The Let's Play Archive

Quest 64

by TombsGrave

Part 15: Epilogue: Zero-Sum.


In less than a month I had saved Celtland, and the world, from annihilation. I returned to the monastery a hero of the highest calibur. My father and I are now the most prestigious symbols of Melrode Monastery, and people from all over Celtland have taken interest in our school of magic. I've taken to helping train the new blood when I'm not traveling; I'm the youngest teacher the monastery's ever had.

We rebuilt. I loaned my talents to helping rebuild Greenoch, threw my lot in with exterminating the Wyverns plaguing Limelin, helped recapture and, through the power of the Water Jewel, returned the minds of the Merrow of Larapool. They were scarred, initially helpless--but they were themselves again. No more water spirits dared possess another woman. I'm in love with Flora, which may be a sign this quest has destroyed my mind, and she's in love with me, which confirms it. There are whispers of adding the Bartholomoy line to the Scottfort's. Maybe that's too soon to call... but stranger things have happened. And I've done some of them.

It turns out that Tilly was quite good for Zelse. Initially he fought to impress her, but he found himself truly casting aside his old philosophy. He is happy guarding the people of Normoon, and performing as a stage-magician for the joy of it (though the money is quite good, too). I hear that Kiliac and Colleen are still associated with each other. Perhaps they're bickering less. I returned to Shamwood--and that archaeologist had a conniption fit over it, and is currently hard at work deciphering its secrets--but I never found Lavaar.

It is a new age of peace. We live. We came so close to annihilation--and so few know how truly close we came. I told no-one of Mammon, or what I did with the Eltale Book. All they know is that this is the beginning of an age of prosperity never before seen on the earth. The sun shines brighter. The waters are calmer. The wind is more fragrant. The earth is more fertile. The elements are at balance. The Eltale Book is gone.

The world is at peace.

All is well.

My Lady of Mercy,

he says, as she strokes his hair,

I know I shouldn't be. But...

And this is the hardest thing to say. Even here, comforted by his queen, he cannot deny what he feels.

I've never been so afraid.

He gazes up at the stars and wonders why the sight of them fills him with such nameless dread.

Across vast interstellar space, the Mammon, the Ten Thousand Judges, returned his gaze.

Epilogue: Zero-Sum.