Part 3: Public Service Sucks
Music: Ringtown
*Lunick approaches*

We dawdled enough. Let's get this errand over with.
New Music: Mission Start!

Each area has their own brief description. We're not going to see the giant tree this update.
New Music: Lyra Forest

Oh boy.

Right. So our rookie mission is to grab random Pokemon we see and hope it's the right one. Before we do that, let's chat with everyone here.

And we're off!

Just above where we start, we find our first Pokemon here.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

...It's not particularly interesting. These earlygame Pokemon are pushovers.

Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 10/13/16
We filled our first Browser entry!

Wild Pokemon we capture will become our friend Pokemon, which we can see on the Top Screen. They will follow us around on the Bottom Screen. It's very

There's also a Zigzagoon here. The only special thing about it is that it moves in a zigzag pattern.

Required Loops: 2
Possible EXP: 9
Music: Lyra Forest

This game takes cues from Gen 2 in that there's Pokemon in trees. Most of them can be found more easily elsewhere, though.

I know

We can't move to the next area. At least this means we only have to search this small area.
...Which we just did. It only has Chikoritas and a Zigzagoon.

What about Zigzagoon?

This Taillow wasn't here before.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

"Someone's" Taillow, huh? Looks like we've hit the jackpot!

Taillow, like all the Pokmeon in this mission, doesn't attack. It does move much quicker than the others, though.
Music: Capture Complete

The blue number above the Pokemon shows the number of loops required to capture it. The orange number after it shows the amount of EXP we'll get once we capture it. It'll raise as we create extra loops.
Don't get too greedy, though. If the line is destroyed, we'll have to start all over again. (This is mentioned in the glossary entry that I skipped.)

Required Loops: 4
Possible EXP: 14/15/16/18
Music: Lyra Forest

So basically Spenser wants to see if we're patient enough to work in a public service industry. That's fair, I guess.

Taillow: Pii hyoooh!
I'm not going to make any sprite for any Pokemon

*Larry and Taillow leave*
Well, at least Larry appreciates our efforts

We did it! Mission Cl...
New Music: Trouble

*Everyone goes to the burning trees*

Spenser's explanation is too long, so I'll show the relevant bits.

The information there will display the Field Move required to do something to it.

Some Pokemon don't have any Field Move, like Chikorita and Zigzagoon earlier.

When the Pokemon has the required Field Move, we can drag it to the object to initiate a Target Clear.

After using a Pokemon's Field Move, it'll automatically be released. So sometimes we need multiple Pokemon with the same Field Move.

Before that, let's see what everyone has to say.

In order: NO, thanks, how did you manage to get Chikorita/Zigzagoon/Mudkip breathe fire?

I didn't mention it before, but there's bushes here. You can see the Pokemon's shadows, but you can't see what they are until you encounter them.

In this case, it's a Mudkip. When we engage in an encounter, all the Pokemon near it (in this case another Mudkip) will also be involved. Ideally you'd want to avoid this.

I'm VERY sure all Pokemon here are coded not to attack right now. I swear they actually have attacks.
Anyway, I'm going to use this opportunity to talk about fleeing. We can only flee when we made a loop. More specifically, it's when there's a ball around a Pokemon. When the ball breaks, the flee button will disappear.
The flee button will be there as long as there's a ball around a Pokemon. This means we can circle any Pokemon to flee instead of all of them. It's still kinda annoying not being able to flee directly, though.

With multiple Pokemon, we can flee even with a successful capture. However, that Pokemon won't be registered as captured. So in this case if we flee now we won't get the Mudkip.
This won't work when there's only one Pokemon left. In that case we're forced to catch a Pokemon. It doesn't matter except in speedruns, really.

Required Loops: 4
Possible EXP: 12/14/16/19
The trick with multiple Pokemon is to focus on one at a time.

We use the Mudkip on the other burning tree.

New Music: Mission Clear!

We did it!

If we didn't talk to him earlier, he will tell his story now.

New Music: Saving

That's quite an eventful first mission, huh?
After every mission, we're given a chance to save. Saving in this game kinda sucks because for whatever reason it takes 8 seconds. That also applies when playing in an actual DS.