Part 12: Deluxe Carriage

2. C's the only one of the three men not wearing any of the items he was wearing originally.
3. A and B must both be wearing a single piece of clothing -- shirt or pants -- that they were previously.

2. "If Thomas gave Johnny two apples, Johnny would have three times the number of apples that Thomas would have." You know from Hint One that the original difference in apples between Johnny and Thomas is two. In the above scenario, the gap increases by four to six. We now know that when Thomas loses two apples, Johnny has six more than him, which is also three times more.
3. Can you think of a number where the result is the same if you add it to six or multiply it by three? That number is how many apples Thomas has after giving two away. So, if we add those two back, Thomas has...

2. Did you notice that shape C fits perfectly into the space available on the bottom layer of the box?
3. If you read Hint Two, all you have left to do is find shapes that fill the remaining two-by-three cube space on the upper layer.

3. House C is red.

3. Adding white to the three paints you have gives you four colours you can use to make flag designs. If the leftmost third of your flag is white, you will have a total of nine distinct designs.

I am unbelievably envious of how easy people that aren't me seem to have found this one. Teach me your ways, magical people.

2. There's one item in this list that is useless unless two or more of the same item exist.
3. The item in question could be in perfect working order, but the only way to show it off is if you use it as a pair.

And finally...

3. Try taking one small chain, popping open each of its seven links, and using those individual open links to connect the other small chains together. Is the answer clearer now?

Whew, that was a lot of puzzles again huh? Let's take a bit of a breather from that for a moment.

What, however, remains a mystery.

So, we're back on the train... joy of joys. But worry not, for this part of the train journey is not awful and blatant filler! I know, I'm shocked too.

Yeah, so here's the deal here. We've already gotten like all the hint coins the last time we were here, and they don't respawn. There's also a considerable lack of passengers now, for some reason.

So we'll just skip from place to place so we can get this beat done quicker. Chester's the first staff member we run into.

Apparently so. Beluga's on top of his game I see.

Anywho, kitchen's right there so we'll just pop in and say "hi!"

Not quite as good as he could be, but I'm waiting a little bit longer so I can smash all the step goals at once.

As tempting as that is, there is still one last person to go speak to.

A wild SteveHank is lurking at the back end of the train. Surely the mechanic will have some truly useful information for us.

Hrm, and that's all we can get out of him unfortunately. Guess we'll just return to our room and see what this Luxenbelle place is like.

Is what I would like to say, but this fellow is new. We must say "hi" at once!

So am I...

But first an unobvious sidetrip! This particular corridor is the one immediately below the dining car.

See, now that we've spoken to Conrad in the open room here there's someone else that's new. This is where Mitzi and Capone were at the tail-end of the first Molentary Express journey.
...Uh, no pun intended.

Why do I suddenly feel like someone switched the script with a Dungeons and Dragons campaign while no-one was looking?
Anyway, with that interesting conversation over we'll just head south twice to where we first met Sammy Thunder! blocking entry to the carriage.

Since this is a mandatory puzzle but a bad stopping point, we'll pretend to solve it for a moment as per usual.

This is more useful than it seems. It's a block so it, y'know, blocks Hamtaro's view of things.

They have purple carpet you guys! Purple!
Also two hint coins and since this is the frontmost carriage we have two options. Leave the deluxe carriage (no) or enter that open room and miss these two coins forever if we don't collect them now.

To the surprise of probably no one, this is also a puzzle. We'll get to it shortly!

They have a purple rug in here too. That's super unfair!
Also like before, if we don't grab these two coins now they're gone forever once we leave the room!


1. "The X must be second from the top." As you know exactly where the X should go, start by placing this symbol. Once it's filled in, move on to the other conditions.

1. Here's a handy hint. Start your work from the corners of the car.

1. The length of a side of the original square is equal to the diameter of the circle you cut. If you then cut the largest possible square from that circle, what would be the relationship of the circle's diameter to the new square?

1. If you added B and B together, the digit in the ones place (the last digit) of the resulting sum would equal A. Since no two single digit numbers can add up to more than 18, you know the number in the tens place of the sum of B+B must be one. The only other value that influences the tens place in the solution is the A in AB+B. Therefore, A+1 must equal B.

1. Subtraction? No, that's not it.
You want to add.