Part 11: Puzzle Time III

[Music: About Town]

Luke and Layton hear a rumour about some mysterious kidnappings.

In a quest for further details, the intrepid pair continue their search of St Mystere into the night.
Well, it's not quite night time for real just yet. Got a little bit of clean up to do.

This is the most important one of the four, by a significant margin.
[Music: Puzzles]

I have no idea how the heck you're meant to work this out shy of guessing blindly and hoping for the best. It's just so obtuse and annoying. I'm sure there's a way to do it pretty easily though; it looked like someone came up with one, but it sounded kinda time consuming and tedious.

I mean, even knowing the answer when I look at it normally I cannot for the life of me see how you can reach it.

Hey, this is the last piece. Let's actually put them together now and see what we get out of it.

[Music: Professor Layton's Theme]

Apparently a true gentleman doesn't care for the fourth wall.

We won't be looking at any of these challenges at the moment. We'll get to them before too long though.

Also I am incredibly imaginative when it comes to naming things as you can see.
Oh, right, the name's meaningless by the way; it'll never come up again. Much more interested in his use if you need it; there's a rather good reason we can finish this guy quite quickly after all.

[Music: Puzzles]

Pretty simple puzzle really, just hides it with overly convoluted writing.
2. OK, if you assume the case costs X, then the camera must cost X plus 300. This means that the camera itself must cost more than 300.
3. The case and camera cost 310 together. The camera costs 300 more than the case. It may seem like the answer is 300 for the camera and 10 for the case, but if you do the math, you'll see that the difference in price is only 290. Have you noticed that already?

This is probably one of the easiest puzzles in the entire game. It's not quite the easiest, but it's definitely up there.

2. If two people have already successfully taken their own umbrellas, then who does the final umbrella belong to?
3. Three umbrellas sit in a bin. Two people come by and take their own umbrellas by chance, but the third person fails to do so... Hey is that even possible?

Well, I don't think Layton needs two beds and Luke's

Strangely,this is the one that appeared to get the most attention.

I can kinda understand why since it's quite fun to try and find a way to get 7 unique layouts that add up to 100, each.
Might just be me though.

Though, since there's just the one layout that works it feels pretty disappointing, retroactively. That also might just be me.

[Music: The Veil of Night]
Okay, now we can get some real progress done.

First we get an indication of just what it is Gizmo does for us. He'll randomly indicate where hidden coins that we haven't found yet are. He doesn't quite do it all the time, it's only whenever you enter a screen, and he just shows you the rough area rather than the exact location, so it's not quite perfect by any means. Ah well, it's useful if you really need it at least.
We need to go to the cafe at the north side of the village, true, but whilst we're here might as well see if Adrea knows something we may have overlooked.

This is kinda... rude especially for Layton. I get the impression it was originally intended for someone else to say, or just didn't translate very well.

Though we're still not doing it right away.

Since she knows nothing, apparently, might as well just head on over to the tower to cross through to the north.

This looks vaguely familiar. Can't get through until we talk to Gerard...

Well, it's certainly just a quick two screens away to the park entrance. Since we can't get in, that's as close as we're ever going to get. Need to do this to get Gerard to move, so let's go.

This better not end up with us going to as someone else about this thing. That'd just be ridiculous.

Well, not right now. Maybe later!

Anyway, to the inn. It's due south of the clocktower, so it's not that big a trek thankfully.

Not particularly exciting just outside but at least there's a very clear hidden puzzle on the inn sign now...

That we'll be doing later. Right now, let's just head on in and see Beatrice.

[Music: The Veil of Night (Live)]

All three puzzles we saw in this update? There's actually 6. They're all version dependant.

1. To use a scale, you place the object to be weighed on top of the tray. Do you see?
2. If the gravity is one-sixth, then a 600g object should weigh 100g. But the question is, what weight is indicated on the scale? Think about what parts a scale is made up of.

I do believe this is one of the last few US exclusive ones I ever did.

When I first learned there was a difference depending on version, I decided to do them all and opted to do them in numerical order. I had to skip this one.
1. Even something as common as paper can look bizarre to someone who's never seen it before. What kind of device puts holes in paper? It must have a needle or sharp point on it.
2. This object uses a needle to punch a hole in a sheet of paper. Then it's used to draw a solid line around the hole. Since it draws a line, it must have some sort of writing implement attached to it.
3. It's safe to say that very few people ever use these once they grow up and join the working world. However, because of math class, a startling number of students probably have one in their bag or their desk at home.

Now this one?

This is the only one of these three that I'm unsure on why it was changed. There will be a reason, I don't doubt it, but it just eludes me here. It's one where I, personally, would prefer to have the US version's puzzle.
1. I'm sure you've already counted the little chimney and roof of the house. Haven't you?
2. There are some triangles hidden inside the giant star.
3. Five of the triangles inside the giant star are easy to find. But there are more...

Also I'd think the previous one was only rated 20 because this one is, but we've already seen that doesn't matter.

1. The shape you're trying to make is a five-pointed star. It's easy enough to form a star by just connecting five points, but you're aiming to make the biggest start possible. Look for "the five largest objects in space" and connect them together.
2. The answer for this puzzle requires you to draw your star upside down.

This is a much simpler one compared to those four, so it's a good break if you find it.

1. Birds have 2 wings and 2 legs. Since only the canaries have wings you know there must be 3 canaries to make a total of 6 wings. That means canaries account for 6 of the legs too.

Now this one should seem at least vaguely familiar, because...

It's the return of matches!
1. Move two matchsticks and the name of the animal staying in the hotel room will appear. The word is three letters long.
2. The animal staying in room 097 is one you should be very familiar with. You might even have one yourself.
3. What animals can you spell with three letters? Dog? Well, yes, dog has three letters, but it's not the answer.
But wait, I have one more!

You see, when we take his watch back to him, Gerard will give us a puzzle we need to solve to continue. Even with his watch he won't move without doing it.

So, might as well get it out of the way now.
1. It's hard to get started on a puzzle that seems to present so many possibilities, but you'd be surprised at how much you can learn by simply trying out the various routes through town. The paths are littered with twists and turns, but if you try tracing any of the given paths, you can see how the bandit would make his way through town.
2. To simplify the question, what you're really looking for is an exit that's positioned so that the bandit has to turn away from it every time he draws near. Do you see any place like that on the map?