Part 20: Look at This Photograph
Puzzles Remix
Assume for a minute that the top face of the bottom die is a four. If so, then the bottom face of the middle die must be a one, which would make the op face of this second die a six. Now you've ruled out the one possibility, as this can't be the answer.

So, what's the story? What do you think you're going to find here in Folsense?

I don't mean to sound ominous, but there are truths best left buried. You get me?
You didn't think we were done with these, did you?

This led to that hidden sliding puzzle.

This leads into...
Each UFO has a certain kind of symmetry.
It's a hidden puzzle so it has nothing of value after it, sorry.
Look closely. There's a letter hidden within each figure.
Considering the pattern going on in the shapes, the first figure should correspond to the letter A.
Hey, new ingredient. Let's see what we can make now!
A Moment of Rest
We'll start by combining it with our ol' default standby, the Oasis Leaf, and the Joy Root Clover we got last update. This gives us our first new tea.

Brisk Berry and Citronia Seed go with the Tonic Flower to make our last new tea for the update. We've got two more teas which means we can clear out a small handful we skipped over earlier.
We've got half that photo to collect, which could all be anywhere. Hopper's right here, so this is as good a place to start as any I guess?

It's got all sorts of antiques from Folsense's most important family.

If you ever find the place open, consider yourself lucky.

Yes, we noticed. We were hoping to visit, but the museum was closed when we passed by.

Word is the museum's owner ordered Grinko to lock it up and run around town looking for something.

The owner, you say? Do you happen to know who this person is?

Maybe building museums is some weird hobby for the rich, but it seems like a waste to me.

Hmm. It would seem Mr Beluga owns not only the Molentary Express but the Herzen Museum as well.

How odd. What use would Mr Beluga have for a little museum like that?

Done chin-wagging, you two? Good, then look here at this litter I picked up off the ground.

Oh, that's a scrap of the photo!

You were lookin' for this thing? Then by al means, take it! Here, it's yours.
Like before, I'm not going to post every last photo scrap update here because very few are relevant or important.

We'll take this opportunity to help out a couple of thirsty folk. This is more convenience than anything else right now though.

Well, it seems to be quite the resplendent place to me.

Resplewhat? If you're trying to call it fancy, like, then I'd be agreein' with you.

But now the mine's been shut down, we can kiss goodbye to the town's income source and my job.

This town's dying. It just don't knows it yet, see.

That's a rather bleak thing to say.

Honestly, it sounds as if you need to lift your spirits. What say I make you some tea?

Well, I can't say no to an offer like that. But I gotta tell you, I'm picky about what I drink.

I like my miner's tea with a bit of kick, see. You got anything a bit spicy?

Proper miner's tea, that is, boys! Tastes good and strong, just like what we brewed down the mine.

I'm glad to hear the tea meets with your approval.

Much obliged, boys. But listen, take it from me, as an old boy who knows.

Closing down the mine like we did is more dangerous for this town than any vampire.

With no money coming from gold, it's just a matter of time before Folsense turns into a ghost town.
Next up we'll head back a bit and see what's up with Joseph.

Or perhaps it's simply that I've run out of coffee today.

You sound like you could use a cup of tea. It might just take the edge off things for you.

That sounds wonderful. I'd be most grateful if you'd make me a cup.

I'm not picky. Make me a tea that's a little bit bitter and a little bit sweet and I'll be a happy man.

Leave it to me, sir. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

My goodness! Tea this good almost makes me consider trading in my coffee mug for a tea cup.

You're too kind, sir. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.

In truth, the reason I've been down is because every photo I've taken recently has come out strangely.

Things that shouldn't be there show up. I never had problems like this back in the day.
That's all the teas for now, so we'll head back to the museum. This guy's new and...

He seems... oddly familiar. Not sure how though.

Look, Professor, it's part of the photo!

Yes, that appears to be the case.

It seems the pieces really are scattered all over town. What a huge pain!

It may take some legwork, but each piece brings us closer to the answer. We must retrieve them all.

Sorry to break up the tea party, but I'm the one who picked it up, you know.

If you want it so badly, you'll have to solve this puzzle for me first, OK?
No, that's alright we'll just ignore this for now.

So, where to now? I guess we'll just lo- hang on.

We'll do this next instead.

What seems to be the matter, young man?

Oh, I was stressing about something that happened a while ago. It's nothing, really.

