Part 31: The DLC I

You'd think climbing a palm tree on an isolated island would work as well, but lions CAN swim...
Doing that in order to catch the zookeeper would probably require actual malice and forethought on his part though.

It's obvious why A doesn't work just from looking at it. C is a little less clear for all of maybe 3 seconds, I guess.

This one I can't say I like all that much, since it tries to trick you into attempting to trial and error it for a little while, which is stupid. And also not needed at all.

Conversely, this one is perhaps TOO obvious. C seems valid for a moment, but...

C is just before the endpoint of this route. You can't start there, so a left-turn route is impossible here.

1. From the lights, you can tell that the four digits are 3102. Finding the correct order is just a matter of checking the other numbers, though some educated guessing might work just as well.
This is basically just a harder version of the puzzle from the mine. Hard to complain though, since Mastermind is a fun game and all.

1. This puzzle is... a bit mean.
Hint stole my line here. Jerk.

1. Try handling the tiles in different ways. Maybe you'll notice something.
Seen variations of this plenty before. Very ho hum.

1. Drive until you hit a wall, then turn right. Keep going until you hit a wall... Then it's up to you to puzzle out.
'Sthe last DLC puzzle. Seems quick, but we did clear out most of it throughout the main game just to help keep thread stuff up and alleviate the load here.