Part 25: Heading for Herzen Castle

3. Need another hint, do you? OK then, here's a good one. The card at the top-right corner is a spade, and the one at the bottom of that same column is a heart. The rest of the solution is up to you, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
You know the deal, let's quickly get through these and move on.

Good advice!

Very easy here; nothing too surprising or hard to spot, really.

3. When you turn the red dial, the blue dial moves the same amount, only in the opposite direction. So all you need to do is construct a quick table to show you how values on the red dial correspond to other values on the blue dial. Try writing up the table using the Memo function, if you like.

2. The gear at the very bottom has to rotate clockwise to hit the switch, so the board of teeth directly above it will need to move to the right. Make sense? Now continue that line of thought as you move up toward the knob.
3. The board of teeth underneath the three gears at the top needs to move to the left. Therefore, the gear directly above it needs to rotate clockwise. Keep going until you reach the knob at the top!

3. The upper door in the first room is fine the way it is.

Two keys left now before we have the entire diary available.

Alright, now where were we?

So, let's go up and out of the mine now. We gotta get to Herzen Castle after all.

.....How? We JUST took it! This is so arbitrary and forced.

Mandatory puzzle, it's so hamfisted and awfully placed. Whatever. Moving on!

Nothing else happens in the mine until we're back in the enrance where, uh...

We run into a familiar face.

It's so hard to not like Pavel. He manages to get so lost he just... turns up here. It's amazing.

I'm sure Pavel can handle this himself at least.

Now then, let's just leave and head to the gate.

Don't worry, we already were.

We were already en route to the castle.

The exact same place our next destination already was. Did they just write this game in one order and then piece it together in a completely different one, somehow?

Apparently true gentlemen are sarcastic jerks.

Yes, this really happens here. For some reason. Okay, sure, whatever.

....How? It turns up once a day, or so, and we already know it's done something today!
Y'know what? Sure, okay, whatever. I don't even care. Everything after we cross this scene is good so let's get to that as quickly as possible.

hey this is actually good give it a listen

The forest is cool, but it's a little on the long side which is a shame. It also has a few mandatory puzzles, and a lot of optional ones.

We can't advance past the first screen without doing this puzzle, for example.

Puzzle goes here.

Alright, NOW we can advance to the next screen...

But this is right here, so why would we?

Eh, we're fine.

Let's just head further into the forest, since it's going to eventually lead to Herzen Castle.

Couple more hint coins here, and a hidden puzzle related to that camera. But it's not on this screenshot because of its location.

It's pretty much EXACTLY where the camera symbol is.

Oh, and the thing you definitely noticed first is the location of our next mandatory puzzle.

Insert Puzzle Here.

We can, actually.

We're just not going to. This comes first.

Alright, now we can just put this thing down and head further into the forest.

We can see plenty as-is.

Speaking of sight, look what's within view now! Herzen Castle is very close, relatively, now...
Did I mention this forest area is long? Because it is, especially with it only starting partway through the update. So we'll finish it off next time!

1. You need to connect wires with the same symbol together. So + goes with + and - with another -.

1. The center strand of ornaments won't affect the balance of the bar, so ignore it. Also, the two strands hanging farthest out on the bar are the same weight, so try comparing the ornaments on the far left to the ornaments on the far right. You might find out something new.

1. The fewest number of lamps you need is four.
2. The straight paths are easy enough to contend with because the lamp will light an entire straight path end to end. The problem is the diagonals. So think about how to light all the diagonal paths first.

1. The fewest number of lamps you need is five.
2. The diagonal roads need three lamps, so think about those first. Make sure they don't mess up your placement of lamps that light the horizontal and vertical paths.

Hey look, it's the penultimate one of these. Hurray!

1. You need to find a foothold to get started, and the stars that are locked in place should do nicely. Remember, if two stars are locked into a row, you can only place one more there
2. The topmost row of blocks contains two blocks locked into place. Within this row of blocks are two rows of stars. The top row has two stars locked in place, and the bottom row has one. Therefore, the one block you can place in this row must have one star in its top row and two in its bottom row.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how well this one will work out via thread-participation. If you have image editting stuff you can totally do it no problem, but I dunno if you can convey it via text all that well. Never know unless we try, though!

1. Go right first!
2. You head to the goal from the right.
This one, though, is more than doable as-is. It may not super clear in the European version, but you start at the red circle and are working towards the yellow one. Personally, I think the arrows make it obvious enough but the US version has big ol' "START" and "GOAL" written next to them instead so clearly someone disagrees with me.

1. The fewest number of lamps you need is six.
2. There are six horizontal paths and six vertical paths, so you know you need at least six lamps just to light all of them. Use that as your starting point.