All the same, how about a cup of tea? WHo knows, you might feel a bit less glum afterwards.

Well... It won't do any harm. But you just should know that I won't drink just any old swill!

I might look young, but I've got an extremely refined palate when it comes to tea.

Duly noted. I'm sure we can whip somethig up that will please that sophisticated palate of yours.

Mmm, I have to give it to you, sir, you do know how to brew.

As thanks, let me slip you a little tip. Steer clear of the paranormal when talkig to people in town.

Ever since that rumour about Folsense being cursed, everyone's terrified of stuff like that.
Now, as I was saying before we'll just follow the path around since it's a good loop to make. It adds more screens without missing really anything at this point.

We'll grab that photo scrap immediately, and then see what we can do to help Lila.

Are you all right there, madam? Your legs are shaking.

M-my circulation's isn't v-very good, so I get the ch-chills really easily.

When it gets b-bad like this, my legs w-wobble so much that I feel like I'm s-standing on ice.

That sounds terrible!

Indeed it does. Might we offer you a little tea to help you overcome that chill?

Tee hee hee! Thanks a million, you two. Now I'm toasty to the tips of my toes!

Glad to see it helped. Are you now fully recovered?

No, not exactly.

Hmm. I suppose the tea wasn't as effective as I had originally thought.

Oh no, the chills are all gone, but now I've got a cramp from all that shivering. Ow! OW OW!

I don't see anything back there.

Oops! It was probably just a trick of the light. Tee hee hee!

Anyhoo, never you mind all that, and thanks sooo much for helping me out. I mean it.
Glad we could help, so now we'll just head north real quick to make sure there's anything there.

There is a photoscrap right away, but nothing else up here for us so straight south it is.

In other words, no one gets in or out of town without getting on that train, correct?

Oooh, I see someone's been up late doing their homework! I think you've got your facts straight, love.

Age takes its toll on the memory, you know. You could never by looking, but I'm no spring chicken.

That's quite enough, madam. If you're sure about the route into town, then we're finished here.

Barton, let's go!

Hmm? I mean, yes, sir!

I hope I didn't embarrass the poor lamb, I only wanted him to come in and see a show.
How is there really a photo scrap here? How did Chelmey and Barton just leave and miss this?!

With that in hand, we'll head on further down and see what this small child has for us ("!" placed over his head so you can actually see him).

Hello, young man. We're looking for pieces of a torn photograph. Have you seen any pieces around?

Yeah! The wind blew this thing by me. Is this what you two are looking for?

The law of the playground is "finders keepers", but you can have it if you solve this puzzle!
Puzzles Remix
Make the first of the balls disappear by jumping the ball in the center of the cross over the ball to its immediate left or right.
Move the ball at the very bottom into the space formerly occupied by the center ball. With just a few balls to go now, you should be able to sail through the rest of this puzzle.
With puzzle of this type, your first move will often determine whether or not you'll be able to solve the puzzle.
You've almost certainly seen this exact puzzle (or a harder variation) before. Probably actually solved it too.

There used to be lots more people in Folsense way back when. But then everyone just up and left...
Nothing else to do here, so we'll keep going further and further sound. Here we run into Joanie who may or may not have something for us.

Oh? And why's that?

It's wht I heard from the people who went treasure hunting in that dusty castle outside town.

They also said that a vampite with BIG fangs lives up there. Yikes!

Are you talking about the vampire they say lives up in Herzen Castle?

Well, gosh, if you knew what I was talking about, why'd you make me explain it?

Anyway, even though the whole fang thing sounds creepy, that old vampire's nothing to be scared of.

Actually, I bet you a slice of garlic bread would be enough to do the trick!

Garlic bread...
Garlic bread?!

Listen, I meant to ask you two. Do you know what this is? The wind blew it over here earlier.

Oh! That's one of the photograph scraps we're looking for!

Well then, you should have it. I was going to throw it away.
New scrap in hand, we'll just head on inside the antiques store here. Maybe a scrap will be here now that we've made them spawn on this side of town.

Guess not, but Dawson is thirsty at least.

Can I help you with something?

I have all these new items to appraise, but I'm so fatigued that I can't seem to make any headway.

You do seem to have a rather daunting task on your hands.

I think you'd be more productive if you took a short break. Can I interest you in a cup of tea?

That would be heavenly! I'd really appreciate it if you could make something relaxing but spicy.

