Part 3: The Molentary Express II

3. From the last point mentioned in Hint Two, head east at the first available point, and then take the first road you hit that heads south. If you've gotten this far, the rest should be a breeze.
Alright, so at a glance this looks right. Which means it's probably wrong because whenever I think it's right it isn't and vice versa. I overthink things a lot, you see.

Mostly, this one's pretty easy since a lot of the paths you don't take are either obviously wrong or imposisble to use by the time you'd have to think about them. Even I find it hard to mess up one as straightforward as this.

On the one hand, the question here was asking for the answer in MM. On the other hand, 1cm is 10mm and putting "1" instead of "10" would be being a jerk for no reason.

It's really just not that big of a deal for something this simple.

Let's be honest, this one is so mind-numbingly simple it barely warrants mentioning. Only thing I can really point out here is that these "select one of these buttons" kinda things make it a bit harder to tell which is being picked. So it's the greyed out, indented one. Just keep that in mind for later puzzles.

Moving ever so swiftly on...

Logic puzzles like this are cool and I like them a lot. I don't think circling your answer works well here though; this one should have their letters be clickable buttons I think.

It wouldn't be a big change, but it'd be a more player friendly one in my opinion.

Now, uh, it's been kind of a while. Where were we...?

Alright, so we're about to go looking for the observation deck. It's obviously beyond the door on the right, but first we have two orders of business to deal with.

First, trying to see what her justificiation for being kind of super rude is.

Well, that wasn't really useful. That leaves going through the obviously wrong door to see what we can find!

Well, hypocrite or not Macaroon knows the score at least.

And so it begins. Like with the first game, there are some minigames we can get aspects of at the end of a puzzle. Also like with the first game, the first one is a gimme and the rest are worth grabbing for obvious rewards and sometimes extra benefits.

And now we give him a name. It has a ten character limit if you're into that sort of thing. But for the sake of just getting past it for the time being...

This'll do quite nicely.

Alright, so ordinarily I'd go into the minigame right now, give a brief overview and move on but we can't do much with it right now. The apple is a starting point but it's nowhere near enough to bother with it just yet, so we'll grab these two hint coins and finally head through the obvious correct path.

This lets us grab another single hint coint (yes, just the one here) and talk to this lady next.

1. This puzzle isn't a brain buster, so take a step back for a moment. One way to solve puzzles like these is just to experiment by moving the pancakes around.
2. If you can get the biggest pancake over to the red plate, you're within inches of solving the puzzle.
3. Shift the smallest pancake to the red plate, then place the medium-sized pancake on the middle plate. Next, place the smallest pancake on top of the medium pancake. This will free up the red plate for the biggest pancake.
Oh good, one of these. These are super easy. Almost not even worth pointing out the obvious best solution but...

Poor Sally... I think we should just leave her to complain in peace, and just squeeze past her to get towards the back of the train.

Just these two hints coins here and nothing else so we'll move further on to the ba-- hm, that open door... Let's peek!

No hint coins here, but I am getting a weird sense of deja vu for some reason.

Oh, that's right. Her. I wouldn't use the word "again," but you can if you want. I'm pretty thorough, all things considered.

Um, yeah sorry but I got nothing there.

It... it's a train. You had a good grasp of the layout before ever even seeing it. Because: it is a train.

As a small aside before we do the obvious puzzle here, if we click above the railing at the back we can redo the puzzle we just skipped from the professor. It's not a one time thing, at least.

1. Give this method of starting the puzzle a shot. Stack the four blue blocks on top of each other, with the first one at the bottom of the trash can. Next, find a way to get one of those four blocks into the little indentation in the upper-right corner. Once it's in place, you'll never have to move that block again!
2. Here's a helpful hint. If you're feeling stumped, place a blue block in the uppermost, lowermost, and rightmost areas of the puzzle. Then try moving the other blocks around in the remaining space.
3. Removing the blue block at the bottom of the trash can will be your second-to-last move.
Oh, joy. I hate sliding puzzles. And this is the first of the far-too-many this game will be oh so kind enough to provide.

And much like with the previous game, I will probably breeze right through every single one of them.

Now we'll just make our way back through the train until we reach... the dining car, I guess? Who knows, maybe it's open now.
But en route...

Let's go and do just that then.

Uh, Layton are... are you sure this is the right time for this?

1. You'll want to separate any two trees of the same type that are adjacent to each other. Why not start by putting some lines down in any place that fits that description?
2. Let's see if we can't find a way to deal with those trees in the lower-left part of the picture. The lines you drew after reading Hint One should give you a little direction to go on. The group of trees you section off down here should take on a sideways L shape.

1. There's no trick here. You might have an easier time if you mark the drawing by using the Memo function.
And as a brief reminder, if you really want to rename the hamster you can and it's a ten character limit. If not, then don't worry too much about it!