Part 6: Rock Falls, Everyone Lives
New Music: Krokka Tunnel

An easy solo mission is a great way to build up confidence. So things being "rather too easy" to start off is not a bad thing!

Statue In memory of Dugtrio, a loyal companion and coworker in the long and difficult tunnel project.

The left path leads to the wrong end of the shortcut, so we're forced to go right.

Soon after, we meet another fork. We'll go down first.

For all the good thing Pokemon Ranger does, it sadly follows the Reborn tradition of putting the fish just out of reach

Why does this gentleman need 5 or more Magikarp? They're basically inedible, so raising that many Gyarados seems impractical.
He can sell them in Reborn or whatever Rejuvenation's region is for

Going up from the earlier fork, we get to yet another fork. We haven't met any Pokemon with Cut yet, so we can't cut it.
Wait, we use Cut on the fence? We don't burn a wooden fence?

There's also a Rock Smash rock, but we haven't met any pokemon with crush yet.

*Hastings runs off towards the Dugtrio*

*Dugtrio flees*

*The tunnel shakes*


We're not getting through these anytime soon.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

Instead, we'll get the Paras that just appeared. It only has this cutting attack.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 4
Possible EXP: 13/16/19/24
Paras here is our first example of how this game handles dual typing. Usually one is their Group and the other is their Assist. It's kinda hard to remember which is which.
I say usually because that's not always the case, like with the Combusken earlier.
Music: Krokka Tunnel

We can go back to the Dugtrio statue and cut the sign, but it'll just get mysteriously replaced.
Oh, and if you're wondering, we can't go back to Lyra Forest. The Pokemon behind the bushes will remain a mystery for now.
On the one hand...

Beyond the fence, there's even more forks. This place would be confusing if we're not being railroaded.

Magnemite's attack is like Pichu's but has a wider range.

Required Loops: 2
Possible EXP: 4
Magnemite is essentially a harder-to-catch Pichu.
Does it at least charge the Styler more as compensation for being harder to catch?
Nope! All Pokemon with the same number of Recharge icon heals the same amount. So this is worse than Pichu in every way.

Up ahead there are two Poliwags.

Correction: there were two Poliwags. The left one is in the middle of jumping into the water. We manage to get close to the right one, though.

Poliwag moves kinda fast, so it can be hard to capture it.

Required Loops: 4
Possible EXP: 20/23/26/30

Here's the release screen. It appears when you have more than the allowed Friend Pokemon.
Savor this appearance, because I'm most likely not going to show it again.
Music: Trouble

That Poliwag room is the last one in our detour, but that music worries me

Go-Rock Squad? That is a stupid name for an evil team. I love it

Getting serious Team Skull vibes from these two.

I guess you can say that Circe didn't actually hear what happened earlier and so didn't think to chase the grunts. It's funnier to think that she's taken aback by the name, though.

Not too hard. They're literally just 5 steps to the right.
New Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Music: Krokka Tunnel

There's a save point. If you're playing along, you should use it. I'm sure we all know what this means.
DoubleNegative, are you excited to Plusle in action against our first boss?
Heck yeah! We're gonna paralyze it and then it won't be able to move and this is gonna be awesome.
Music: Lyra Forest

I don't know why there's two signs saying the same thing just a few feets from each other.
Video: Rhydon
Music: Tension

Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

There you have it. Plusle in action against our first boss


Anyway, since I have Bellsprout, I can use the useful Poke Assist. Water from Mudkip or Poliwag works too, but I don't get as many chance to show off Grass.
It's a pity we don't have any Totodile handy
That GIF is adorable

With the grass, Rhydon can't move or attack. Which is great because it needs 8 loops.
Music: Capture Complete

Rhydon gives a lot more EXP than any Pokemon so far, which is how we got our level up

Required Loops: 8
Possible EXP: 45/51/57/65
Before we move on with the story, let's look at Rhydon's attacks.

There's the attack shown in the cutscene.

There's also a charging attack. It doesn't charge at a straight line, though, so this attack is the more dangerous of the two.
On a side note, that Rhydon looks so adorable

Rhydon will also use this attack when it spots us in the field. Since our styler isn't out in the field, we don't take damage from this.
You say that, but Circe can't be feeling too great after being tackled by 265lb/120kg solid Rock/Ground type.
Music: Lyra Forest

Why? We could've used it to destroy the rockfall!

Like I said, we have to release every Pokemon after every mission

Music: Fall City

We're here. Now where's the Ranger Base?


Music: Mission Clear!

I like Hastings' logic.

*Everyone goes inside*
We are so gonna get lectured for this screw-up...