Mm mmm, the herbs in this tea are outstanding.

Whether it be herbs or antiques, items of great quality never to inspire the human heart.

The puzzle hidden within its pages has fuelled the imaginations of men for generations.

Still not convinced? Here, have a look. You know wha they say. Seeing is believing, eh?
BAIT AND SWITCH! Definitely not doing this now, just out of spite.

So, we've got two scraps left to find (and one from Duke to collect). Only a few places left to check as we get ever closer to the train station.

As luck would have it, our next scrap is right by the hotel. We've now (technically) obtained all but the last one.

Which means that Rory actually has something to say to us. You do actually need all but the last one in your possession for this dialogue to trigger mind you.

Indeed we are. We're looking for scraps of a torn photograph. Have you seen anything of the sort?

So, rubbish, then, yeah? Anyway... I'm pretty sure I saw one over by the gate to the forest.

But anyway, I just have to tell you how amazed I am at the number of out-of-towners I've met today.

A girl, you say?

She looked like a classy lass. Probably in her late teens? She's not with you two, then?

He must be talking about Katia, Professor.
Well, he's definitely not talking about Flora so...

She would certainly fit the description.

Do you think she's after Duke Herzen's fortune?

But enough talk. We've got a lead on the location of the final photo scrap.

We must make our way to the forest gate before the wind blows our clue away.
So now that we have some direction, we'll head there post-haste.

Of course, before we get there we might as well stop by Niles and help him with his clear problem.

That being that despite being like maybe eight years old, he's totally an addict.

But I think I've pretty much run out of ways to eat it, and that gets me down.

Have you ever tried their seeds in a tea before?

Oh, that's a good idea. But I heard that too much tea makes it hard to sleep.

Ha ha, don't you worry! I'll put a little something in it so you won't have any trouble sleeping.

Thanks, mister. Since I don't have to worry about going to sleep, I'm gonna drink a bucketful!
I know it doesn't seem like it, but this is the right answer.

Wow, that tea was great! I wasn't really a stresshead before, but now I'm super chilled out!

Good. I was hoping you'd like it.

It was nice of you to share your tea, so let me tell you a secret in return.

Most people will tell you to stay away from the forest 'cause it's scary but I know a trick.

People only see spooky stuff in the forest because they're scared. It's weird, but it's true.
Now that we've helped him out, we can get a second puzzle from Niles.

What do you say? I know a pretty good game called "Solve the Puzzle"! Wanna play?
Um, no, that's... that's quite okay, really.

So, we'll just head on towards that gate we saw before. It's next to the two places filled with garlic. You remember the spot, surely.

Oh, yes. I mean, think about it. He takes the Molentary Express for free whenever he wants.

I suppose that's one of the perks of owning your own railway, heh.

Oh, and whenever I see him around, he's always with some hippie in a conductor's outfit.

Nine times out of ten I've seen him, he's having a go at the conductor about one thing or another.

He seems to be searching for something, though I don't know what.

But whatever it is, it must be pretty special if a rich guy like him can't buy it.

Inspector? Pardon me, sir, but I've just received word form headquarters. His alibi checks out.

Is that so? Then that's that, isn't it?! Ha! Ha ha HA!


But, um, sir, if we know who the murderer is, shouldn't we make the arrest and be done with it?

What? Barton, sometimes I think you might be the thickest bobby I've ever met.
He's... he's not wrong.

This is the moment this whole case has been building towards. Now gather everone up, on the double!

Uh... Um... Yes, sir!
Puzzles Remix
We'll just stick with the small few this time, to keep it nice and brief.
"No matter whether you hold contact points A and B, B and C, or A and C together the light stays on." This might make you think that the electricity has to run through all three of these connections, but at the same time, the positive and negative signals need to be isolated from each other, which makes things more difficult. Read the conditions you have to meet again as carefully as you can.
You might be tempted to construct something resembling a proper wiring job, but that won't do the trick here. Be flexible in your thinking about what will get the job done!
The number 4 is already in place, so your task is to decide where the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 go. Remember, your goal is to make every set of numbers in a straight line add up to the same total. Pay special attention to the two lines that use the number 4, as they are crucial to solving the puzzle.
Study each can, one at a time, and observe how they're balanced relative to each other.
Notice how the biggest stick is level even though it's connected to the tree at a point left of the stick's center. This shows that the water must be in one of the four cans hanging from the left side of the big stick.