Part 39: Eeveelution Hunt
Music: Fiore Temple
Right. Ignoring that Vaporeon for now...

There's a ruin right in the middle of this area.

It has both old and new Pokemon. Yes, Gengar can take away our Pokemon too.

It can't do that if it's captured, though. It doesn't have any attack, but it can create clones which can also break our line.
The clones disappear after one loop, but Gengar will create more a while after we dispel both of them.

Required Loops: 7
Possible EXP: 100/106/112/120
Fun fact: Capturing Gengar and dissipating a clone on the same loop will give us increased EXP, as if we capture two Pokemon at the same time.

More Eevolutions! We'll come back to these later when Glalie isn't chasing us.

The fourth Eevolution! Eevee isn't available in this game, though.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

Flareon attacks consecutively, but there's enough time between each Flamethrower for a loop. Good thing too, since it can attack up to 6 times in a row.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 13
Possible EXP: 75/79/83/89
Not to mention the number of loops needed. Still not as bad as Vaporeon in any case, though.
Music: Fiore Temple

Umbreon just takes a page out of Mukrow's book. It's like this is the only dark attack in the game (Sneasel's Cut doesn't count).
It moves decently fast, too. Flareon or Glalie takes care of it well enough.

Required Loops: 7
Possible EXP: 75/79/83/89

Espeon won't attack twice and just prances around slowly like a kitty. It's by far the easiest Eevolution to catch.

Required Loops: 5
Possible EXP: 75/79/83/89
That's all in the ruins, so guess it's time to catch that Vaporeon.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

Ha! Suck it, Vaporeon!

Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 15
Possible EXP: 75/79/83/89
Plusle needs all 5 bars in order to give us enough time. I'm just baffled that someone thought it's a good idea to force 15 loops to a Pokemon that instantly flees

With that taken care of, let's continue scaling this ledge maze.
Music: Fiore Temple

*Everyone approach the tablet*

The screen shakes, so I can't make a GIF of the pedestals rising.

Left pedestal A blue Pokemon on four legs cloaked by the power of water.
If we have the corresponding Pokemon, the game will automatically ask us if we want to place it on the pedestal.

Middle pedestal A yellow Pokemon on four legs cloaked by the power of electricity.
We don't get any choice from this one. I'm sure you can figure out what Pokemon this is.
Right pedestal A red Pokemon on four legs cloaked by the power of fire.
This one is Flareon, so we place it on the pedestal too.

Getting to Jolteon requires getting past the gate, so it's impossible to have all 3 Pokemon on one go.
Music: Wild Pokemon Capture

Jolteon's gimmick is that it moves very quickly. Just use Ice, Fire, Flying or Ground assist.
By the way, I love how all Eevolution (beside Umbreon) has functionally the same attack.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 8
Possible EXP: 25
Jolteon is too cool to give the same EXP as the others, though

Also, aside from having to go all the way to the end to reach Jolteon, it drops us back near the beginning so we have to trek all the way back up. Which means...
Music: Fiore Temple


After a short trek to grab some Pokemon...
Music: Tension

This is the final area in the game (not counting postgame), featuring a pyramid. There's broken stairs everywhere, forcing a zigzag path to climb up it.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Of course, that means it's time for the final batch of grunt battles.

Music: Go-Rock Squad Battle (Strong Grunt)

Linoone runs quickly in a straight line, only stopping to change directions. It also attacks with Tackle. Ice assist takes care of it easily enough, as do several others.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 5
Possible EXP: 80/86/92/100
I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to show off Ice assist since its awful availability and nerf make them awful for bosses.
Music: Tension

We couldn't have gone this far without the help of all those Pokemon

Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Music: Go-Rock Squad Battle (Strong Grunt)

This fight is actually very hard. All these Johto starters has very different attack patterns, so there's not much opening.

Too bad Ghost assist trivializes it. Good try, though. You sure are an undiscovered star. Maybe you should've gotten them fully evolved.
Speaking of, we haven't met any fully evolved Johto starter, have we? Where could they be?

Music: Tension

Good ol' nepotism at work.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Aww, we're getting congratulated for our achievement


Music: Go-Rock Squad Battle (Strong Grunt)

Like before, Blaziken moves very fast, kicks fireballs, and jumps. On the other hand, Blastoise moves very slowly but will spend most of its time with Hydro Pumps. Did I mention that it requires 17 loops?
What I'm trying to say is that Blaziken alone would've been very hard to capture, but Blastoise's support makes it borderline impossible.

I tried using Medicham for Fighting assist, but I guess Blaziken's fighting spirit burns brighter

Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 17
Possible EXP: 150/156/162/168/174/180
Long story short: Ghost Assist. Alternatively, you can also use Plusle to capture Blaziken since Blastoise alone isn't a big problem.
Music: Tension

*Both of them look at the top*

We'll do that in the next update.