kind of an obscure location, but we're in the caves beneath Route 15. The Satellite Corps is just outside this area. If we use Hyperspace Hole here...

We get dumped out over on the dried riverbed of Route 6.

We find a couple Rare Candies and Alakazite. Technically this has been available since we returned from the Nightmare Realm the first time.

Tornadus runs away again.

This obscure path over on Mount Rose is where Tornadus has fled to this time.

...huh. Neat.

It flees. Again.

BACK to Route 15 we return. This time Tornadus is just sitting out in the open.

It runs away yet a-fucking-gain.

This is oddly fitting.

This time, Tornadus doesn't run away.

But like I said... we don't catch it and at this point I'm tired of trying. But if you somehow get both Tornadus and Thundurus, if you take them to the northern part of the Rezzai Desert, Landorus will appear similar to Rayquaza and Ho-Oh.
Anyway, that's finally enough for now.
NEXT TIME: The Elite Four rematch!