Part 75: Traditional Mode #2
Alright. This covers Updates 2 through 4. Or really 2 and 4 because update 3 was just trainers and nothing there was changed.First of all I wanted to see what happened if you told Damian yes he did see a Mew.

from there it proceeds as normal. Head to town to get ready to meet the Augur.

Just seeing if Sylvan has anything to say. As it turns out not really all that much, but it's something.
Skipping ahead a bit again, where Damian remembers he needs to get a gift for the Augur.

The conversation with his parents is effectively the same. So we head to Sylvan to get our first Pokemon.

And so we get our starter. I chose Bulbasaur for what it's worth. I did find out that having a psychic attack helps out a bit against some of the early trainers.
Anyway skipping ahead some to Telnor cave and the plotting cult members.

Unspecified things are planned.

And so we hurry.

And hurry a bit more.

Damien's father apologises.

Damien steps in. No hesitation.

One quick battle later..

Fade to white..

Jaern talks about how he just wanted to see us fight and how impressed he is. No mention of potential harm this time round.

And so from here it continues as it did in the main updates. Next time.. I actually don't know yet. Probably wherever the story picks up next.