Part 27: A Night at Herzen Castle

3. In order to enter the goal, you must first stop in a position directly below it. There are two short walls lining the path that leads straight up to the goal. Take the professor on a course that leads him straight into the rightmost of those walls.
This is a pretty simple puzzle overall, really.

....But would you believe me if I said it was even simpler than this? Because it is!

Now there is no reason to even think that this is something you can do. By all accounts, heading back like that should put you in the alcove. It just doesn't, because the entrance counts as the edge of the map I guess.

3. Don't get impatient while you're out there skating around. It may take you the equivalent of two laps around the lake to get where you need to be.
These double-back solutions are clearly not the intended solution, since the hints do not even remotely point in that direction. The very description of the way these puzzles work makes it apparent, even.
That and they're significantly faster than the "normal" solutions. That's the one reason why I'm going with them over the regular ones for #2 and #3.

3. In order to enter the goal, you must first stop in a position directly below it. But considering the complicated nature of the course, you might have more luck starting from the goal and working your way backward. Do that, and you'll soon see that you need to position the professor three spaces below the goal in order to reach it!

3. Luke's ninth step carries him to the goal.
Y'know, I wasn't expecting this to be a puzzle that just stymied people and wouldn't really work out as well in-thread. S'pose it was going to happen at some point.

Alright, so the recap is the same as before.

Which is fine, because we're now in the final chapter. Sure doesn't feel like it.

So, let's enter Herzen Castle at long last. Also, uh, I really like Herzen Castle.
No, that's not sarcasm.

This is a puzzle gate that we should've seen coming for sure, though.

just watch this if possible instead

Herzen Castle looks really kinda cool from what little we get to see right away. Might just be me though.

A very short time later, Nigel brings us to this set of double-doors and gives 'em a quick knock.

Now this is a fancy lookin' room also wooooow that is a GIGANTIC moon!

...Oh, and I really like Anton too. I doubt that's a popular opinion though.
What doesn't hurt is that he's voiced by, uh, Matthew Mercer. This might be hard to tell because this is before directors just went "well, we want Troy Baker but we can't afford Troy Baker."

Did I mention before that I like Anton? Because I do. Just invites us to tea, discusses the MacGuffin, takes this kinda thing in stride, has wine over a discussion of life and death...

A little clap to get the butler's attention is an interesting choice. Usually it's a bell or something.

Alright, lets give it a once over shall we?

Not much here, but 4 hint coins is almost a new thing. Almost, because the first hint coin screen in the game also had 4. Very little besides, since we can't leave right now but we can check out that picture on the wall.

So, Folsense itself seems to have not changed in 50 years? That's pretty strange for sure.

Ah well, we can worry about that later. Right now, we'll check out this other picture.

This is actually a mandatory puzzle so we'll skip past it for now.

also watch this one too

So, Anton and other woman are seemingly enjoying themselves. Anton, especially, who is noticably really pale here.

His dancing partner seems to be a bit less enthused though.

Also Layton and Luke are somehow here. They're not entirely sure what's going on either.

As the dancing duo pass by Luke and Layton, Lukes notices the pair and is even more confused.

It's at this point that Maybe Katia notices that Luke and Layton are here and is very surprised by this.

Now with added spotlight, the two stop dancing proper and Anton just looks pretty angry for a moment.

Very quickly regains his composure at least.

So, you noticed all those other dancers in the background of the room right?

Because they may just prove to be important.

One quick fade to black later:

Yet another mandatory puzzle slides in here.

No point to just stand around here, so let's go.

We're trapped in a tiny room with only one thing of note in it. And it's the way out.

1. Before you start moving things around, focus on what you need to accomplish first. Start by finding a way to get the yellow block at the bottom into the hole currently occupied by the key.
2. If you feel like you're stuck, you might find it easier to just start over. At the beginning, move the yellow block into the slot near the professor's hand. Next, take the square block on the right and move it to the left. After that, you need to find some way of moving that yellow block into the upper-right area of the puzzle.
3. Once you've completed everything in Hint Two, you should be able to swap the key for that yellow block. Once you've put that yellow block in the slot the key was in, just shift all the other blocks and the key in one direction until the key is positioned at the bottom by the slot.
This is simultaneously one of the harder sliding puzzles in this game and also the easiest. Once you realise how to solve it, it's quick and super-simple. Before then, it's appropriately pretty difficult!
Or at least I think so anyway.

Pretty sure this is the only key for this that makes some degree of sense with the associated puzzle. I'm also definitely sure it's the last key.

Well, now that we're out of that room (door on the top-right leads back to it) we can see a bit more of Herzen Castle's... interesting design. This seems more like a site for some kind of workmen than a place of residence.[/i]

Or to put it simply: this door is locked, go through the green one. It's a different colour so it's clearly important!

This gives us a mandatory puzzle as per usual at this stage.

Except for once we can back out of this and do other stuff too. So we'll do that.

This doesn't really change much of anything, since this just gives us stuff we could do afterwards anyway.

1. Many things about the painting are a little off, but what one little detail seems the most unusual to you?

1. Your best bet here is just to look at how the rope is wrapped around the poles. Try using the Memo function to trace out the path the rope takes around things.
2. The man only needs to remove a single post in order to escape.

1. Portions of the pipes connected to 2 also head to 1 and 3. Make sure that you don't open any valves that let steam reach these other areas.

Last photo's puzzle op:

1. The solution for this puzzle requires the frog to jump back the way he came a number of times.
2. Have you ever heard the saying "Take one step forward and two steps back"? That old line applies to this puzzle.