Part 17: That Smell

3. While we're on the subject, finding the husband of the younger sister should be a breeze as well. With those two men identified, this puzzle is as good as solved.
As was pretty swiftly noticed, these puzzles are all very simple. So simple, in fact, that we'll just skip through these as quickly as we can.

2. If you added the totals correctly, you should have gotten £7,800. You want to divide this total into three sections of equal worth, so each section of the necklace in your solution will need to be worth £2,600.
3. No single strand will contain more than one of three stones worth £1,000 or more. Coincidentally, each of these three stones will form an end for each strand. Now all you need to figure out is which side of each £1,000+ stone connects to another stone.

2. "Five years ago, my sis was the same age as I am now, and she's now twice my age."
3. Read Hint Two REALLY CAREFULLY, OK? "Five years ago, my sis was the same age as I am now, and she's now twice my age."

2. The 1 card belongs in the top row.
3. Put the 4 card in the middle column of cards.
Ok, just cutting in here because... seriously. Look at this. If it wasn't for the 5 needing to be left of the 4, this'd take all of one move. Really now...

Okay, now this. This is important. It's not the last hamster toy, it's not even that close really. It's the last one we need however.

So, there are many, many, many ways we could set this up. This way is a bit needlessly convoluted, but it was an easy one to do that doesn't involve AI manipulation or requiring to explain things that are unnecessary. The long and short of it is:

1. Hamtaro moves south 3 spaces to the house. It's the only object in range, how nice.
2. He moves another 3 towards the lightbulb; the stump is equidistant but he prioritises the lightbulb because its ahead and to the left as opposite to directly left.
3. That makes him run in a straight line towards the bottom-right corner.
4. From there, he moves to the house by the block. Again, only thing in range.
5. Now he goes for the stump. The apple is within 3 so it gets automatically bumped up to top priority normally, but the block puts it out of range.
6. Stump to apple. Apple to flower. Flower to box. This is all simple as only objects in range.
7. Unlike every other object ('cept blocks which are actually superfluous) he doesn't enter the space the box is in. Stops adject to it then pulls a 180 and stops in the top-left corner.

If that was too convoluted to follow in writing, don't worry. All that matters is this layout gives a route of 30 steps or more.

This quite nicely lets us skip through the next... entirety of the minigame. Like, all of it. We could set up a route for each level, or we can just do it the much simpler way and solve it in all of a minute. I prefer the latter.

Our reward for this is a hint coin detector. Whenver we're on a screen we don't have all the hint coins for, Hamtaro can pop up, say a line and indicate the rough area where a hint coin is. This is any time we're on that screen as well, not just when we enter it. It's kind of useful, I guess? I mean, it could be but I already know where they all are.

Much more important, however, is this.

Because that means we've now unlocked one fifth of the post-game's extra puzzles! Between pattern recognition and/or memory, I'm sure you can guess what we need to do for the remaining 80%.

Oh, right, there was one more of these to go.

3. Isn't it funny how adding a two-digit number to another two-digit number to another two-digit number with reversed digits always gives you a sum that's a multiple of 11?

And that just leaves one last little thing...

Remember, when you're actually doing this you gotta find one at a time then click here then sit through

then find the next then sit through another

and then the last and another

before you're done.
I could've done that in more full drawn out tedium, but I think this gets the point across just as well. If not, well, bully for you I guess.

After finding all three differences in a photo, a hidden puzzle appears in that screen. It's not there beforehand, but it's there now. This is kind of a whatever point in a vacuum, because that describes like the entirety of the game. I do have a gripe with this gating mechanic but it's ultimately minor so it doesn't even matter too much.

It's not that well hidden, however; if we check the photo again, all it does now is tell us where the puzzle is.
And let us replay the ever-so-fun spot the differences bit if you really wanted to.

Same as before! Moving on.

Might as well start things off by grabbing that hidden puzzle.

It'll be with the others like normal at this point.

Anyway, there is one last thing I forgot to do last time. Rory's still south of the hotel. Let's say hi!

That's quite alright, I've got what I came here for now.

So now we're going to backtrack quite a ways. Way back to where we could've gone anytime during the previous update in fact.

North of Clarice, there's more of Folsense to explore. We never did go this way after all.

That being the tall, blue building. This is the game unsubtly nudging you in that direction.

We'll get there in a moment. First, we have a man here to talk to.

Th-that's quite alright, really.

Yeah, so, uh.

About that watchtower Luke pointed out? Let's just go there.

Yeah, we're in a hurry here so we have no time to dawdle and collect these hint coins.

