Part 26: The Golden Apple
[Music: About Town]
The puzzles from climbing the tower are open until the next update. You'll understand why shortly, if you can't tell already.
Oh, and I'll say it now because there's like 5 videos here. Watching all of them is highly recommended, and I'd go so far as to say it's borderline mandatory.
[Music: Silence]
: This must be the top floor that Bruno spoke of.
: So we might be standing in the same room as the Golden Apple at this very moment?!
: I've been waiting for you two.
[Music: The Mysterious Girl]
I'm sure someone figured this out around about the 3rd or 4th update. It's cliched enough to be immediately predictable, but really who cares its cliched for a reason.
: Professor, you knew about this?
: I had an inkling. Don't you see the genius of it, though? The baron didn't write the will to find a successor to his fortune.
: And he was willing to put his whole fortune on the line to do so.
: Yes... My name is Flora... I've been waiting here in the tower for so long.
: Were you locked up in here the whole time?
: Oh, no. But before Papa... passed... He told me that I should wait here until someone from outside St Mystere came for me.
: So that's why you kept watching us move around the village.
When suddenly...
[Music: Silence]
: What was that?
I knew we were forgetting something...
[Music: The Great Don Paolo]
[Music: The Great Don Paolo] (still playing from before)
: ...I've got it! Just wait a moment, Flora.
okay now i said all of them were recommended normally, but this one is more than the others. you really should watch it!
[Music: The Veil of Night]
: I really thought we were done for back there.
: Yes, it was a bit unnerving. But he also provided us with the answer to one of our ongoing mysteries. Do you remember that awful noise we heard the first time we visited Reinhold Manor?
: You've put it together! The racket was likely Don Paolo's contraption making a crash landing. If that's the case, then we now know the approximate time of Don Paolo's entrance into St Mystere.
: That makes perfect sense. So, it follows that Franco wouldn't have noticed Don Paolo's entrance. So, if Flora is the Golden Apple that everyone's been looking for... That means the treasure that Lady Dahlia and the others were chasing never existed in the first place!
: But the baron would need to hide it somewhere only the Golden Apple would know to look.
: You mean that Flora knows where the treasure is hidden?
: I'm sorry, but I don't know about a treasure or anything like that...
: Let's head back to Reinhold Manor one more time. I suspect we'll clear everything up there.
[Music: Silence]
[Music: Baron Reinhold]
: Look closely at this painting, Luke. I'm sure it holds the key to the Reinhold fortune.
: But I've already looked at it!
: If we solve this mystery, Luke, I'm certain we'll come face-to-face with the Reinhold treasure.
The "hint" is pretty much unnecessary, since the game told you exactly where it was in the previous 3d cutscene. There's nothing on this screen that indicates where you used the touch screen, though.
: I remember now! It's right here!
: The switch seems to have activated the wall!
There's no animation of the bookcase moving, sadly. It's just two images with a cut to black in the middle.
: And to think that Reinhold Manor held the secret behind this painting all along... It looks like there's a passage that leads further in.
: Oh...
: Let's see where this passage goes.
[Music: The Mysterious Girl]
That is... quite a lot of gold. Even the machinery in the back looks to be made of the stuff!
: Now how in the world did you know that the switch was hidden in the painting?
: Listen closely, Luke. Wisdom wasn't the only thing Baron Reinhold required of potential guardians for his only daughter.
: In other words, Baron Reinhold set out one last requirement for the potential inheritor to his fortune.
: To that person and that person alone would Baron Reinhold reveal the location of his actual fortune.
: That's unbelievable, Professor! But it all makes sense now!
: Where's that voice coming from?
: Flora, you've made it here at last...
: That voice! Papa, is that you?! Papa!
: My dear Flora, has the village watched over you as I would have? I built St Mystere for you so that you would never have to know true loneliness.
: In any case, if you've come this far, I suppose it's safe to assume my plan was a success. My greatest regret is that I'm not there to see you become a young woman. But please know that I want nothing more than for you to be happy. Whether the person by your side right now can give you that or not is up to you, I suppose. And to you who have found your way to my daughter's side, you have my heartiest congratulations. Few could make it through the barrage of puzzles I set before you. I imagine a person of your abilities has already caught on, but allow me to reveal St Mystere's secret.
We kinda already went through this before with Bruno, but now we get to know all the details rather than the stuff that Layton pieced together.
: Recently, I was told by my physician that I don't have much time left on this earth.
This is why I've commissioned Bruno to construct St Mystere. At least this way, she'll be safe and protected until she's old enough to venture into the outside world.
: I've asked Matthew to make news of my death public only once Flora has grown past childhood. So, stranger, how does my beautiful little flower look now? I imagine she's blossoming into adulthood.
Not... not quite. I'm pretty sure she's only about 10 right now, so there's still quite a fair bit to go.
: This is why the inhabitants of St Mystere are constantly testing the knowledge of the visitor. If you've made it this far, it must mean that you possess both wisdom and dedication to my daughter. I am confident that you will take good care of my fortune and Flora. This is why everything in this room, the whole of my fortune, belongs to you now. When you remove it from here, St Mystere will complete the objective for which it was created.
: Now wait just a minute! Is he saying that if we take the treasure, all of St Mystere will just disappear?
: I honestly don't know the answer to that question, Luke.
: I leave it to you, brave traveler. Draw the curtain on St Mystere and lay this lifeless village to rest. Above all else, take care of my precious daughter. She's in your hands now.
: Oh, Papa...
: I can't believe it. If we even touch this treasure, all of St Mystere will just grind to a halt.
: Flora, by right, this inheritance belongs to you. You should be the one to decide what's done with it.
: But why ever not, my dear?
: I want St Mystere, my village, to just stay as it is... forever.
: I... I...
[Music: Silence]
[Music: End Theme]
The credits are mostly the standard affair of "who did what job" on the bottom screen.
The ones I've opted to show here aren't, clearly, all of them but the ones I think are some of the most important.
I've left the top screen in all of these, since it gives us some new stuff as well as a very-very truncated version of some of what happened.
Based on this image here, and his reaction, I'm pretty sure that the bag Don Paolo dropped is where he'd stashed Simon. It makes the most sense, to me, anyway.
Sadly, the VA stuff here is rather limited. It's also based on the EU version, so it doesn't attribute Luke to Lani Minella... who happened to also voice Flora (bizarrely enough in both the US and EU English versions).
[Music: Silence]
This is certainly true; there's 15 puzzles left for the game to count (we got 3 more of them just for finishing the game). On top of that, there's the occasional version difference and a fair bit of the DLC left to go.