Or take a photograph for this hidden puzzle.

Or even do said hidden puzzle. Come on, Luke! We have no time to waste!

...Wait, sorry, why do we have no time to waste?

Believe it or not, this random bozo and this puzzle he has is mandatory. Given the game's heavy-handed attempt at getting you to visit him, that seems plausible but you'll see...

And going to the museum right away... is what we aren't going to do, of course. First, we're going to head next door to the smaller red building.

It's probably a grocery store of some kind, but it feels a bit... I don't know, out of the way?

Also kind of super-smelly, yuck!

Of course his name is Garland. Why wouldn't it be?

Since the garlic has kept everyone in the village away from his store... doesn't that mean EVERYONE IS VAMPIRES?!?!

So, yes, we had to go bug Geoff in his tower and solve his puzzle. As a mandatory plot flag. Despite this guy next door telling us the exact same thing but without actually giving us the mystery, an extra puzzle or relevant plot flag to continue onwards. Because stop asking questions okay.

Anyway, back outside we're going left. There's not much here, so this'll be quick.

There's no one here, no puzzles or anything. Just three hint coins and a gate that has rusted and been destroyed. I wonder where it leads!

Yeah, so we can't do anything here. So we'll head right from the previous screen instead.

Why, hello there Parcelle. Funny to run into you here again.
Well, uh, I'm presuming he can't leave right now either since the train isn't working.

There's actually nothing else up here to look at, do or even go for that matter. We're stuck backtracking now, so we'll head alllllll the way back to the museum. It's quicker than it sounds, at least.

So, aside from the hint coins there's Beluga and Sammy (Thunder!) to talk to. Except, there kind of isn't; they both trigger the same thing.

Given how we've gotten zero keys for that since finding it, you'd be excused for thinking the game forgot about it.

Once again, that's not quite what we're doing just yet. Let's get closer to the museum first; we don't actually know if it's closed or not.

Before we can try the front door, however, this guy's just... here. I think it's actually open, you know?

I wonder if Layton is getting the same déjà vu as I am right now. Let's see what this is, then.

Hm, well it's a number 1. That's a good sign.

1. This puzzle is way more fun if you solve it yourself, so you should keep the hints to a minimum if you can. But if you're completely stuck, your first move takes the night into the middle column.
2. For your second and third moves, you don't have any choice where to put the knight. But after that, you should move the knight into the bottom row.
3. If you get stuck after the part of the puzzle mentioned in Hint Two, head to the top part of the board.
So, I could have left this one up to the thread in a roundabout way or in a normal way. But for the sake of this first one, I'll just do it myself as an example.

Not like it's particularly difficult with a board this small or anything anyway.

Man, Folsense really seems like a pretty miserable place to live if you think about it. It's in the middle of nowhere, no (normal) trains come here, their one big boon ended up kind of ruining everything, they've got a vampire infestation and everyone in charge just up and left at some point. I sure wouldn't want to live here is all I'm saying.
Anyway, museum!

Bah, never mind. Unless there's something else new along the way, let's just head back to the hotel.

1. Use the Memo function to trace out potential courses the mole could follow.
2. Do you see the little T intersection just above hole F? That's where the mole will end up when he's picked up the very last piece of trash. Find a course that lets him conclude his cleaning at that location.

1. In the example illustration, the plaza has been divided by two lines, which makes the answer invalid. The fact that you need to use a single line to answer the problem is key. Since you can use only one line, you know you won't be solving this one by drawing lines through the middle of the plaza, right?
2. Even if you avoid drawing your line through the center of the plaza, no single straight linen will divide the plaza into two pieces that are the same shape. By the way, did you notice the goal here isn't to make two pieces that are the same size but merely the same shape? Keep that in mind.
This is one that I'm not super keen on, either. Not because it's hard or anything, but we'll get to that when we get to that.

This one, on the other hand, I feel is super-easy to the point of being boring. That the VERY FIRST HINT outright spells out the solution is why you're getting none of them.

1. Looking for a place that has its view obscured by another building? Hmm, it doesn't look like there are any places around the town like that.

I'm thinking from now on, I'll post the hidden puzzle with the photo just to keep things going easier. If you think that's weird, I can stagger them as well but I think this way's preferable.

1. The bag of fake coins contains ONLY fake coins, each of them one unit lighter than a real coin. So you could take one coin out for each bag and weigh them each in turn, sing the scale five times. But that wouldn't make for a very interesting puzzle, would it?
2. Think about how to accomplish your goal in less than five weighings. If you tried to weigh all the bags at once, you would go over the scale's measuring capacity.